
【周四】传统婚姻外的幸福可能 | 当代婚姻家庭关系中的恪守与变迁III

2019年1月24日 19:00 ~ 2019年1月24日 21:00




    Topic / 话题

    Marriage is the most important issue for young people living in cities. Knowing the rights and obligations in marriage and property ownership is not only related to the family relationship with parents, but more importantly, related to whether it is possible to have confidence to live a prosperous and happy life.
    However, after China's reform and opening-up policy, the economy has developed so rapidly, and people's lifestyles and ways of thinking have undergone tremendous changes. Now the divorce rate in the city is rising, the trial marriage is widespread, and the adultery occurs frequently... All these lead to changes in young people's attitudes towards love and marriage. Is this the progress of the society or the side effect of the rapid development? In addition, with the technological development, the assisted reproductive technology, the gene editing technology, and the impact of Western liberalism, all of these bring new challenges to the marriage system. What will the future marriage be?
    We invited Dr. Guo (Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), to give us a series workshop: "The traditional and changing of contemporary marriage relations". Help you to understand the status of modern marriage from different angles. Understand the Spousal Fiduciary Duties from a legal perspective, and explore the development direction of marriage based on scientific research. In short, help you know state of modern marriage from a different perspective.
    The workshop will leave sufficient time to answer questions from participants.

    No.1/工作坊1 @1.10

    Is adultery a crime?
    Explain the Spousal Fiduciary Duties

    Believing in Fidelity or Respecting True Love? In the city where temptation is rampant, is there still exist real loyalty between men and women?
    Don't know what position should hold in the face of various adultery scandals. Have you ever imaged how to deal with if this kind of thing happens to you?
    How does the law view the betray between husband and wife? Which direction should be guiding in public opinion? Should treat same or separately about adultery?
    In the city of strangers, only the perfection of emotional life is real happiness. You really should know the law of a marriage relation. Talk about the concept of marriage, share your opinions with us at Allen Marriage series Workshop. Let us start a brainstorm around marriage relationship.

    No.2/工作坊1 @1.17

    How difficult to get away from being single?
     Analysis of Chinese Marriage

    Have you ever had such questions: Can marriage guarantee your happiness? When you at a certain age is marriage and happiness necessarily related?
    Whether you choose or not, marriage should never be your pain spot. This lecture will help you to get rid of the narrow perspective and understand the overall marital status of China and its related policies from a macro level. More importantly, The new type of marriage is full of liberalism. We invite you to explore the possibilities of happiness outside the traditional marriage relationship?
    No.3/工作坊3 @1.24

    Possibilities of happiness beyond traditional marriage
    Everyone has the right to happiness. To achieve this, It not necessary to be close to the mainstream value of society. But to listen sincerely to your inner voice.
    While explaining the traditional legal order of marriage, this lecture will also introduce the frontier of LGBT and alternative fertility, to provide theoretical wings for your various ideas of marriage and love.

    Attention / 注意事项

    Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30

    The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number

    Speaker / 主讲人

    国熙 / 法学博士
    PhD in comparative law. M.A in Civil Law.  B.A in Law. For many years, he has been specialized in Family theory, LGBT, Alternative Reproductive Ethics. Be good at analyzing social hotspot cases involving the field of violation of Spousal Fiduciary Duties and divorce property division.

    Event / 活动信息

    Time / 时间
    2019/01/24 Thur 19:00 - 21:00
    2019/01/24 周四 19:00点 - 21:00点
    Fee / 费用
    Venue Fee + Admission Fee
    Address / 地址
    East Gongxiao Building, 28 Guandongdian Street, Chaoyang District, address notified after registration
    北京朝阳区东大桥, 具体地址报名后通知

    PET Workshop /PET工作坊

    PET Workshop is about sharing knowledge and getting hands-on experience. Every time we invite an experienced expert in a field to share a topic for two hours. By combining knowledge output with hands-on experience, each participant can not only learn knowledge, but also have a positive experience of using knowledge and collecting feedback.
    PET工作坊 是一个注重价值分享与动手体验的主题分享活动,每次我们会邀请一位在某一领域的资深专家进行2小时的主题分享,把知识输出与动手体验相结合,让每一位参与者不仅学习到知识,而且获得使用知识并收集反馈的正向体验。
    PostEnglishTime 后英语时代
    An English lover community, here you can speak English, make friends and share your experiences.
    PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking Chinese professionals in Beijing, aims to build a high-quality network of locals and expatriates who are seriously interested in engaging with culture exchange, learning different society and people.











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