
StartupGrind#6 中美企业创新&跨境孵化

2018年12月21日 14:30 ~ 2018年12月21日 17:00





    startup grind # 6 How Cross-Border Collaboration Can Create Positive Change?


    2018年12月21号 14:30-17:00


    活动内容 Content

    A subject that is shaping the future of globalization, generating intense debates not only in both countries but worldwide, from politics to education, entrepreneurship, and the current state of innovation. When we talk about China and the U.S., we talk about the dangers and opportunities, the synergies and obstacles, and the future of the global economy and our society.

    中美协同在政治、教育、创业和当前创新状态领域中持续塑造全球化未来 – 因此在两国之间和国际舞台上备受争议。中美关系不仅涉及风险与机遇,也关系着协同与障碍,以及全球经济与社会未来。

    For startups, investors, and corporations with a primary interest in the cross-border relationship between the current two global superpowers, this a first-class opportunity to get insights shared from the Founder of Accathon Capital, a cross-border accelerator and VC investor in frontier technologies in different industries that share in common an interest in the U.S. and Chinese markets. 

    对两国之间的跨境关系有着浓厚兴趣的创业公司、投资者和企业来言,这是一个千载难逢的机会。Accathon Capital是一家前沿技术跨境加速器和风险投资公司,它涉及的行业与中美协同有着共同利益。公司创始人将与大家分享他宝贵的见解与分析。

    Come to our event on Friday, December 21th to learn how China and the U.S. can overcome political and economic barriers, create positive change, and boost innovation & entrepreneurship thanks to a beneficial cross-border collaboration. 


    可能涵盖的话题 The topics we might cover

    How's the startup environment in the U.S.?


    Is it time to go to the American market for Chinese companies?


    What challenges you may face when you start a cross-border collaboration?


    How to reduce the influences of the differences of working culture?


    What is often missed during the cross-border collaboration and innovation?


    嘉宾介绍 About Speaker


    朱勇 Michael Zhu

    Lair East纽约东方创客创始人,Accathon Captial伽创资本创始人/管理合伙人

    Founder of Lair East; Founder, Managing Partner of Accathon Capital

    Michael Zhu是Accathon Capital的创始人和管理合伙人,Accathon Capital是一个独特的跨境企业创新超级加速器,在针对美国和中国应用市场的众多行业中运行阶段不可知项目和VC前沿技术投资。Michael也是一位经验丰富的连续创业者,他与美国和中国的创业团队合作,建立一个强大的集体生态系统。他于2015年在纽约市成功发起并建立了东部的Lair East,这是东海岸第一个“技术与文化”主题合作共同工作空间和全球企业家社区,为全球企业家提供工作,休闲和知识。破坏技术和塑造跨境通信。 

    Michael是多家初创公司的顾问委员会成员。以及纽约中国企业家组织和哈佛创业投资公司的顾问。他还被Mandarin Quarterly评为“东北美洲30岁以下30强企业家”之一。Michael持有M.S.在佩斯大学的投资管理。在2018年,作为唯一的中国代表,他还参加了加速器Awesome的主持委员会,这是有史以来第一次连接顶级创新组织的全球加速器会议,如Techstars,500 Startups,Dreamit,SAP,Verizon,NUMA New York,Google,和更多。

    Michael Zhu is the Founder and Managing Partner of Accathon Capital, which is a unique cross-border corporate innovation hyper accelerator, running stage agnostic programs and VC investments in frontier technologies across a wide range of industries targeting the U.S. and China application markets. 

    Michael is also an experienced serial entrepreneur who works with startups teams in both the U.S. and China to build a powerful and collective ecosystem. He successfully initiated and built Lair East in New York City in 2015, which is the first “Tech & Culture” themed collaborative co-working space and global entrepreneur communities on the East Coast connecting work, leisure, and knowledge for global entrepreneurs in the business of disrupting technology and shaping cross-border communications. 

    Michael serves as the Advisory Board member in multiple startups. and the advisor at NYC Chinese Entrepreneur Organization and Harvard Ventures. He was also named as one of the “Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 in Northeastern America” by Mandarin Quarterly. Michael holds an M.S. in Investment Management from Pace University. In 2018, as the only Chinese representative, Michael also sits in the Host Committee of Accelerator Awesome, the first-ever global accelerators conference connecting top innovation organizations such as TechStars, 500 Startups, Dreamit, SAP, Verizon, NUMA New York, Google, and more.

    Accathon Capital.png

    Accathon Capital是一个全球创新平台,将企业创新与创业加速联系起来,汇集顶级企业家和企业团队,共同创造创新成果。 我们的加速计划和投资注入了数字化转型,以推动跨境市场的扩张,创造价值和解决关键挑战。 我们为领导者带来必要的企业创新和资源,以促进收入,制定和实施加速增长战略,并执行全球竞争中下一级业务增长所必需的策略。

    Accathon Capital is a global innovation platform, connecting corporate innovation with startup acceleration and bringing together top entrepreneurs and corporate teams to create innovative outcomes. Our acceleration programs and investments infuse digital transformation to drive expansion, build value, and solve critical challenges in the cross-border market. We bring corporate innovation and resources necessary for leaders to drive revenue, to develop and implement accelerated growth strategies, and execute tactics necessary for the next level of business growth in the global competition.


    Lair East是一个位于纽约的创业社区,通过专注于技术和文化以及利用投资和网络资源来帮助创业公司成长。在中国和美国之间,我们发展了一个强大的集体生态系统,包括一个企业家,联合空间,投资支持,加速器计划和中美文化交流桥梁的国际创业社区。 我们相信“建立本地,全球思考”,致力于帮助企业家和创业公司实现目标,并对周围的世界产生真正的影响.

    Lair East is a New York-based community that helps startups grow by focusing on tech and culture and leveraging investment and networking resources. Between China and the United States, we grow a powerful and collective ecosystem that consists of an international startup community for entrepreneurs, coworking spaces, investment supports, accelerator programs, and a bridge for China-US culture exchange. We believe in "Build Local, Think Global" and dedicate to help entrepreneurs and startups to achieve their goals and make real impacts on the world around them.

    时间Time & 地点Venue

    时间:2018年12月21号(周五)15:00-17:00 (14:45签到)



    14:20-14:45 签到 Sign in

    14:45-15:00 开场介绍 Introduction

    15:00-16:00 炉边访谈 Fireside Chat

    16:00-16:10 互动提问 Q&A

    16:10-17:00 自由交流 Networking


     The worth of Q&A and Networking is bigger than what you think, we highly recommend it; The fee includes a drink and snacks

    主办方 Organizer


    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 1,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 400 cities in 120 countries. We nurture startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.

    创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球120个国家、超过400个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。

    The cornerstone of our community are the monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators, and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2010, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and hires, pursue funding, and reach new users.

    每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。

    特别感谢-场地支持 Special Thanks to our venue support




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    Startup Grind 西安

    Startup Grind 西安

    创业磨坊 (www.startupgrind.com)是一个全球性的旨在教育,激励,和链接企业家们的社区,本机构为谷歌的官方合作伙伴。我们每个月在全世界85个国家20个城市组织活动,采访本地的企业创始人,创新者,教育者及投资人,他们会和本地的创业社区分享他们的个人旅程以及建造伟大公司路上的经验教训。



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