

2019年1月12日 15:00 ~ 2019年1月12日 17:00




    活动简介 | Event Brief

    2019年1月12日,哥大全球中心 | 北京邀请您参加哥大教育系列论坛第三期——纪录片《米字路口》展映会暨《新留学青年》新书分享会。届时,《米字路口》导演、哥大新闻学院校友刘逍然和《新留学青年》作者廖元辛将来到现场,与大家共同探讨当代留学生在海外经历的笑与泪、成长与彷徨。

    On January 12, 2019, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing invites you to the documentary screening Crossroads of Journalism Dreams and a book talk on Beyond the Sea -- Chinese Millennials in America.

    关于《米字路口》 | About Crossroads of Journalism Dreams




    There are less than ten Chinese students every year accepted by Columbia Journalism School. With a Chinese journalism educational background, they go to New York to study American journalism. Adapting themselves to new life, they also need to deal with big differences between the two journalism genres. Disappointed and depressed, they begin to doubt the choice of learning journalism in America and they think about quitting school.


    Upon graduation, they seem to stand at an intersection with double choices as well as double confusion. Staying in America, work visa, culture and language are all insurmountable obstacles; Back to China, they will face a totally different work environment. Will they be accepted by Chinese mainstream media?


    STAY or GO BACK? As one of them, the director tells the story of her and her friends in the 68-min documentary. There have been screenings in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hong Kong, New York and Washington DC.

    刘逍然,毕业于清华大学新闻学院和哥伦比亚大学新闻学院,广播电视纪录片方向,米字工作室创办人,与中央电视台、凤凰卫视、旅游卫视、阳光媒体、腾讯、新浪等合作制作纪录片电视栏目与短视频,作品获得第五届中国纪录片学院奖评委会大奖和最佳新人导演提名。作为独立制作人,作品在美国 PBS 电视台,BBC 和纽约 Narratively 等媒体播出,其纪录片作品《米字路口》入选悉尼世界电影节,纽约曼哈顿独立电影节和香港Arthouse电影节并获最佳纪录片,得到央视,凤凰卫视,中新社,侨报,腾讯等多家媒体报道。

    Xiaoran Liu is a Chinese multimedia journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Beijing and New York City, graduated from Tsinghua University and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She founded MiZi Studio to work with CCTV, Phoenix TV, Travel TV, Sun Media, Tencent, Sina etc on documentaries, TV programs and short video. Her work is also shown on PBS, BBC and Narratively. Her independent documentaries have been selected by Sydney World Film Festival, Manhattan independent film festival, Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival and China Academy Awards of Documentary Film.

    关于《新留学青年》 | About Beyond the Sea -- Chinese Millennials in America



    In 2017, more than 600,000 Chinese students set foot on foreign campuses for the first time in their lives. Different from their predecessor in the 80s and 90s, who were financially strained and impressed by almost everything overseas, the latest generation of Chinese students embarks on a new stage of life with a different mindset. Born between 1985 and 2000, the Chinese millennials are raised in an ever-changing society with unfettered optimism and faint memories of the country’s painful past. Unlike their future classmates, the new generation does not have siblings vying for their parents’ attention, and survival in their homeland entails wading through a competitive, exam-driven K-12 education system. When these Chinese students show up at the doorstep of foreign universities, how do they cope with challenges in a completely new environment? What are the sources of their joy and sorrow, and how do they adjust to and integrate in a different culture? What factors motivate them to settle down abroad as opposed to going back home after graduation?

    To answer these questions, Yuanxin Liao visited more than 30 colleges, universities, and high schools in the United States between December 2015 and May 2018, interviewing over 100 Chinese students and young professionals who were studying, working, and living in America. Through the lens of anthropology, he acquired an intimate knowledge about how Chinese millennials grow, struggle, and explore new identities on the other side of the Pacific. His findings and reflections formed the foundation of his critically acclaimed Chinese Millennials in America. This 324-page lively description of myriad life experiences among Chinese overseas students has sparked much discussion among educators, parents, and future generations of students.


    Yuanxin Liao is an associate global risk analyst with the British consulting firm Control Risks. After graduating from the University of Maryland (UMD) in 2015, he worked at Columbia University’s Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) as a research assistant and later joined the prestigious news agency Caixin as a business reporter. In addition to the newly-published nonfiction Chinese Millennials in America, his publications also include a 250-page fiction published in 2011. Liao holds a B.A. degree in politics, philosophy and economics (PPE) from Peking University and a master’s degree in public policy from UMD.  

    活动日程 | Agenda

    2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

    签到入场 Registration

    3:00 p.m. - 3:42 p.m.

    《米字路口》展映 Documentary Screening

    3:42 p.m. - 4:05 p.m. 

    《新留学青年》分享 Book Talk

    4:05 p.m. - 4:35 p.m.

    对话环节 Dialogue

    4:35 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    问答环节 Q&A

    报名须知 | Special Notice

    • 本场活动语言为中文;

    • 报名需审核,收到确认二维码即表明报名成功(请在签到时出示二维码);

    • 请于活动开始前30分钟签到入场。早于签到时间、或迟于签到时间20分钟,将无法协助您签到入场;

    • 若无法如期参加活动,烦请您提前告知,我们将开放名额予其他观众;

    • 如有任何疑问,请在我们的微信公众平台留言或邮件至beijing.cgc@columbia.edu

    • The event will be conducted in Chinese.

    • Due to limited seats, registration will be verified through the QR code confirmation. Please present your QR code at the entrance. 

    • Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the program. Please plan to arrive no earlier than the registration time and no later than 20 minutes after the end of registration period.

    • If you are unable to attend the event, please inform us in advance. 

    • If you have any questions, please leave us a message below or email beijing.cgc@columbia.edu.


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