

2019年11月27日 19:00 ~ 2019年12月27日 20:30





    主    办:香港中文大学(深圳)大学艺术中心

    演    出:中央芭蕾舞团

    艺术总监:冯  英

    舞    美:中央芭蕾舞团舞台美术部







    音  乐:西萨·普尼

    编  导:安东·道林爵士(根据朱尔·佩罗原创)

    表演者:许梓煜  孙金金  周美多  王子文  宁珑  王艺


    主讲人:刘  琪(中央芭蕾舞团演员队副队长、排练者,国家一级演员)




    主讲人:余  波(国家一级演员、中央芭蕾舞团排练者)

    1999年毕业于北京舞蹈学院,同年进入中央芭蕾舞团,曾在多部大型芭蕾舞剧中担任男主角,如《葛蓓莉娅》《泪泉》《希尔薇娅》《天鹅湖》《堂吉诃德》《海盗》《吉赛尔》《仙女》《舞姬》《阿莱城姑娘》《卡门》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《奥涅金》等,并主演《小夜曲》《练习曲》《平克 · 佛洛依德芭蕾》《梁祝》《五首诗》《多少悬在半空中》《拉赫曼尼诺夫第三钢琴协奏曲》等多部优秀现代芭蕾作品。

    曾获2003年第3届日本名古屋国际芭蕾大赛铜奖和2005年韩国首尔国际芭蕾舞大赛银奖。2004年受邀赴法国巴黎歌剧院交流学习,2006年受香港芭蕾舞协会邀请赴港客座主演芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》,同年参加美国维尔国际艺术节主演《阿莱城姑娘》,2007年受文化部邀请赴瑞士日内瓦参加联合国艺术节开幕式。2010年凭舞剧《奥涅金》荣获文化部颁发的国家艺术院团优秀剧目展演优秀表演奖。自己编创并参演作品《碎片》《极》《Dual Personality》《Body》等。







    作    曲:赫尔曼·塞弗林·拉文斯基奥尔德

    编    导:奥古斯丁·布侬维尔

    表演者:赵欣悦 管翀正;欧梦濡 卢陈奇;孙金金 申梦凡等






    编  导:马里乌斯•彼季帕

    表演者:欧梦濡 卢陈奇




    音  乐:Elie Semoun

    编  导:费波

    表演者:曲曼 刘原昊




    音  乐:圣-桑

    编  导:米哈伊·福金






    音  乐: 谢尔盖·普罗科菲耶夫

    编  导: 本·史蒂文森

    表演者:王晔 陈铸明 李梦飞 闫华龙




    作  曲:殷承宗、刘  庄、储望华、盛礼洪

    编  导:陈泽美(特邀)

    表演者:宁珑 卞琛唐 许梓煜 吴子恒等
















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    2. 如自驾前往请从香港中文大学(深圳)西门附近停车场停车并步行进入校园;

    3. 进入校园时,出示活动行电子门票及身份证,安保人员会更快速放行呢;

    4. 进入校园后,留意观察地贴、指示牌,跟着指引能更方便地找到活动地点。



    1. 信息学院:329路, 353路, 365路, 802路, 839路, B852路, E5路, E6路, E7路, 高峰专线33路, 高峰专线35路, 高峰专线44路

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    1. 大运中心体育场:m315路,m322路,m367路a线,m367路b线

    2. 大运中心:365路,802路,839路,e27路,e6路,m315路,m318路,m367路a线,m367路b线,m386路,m446路,m447路







    1. 凭票入场,一人一票;

    2. 请着装整洁并提前15分钟入场;

    3. 1.2米及6周岁以下儿童谢绝入场;

    4. 入场后请将手机调至静音模式;

    5. 迟到的观众请在门口稍候,听从工作人员的指示入场;

    6. 演出期间允许拍照,但不允许录像和使用闪光灯;

    7. 演出期间请勿随意走动。


    2019 High Arts Into Campus

    Journey Into the World of Ballet


    Organizer: University Arts Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    Performed by National Ballet of China

    Artistic Director: Feng Ying

    Stage Production by Stage Production Department of NBC



    Time: 2019.11.27-28 19:00-20:30 

    Venue: Sports Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen



    Opening Dance

    Excerpts from Pas de Quatre

    Composer: Cesare Pugni

    Choreographer: Sir Anton Dolin after Jules Perrot

    Perfromed by Xu Ziyu, Sun Jinjin, Zhou Meiduo, Wang Ziwen, Ning Long, Wang Yi



    First Part: Lecture of the Knowledge of Ballet

    Facilitator: Liu Qi (Deputy Leader of Dancers Team and Répétiteur of NBC)

    Graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy in 2003, Liu Qi joined the National Ballet of China in the same year. In 2015, she obtained a master's degree in art from the Beijing Dance Academy. She has danced the Second Concubine in Raise the Red Lantern, Vivetta in L' Arlesienne, and Effy in La Sylphide. She has danced many Chinese and foreign classic ballets, such as The New-Year Sacrifice, The Red Detachment of Women, The Peony Pavilion, The Crane Calling, The Nutcracker (Chinese Version), Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Giselle, Romeo and Juliet, etc., and participated in many outstanding modern and contemporary ballet works including Serenade, Themes and Variations, In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated, Carmen, Pink Floyd Ballet, Symphony No.7,Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3, Firebird and so on.

    She has toured with the Company in many countries and regions such as UK, Germany, France, Italy, the United States, Russia, Australia, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil and other countries and regions with the group. In September 2013, she was invited to Essen, Germany to participate in the Ballet Gala named "Ulrich and His Friends", in which Liu Qi shared stage with the best ballet dancers from all over the world.


    Facilitator: Yu Bo (Répétiteur of NBC)

    Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 1999, Yu Bo joined the National Ballet of China in the same year. He has starred in many major ballets, such as Coppelia, The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, Sylvia, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Le Corsaire, Giselle, La Sylphide, La Bayadère, L'Arlesienne, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet, Onegin, etc. He also starred in many outstanding modern ballet works such as Serenade, Étude, Pink Floyd Ballet, The Butterfly Lovers, Five Poems, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3, etc.

    He won the bronze medal of the 3rd Nagoya International Ballet Competition in Japan in 2003 and the silver medal of the Seoul International Ballet Competition in 2005. In 2004, he was invited to Opéra de Paris in France to exchange and study. In 2006, he was invited by the Hong Kong Ballet Association to star in the ballet Giselle in Hong Kong, and then star in the ballet L'Arlesienne in Wytheville International Festival in USA. At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture, Yu Bo attended the opening ceremony of the United Nations Art Festival in Geneva, Switzerland in 2007. In 2010, he won the "Outstanding Performance Award" in the Performing Season of National Art Troupes for his wonderful performance in Onegin. He has also danced his own ballet works like Fragments, Extremes, Dual Personality, Body and so on.

    He has toured with the Company in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as well as many countries all around the world, such as Russia, Denmark, Turkey, Israel, USA, France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Australia, Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore.



    Second Part: Demonstration of the Ballet Training

    Third Part: Interaction

    Forth Part: Performance of Outstanding Ballet Works


    Excerpts from La Sylphide Act II 

    Composer: Herman Severin Løvenskiold

    Choreographer: August Bournonville

    Performed by Zhao Xinyue, Guan Chongzheng; Ou Mengru, Lu Chenqi; Sun Jinjin, Shen Mengfan, etc



    Snowflake Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker


    Spanish Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker

    Music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

    Choreography by Marius Petipa

    Performed by Ou Mengru, Lu Chenqi



    Modern Dance On the Way

    Music by Elie Semoun

    Choreography by Fei Bo

    Performed by Qu Man, Liu Yuanhao



    The Dying Swan

    Music: Camille Saint-Saëns

    Choreography by Mikhail Fokine

    Performed by Ning Long



    Pas de Deux from Cinderella Act II


    Pas de Deux from Cinderella Act III

    Music by Sergei Prokofiev

    Choreography by Ben Stevenson, O.B.E

    Performed by Wang Ye, Chen Zhuming; Li Mengfei, Yan Hualong



    The Forth Movement of The Yellow River

    Music by Yin Chengzong, Liu Zhuang, Chu Wanghua, Sheng Lihong

    Choreographer: Chen Zemei(Guest)

    Performed by Ning Long, Bian Chentang; Xu Ziyu, Wu Ziheng, etc.



    The Curtain Call Dance

    Performed by all dancers


    Programs and dancers are subject to change.



    National Ballet of China

    The National Ballet of China was founded in December of 1959. All of The National Ballet of China’s outstanding artists come from professional academies. During decades of care and support from the government and friends from all social sectors, the company has never ceased enriching its solid Russian foundations with works of different schools and styles. The company’s repertoire includes classics like Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Giselle, Carmen, Onegin, The Little Mermaid, La Bayadère and Cinderella as well as original creations like The Red Detachment of Women, The New Year Sacrifice, Yellow River, Raise the Red Lantern, The Peony Pavilion, The Nutcracker (Chinese version), The Crane Calling, The Light of Heart and The Nine-Colored Deer. By both performing Western ballets and creating works of its own with distinct national characteristics, the company has found a successful path for the development of Chinese ballet. It is fusing the classical and the modern, and cultures from all over the world.

    In the past six decades, the company is proud to have made great achievements in talent training and stage productions, as well as in ballet promotion and education. Numerous ballet dancers, choreographers, musicians and stage artists have won major international awards, and have collaborated with international stars in their respective fields. The company has a repertoire of more than 200 ballets, several of which are now known as classic Chinese works of art, and have become famous internationally.

    As a world-renowned company with great international influence, the National Ballet of China serves as a cultural envoy and an important window to the nation, spreading the essence of Chinese culture. Meanwhile, it also endeavors to present high-class performances to the Chinese audience, and to promote the art form in universities, communities and among children. In accordance with their motto “United, Pragmatic, Independent, and Enterprising”, the company members are following the steps of their hard-working predecessors to make great strides in realization of their dreams. Currently, Feng Ying, a well-known ballerina and ballet mistress in China is the Executive Director and the Artistic Director.

    【Notice to Audience】

    1.  Admission by ticket only and tickets are non-transferable.

    2.  Please dress appropriately and enter 15 minutes in advance.

    3.  Children under 1.2 metres and 6 years old are not allowed to enter the venue.

    4.  Please switch off your cellphone or set it in silent mode during the show.

    5.  For latecomers, please wait by the entrance and follow the instructions of our staff.

    ​6.  Photo-taking is allowed, but video recording and the use of flashlights are prohibited.

    7.  Please do not move around during the show.




    • 涛锅(深圳茶歇)


    • Candice


    • 秦一格


    • 陳逸銘


    • 刘凤曼


    • 要早睡的云仔






    • 险芬 5年前 0


    • Jessica 5年前 0




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