
TEDxFuxingPark 2015: SERENDIPITY | TEDx复兴公园年度大会:意外之喜

Sun, 15 Nov 2015 10:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 15 Nov 2015 17:00:00 GMT+08
TEDxFuxingPark (TEDx复兴公园)


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    TEDxFuxingPark 2015: SERENDIPITY


    Serendipity stands for a “Fortunate happenstance” or “Pleasant surprise”. Coined by Horance Walpole in 1754, this word has been exported into numerous cultures and become the favorite word for many people around the world.

    The notion of SERENDIPITY is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation, such as Alexander Fleming’s accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928, and Post-it-notes by Spencer Silver in 1968.

    In other words, SERENDIPITY can be a happy accident; a mistake with an unexpected turn; a surprise which leads to success. Innovations presented as examples of serendipity have an important characteristic: they were made by individuals able to "see bridges where others saw holes" and connect events creatively, based on the perception of a significant link.

    This November in TEDxFuxingPark, we celebrate the mistakes in our lives and chances that we took even accidents and sad moments. We applaud those who has the sagacity and courage to take that fall, to concur the inevitable, to make that discovery and share their stories with us. 


    单词 Serendipity意为“幸运的偶然事件”或者“令人愉快的意料之外”。自从Harance Walpole在1754年创造出这个词以来, 它已经融入了世界上许多不同的文化,并成为了许多人最爱的词语。

    Serendipity的概念在科学创造的历史中屡见不鲜,如Alexander Fleming在1928年意外地发现青霉素,Spencer Silver在1968年机缘巧合发明的3M便利贴。

    换言之,Serendipity 可以是一个快乐的意外,一个伴随着逆转的错误,一个指向成功的惊喜。各种创新事物作为Serendipity的实例有着这些特征:它们都是为了这些 “看见他人所看不见的/在别人只看到深渊时看到一座座桥”的人和智慧而被创造出来,并基于对重要关系的洞察力创造性地去连接各种事物。

    在这个十一月的 TEDx复兴公园,我们将一同回首、铭记那些我们生命中犯过的错、冒过的险,甚至是那些意外与随之而来的悲伤时刻,而那些胸怀远见与勇气的人、那些征服重重障碍的人、那些作出探索的人还有那些将自己的故事分享给我们的人,将会听到我们最真诚的喝彩。

    TEDx复兴公园 2015  2015年11月15日
    TEDxFuxingPark 2015,  Date: November 15th,2015

    Venue: Mercedes Benz Arena Mixing Room


    Sunday, November 15, 2015 | 2015年11月15日周日



    Speakers Introduction

    意外之喜 第一环节:不期之遇 THE UNEXPECTED TURN 



    Every great adventure always takes an unexpected turn, the same can be true for each person’s life. Perhaps at the time, we mistake the climax of our stories for the lowest point of our lives.

    These speakers are living proof that the unexpected left, right and backward step is just a necessary part of the story.

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    意外之喜 第二环节:无心插柳 CHANCE ENCOUNTERS



    We often find what we are seeking for in the most unexpected places and during the most unlikely of times. These speakers explain how a series of chain reactions eventually led up to one very moment in time, a discovery only by chance encounter.

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    意外之喜 第三环节:柳暗花明 PERSPECTIVE



    As if the universe is a large graph made of lines that may or may not intersect. Two lines may cross the same point, but never twice. This is a perspective of all the mistakes, chances and risks we have taken in our lives. Our speakers celebrate all of their ups and downs, and explain how with the right perspective, we can all understand how serendipity works in our own lives.

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    Notice: Translation for the pop-up question ( after you select the ticket)

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    The service is provided by TEDx. You do need to bring a valid ID card for deposit and a 20RMB change to pay at door for rent of the headphone device.

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    Event Register:


    2015年11月15日上午10:00 上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心音乐俱乐部与您相约!

    November 15th Sunday 10:00 am  See you @ Mercedes Benz Arena Mixing Room!


    Partner up now with TEDxFuxingPark! Stage installment, catering, translators, equipment and printing partners are in special need. Email: jingjing@tedxfuxingpark.

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