
哥大全球中心教育系列论坛第七期:本土创新学校的出口 —“如何在面向未来和面向现实中寻找平衡”

2019年5月19日 10:30 ~ 2019年5月19日 12:30




    活动简介 | Event Brief

    5月19日,哥大全球中心 | 北京邀请您参加哥大全球中心教育系列论坛第七期——本土创新学校的出口—“如何在面向未来和面向现实中寻找平衡”。

    On May 19, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing invites you to the seventh panel discussion of the Center's Education Series, focusing on the status quo and development of the innovative schools in China.


    • 创新学校如何培养“内心丰盈,积极行动”面向未来的公民;

    • 创新教育在中国的实践与反思;

    • 创新学校“出口”何在,美国大学录取新浪潮深度解析;

    • 学校和家庭如何通过升学规划的过程培养学生的综合素养,发展自我认知,实现自我突破,收获录取,收获成长;

    • 面向海外出口的学校如何完善升学体系以全方位助力学生升学

    Five panelists will discuss the practice of local innovative schools and education and will share their perspectives on how schools and families can help prepare their children for the 21st century, not only to pass the examinations.

    演讲嘉宾 | Speakers

    滕珺 Jun TENG


    Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University; Member of the Executive Committee of the World Comparative Education Societies; Assistant Secretary General of Comparative Education Society for Asia; Former Adjunct associate professor, Faculty of education, Columbia University; Short-term consultant to the World Bank Global Education Partnership

    Teng has long been engaged in comparative education research. Her main research areas include international organization education policy, 21st century core literacy, global competence, global education governance, international education, and development education.


    Marina Lee

    哈佛大学教育学硕士、美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)全球委员会会长、NACAC美国大学招生咨询委员会招生官跨文化胜任力培训导师、哈佛亚裔校友联合会理事、 哈佛本科生及教育学院研究生职业发展校友导师、 哈佛教育学院亚洲学生心理健康发展课程联合讲师;哈佛大学Let's Talk亚洲学生心理健康发展大会创始人及联合主席;探月学院升学指导特别顾问。

    Marina在辅导青少年全面发展、跨文化适应力培养,美国高中大学升学指导, 学术英语和写作课程授课方面有超过二十年的经验。在引导学生生涯规划及升学之余,她每年为美国高中和大学招生官进行跨文化背景下的招生录取、国际申请者评估方法的培训,与美国、韩国和中国的教育者分享设计适合亚洲学生的生涯发展,跨文化适应力课程以及相应的升学指导体系和培训项目,包括Phillips Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, St. Marks,探月学院等。

    Marina currently serves as the Executive Director of Cogita Education Initiatives, developing programs and managing teams to assist families, many international, with navigating the American educational landscape. With over twenty years of experience as an educator, Marina has worked with countless students making the transition into empowered and able leaders, and schools designing internationalization strategy and developing intercultural sensitivity to help international students grow and develop their passion and voice.

    Nick Kovalevich

    Nick is the Founder of Crestwood Advisors, an education technology company specializing in spoken English coaching, evaluation, and assessment. Prior to Crestwood, he was Chief Operating Officer at Base Media, a Beijing-based film production and content development company of over 500 employees, with credits including "Monster Hunt" (捉妖记), "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", and "Captain America: Civil War". Prior to working at Base, he was a Hong-Kong based consultant at McKinsey & Company.

    Nick has a B.A. Psychology from Columbia University in the City of New York, and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.  He speaks fluent mandarin Chinese.

    易寻迅 Will YI


    MPA, Cornell University; Head of Development Center at Moonshot Academy, Beijing

    Worked in camp education, public school curriculum reform and educational investment. Initiated "Youthquake" summer program in 2017, aiming to bring high-quality camp experience to disadvantaged students in rural areas.

    报名须知 | Special Notice

    • 本次活动语言为中英双语;

    • 报名需审核,收到确认二维码即表明报名成功(请在签到时出示二维码);

    • 请于活动开始前30分钟签到入场,早于签到时间、或迟于签到时间20分钟,将无法协助您签到入场;

    • 若无法如期参加活动,烦请您提前告知,我们将开放名额予其他观众;

    • 如有任何疑问,请在我们的微信公众平台留言或邮件至beijing.cgc@columbia.edu

    • The event will be in both Chinese and English.

    • Due to limited seats, registration will be verified through the QR code confirmation. Please present your QR code at the entrance. 

    • Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the program. Please plan to arrive no earlier than the registration time and no later than 20 minutes after the end of registration period.

    • If you are unable to attend the event, please inform us in advance. 

    • If you have any questions, please leave us a message below or email beijing.cgc@columbia.edu.


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