

Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 21:00:00 GMT+08
中外人文Cultural Bridge


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    前几天小伙伴在群里@我,Angela元宵节快到啦,咱们做个元宵节的猜灯谜活动吧~ 我说好嘛,那咱们走起来嘛~

    Few days ago , a friend in our group @ me and asked , Angela, the Lantern Festival is coming soon. Let's do an activity of guessing lantern riddles ~ Well well well ,then let’s arrange it ~



    However, since it is the annual Lantern Festival, let's talk about some things about the Lantern Festival first.



    从一部电视剧说起,前两年有个非常火的人叫马伯庸,他写的小说《长安十二时辰》被搬上了大荧幕,市场反响那是相当热烈。这是一部彻头彻尾关于元宵节,也就是“上元节”的故事。这部剧的英文名字翻译成中文叫做“长安最长的一天”。中文名字翻译成英文叫24 hours in Chang’an.


    Let’s talk a TV play first, two years ago, there was a very popular man named Ma boyong. His novel The Longest Day in Chang’an has been adapted for television and the market response was very good. This is a story about the Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival. The show's English title is The Longest Day in Chang’an . The Chinese title is 24 Hours in Chang 'an (Chang’an  is the ancient name of Xi 'an).



    It was a suspense story that took place in the city of Chang 'an in 744 AD, the third year of the Tianbao period in Tang Dynasty. There are 24 chapters in the novel, 48 episodes in the TV series.  It’s all about the day during the Lantern Festival. The outlaws tried to burn down the entire city of Chang 'an at the most bustling night -- the Lantern Festival , then a story of "rescuing Chang 'an started in this thrilling 24 hours of the day.(12 shichen= 24 hours)




    It makes sense to set the dense storyline in one day. Because “zheng yue ” is the first month in the lunar calendar, “zheng yue 15” is the first full moon night of the year. It’s a significant and special and bustling day. In ancient times, it was a night of light and fire, people gathered together to celebrate and pray. There is a natural chemistry connection between the lantern atmosphere and the thrilling story, intense and grand. What a perfect combination~




    When it comes to the custom of burning lanterns on the fifteenth day of the first month, we have to trace back to the spread of the Buddhism. In the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism flourished, and the official people were generally "burning lanterns for the Buddha "on the fifteenth day of the first month . However, some people believe that the custom of burning lanterns originated from the Taoist "Sanyuan", it said "the fifteenth day of the first month is the celestial official blessing day", so people should burn lanterns on this day.


    We ‘ve seen the grand and prosperous lantern festival in 《The Longest Day in Chang’an》, it's also because the Lantern Festival has become an official festival since the Tang Dynasty. On this day people enjoy lanterns, eat sweet dumplings, guess lantern riddles, enjoy fireworks, have dragon lantern dance and lion dance, walk on stilts,have a yangge dance, play the Taiping Drum and so on.


     If you are interested in Lantern or Tang dynasty, 《The Longest Day in Chang’an》may be a good choice for you. The scenes and the historic details are good.)



    Now the Lantern Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China, and the Chinese character culture circle and overseas Chinese. In June 2008, the Lantern Festival was selected as a national intangible cultural heritage. In spite of the progress of society and the change of times, many spirits and customs have left us behind, but the customs and many forms of the Lantern Festival are still kept well today.




    On February 26th, we will have our annual Lantern Festival. This time, we will have a lot of interesting and interactive games, as well as a lot of prisze for old and new friends. Almost everyone may get a prize then. And of course, we have delicious food, yuanxiao, noodles, snacks . When we finish celebrating the lantern festival, it means the “nian” is finished in China.



    So if you have time, don't miss it. If you have some dishes to share with us, you are warmly welcome and we will be very happy to enjoy.







    Normal Ticket:68

    Bring food(dish) to share, ticket: 50

    Ticket includes: lantern festival dinner、snacks、prizes、material

    Time:2.26, 18:30-21:00




    I was having a rest in the past week, so we didn't update the new content.  We've really organized a lot of activities in the last two months~ 



    音乐类的:All About Music 、Sunshine Lawn&Music day等


    还有被伙伴们评价为once in a lifetime 的跨年活动和小年夜宴等。

    Movie : Before Sunset, Dead Poetry, Joy Luck Club, etc.

    Book: The Great Gatsby, Lean In, The Kite Runner

    Music: All About Music 、Sunshine Lawn&Music day

    Cultural Experience: The Taste of Winter Solstice、Calligraphy Exhibition

    The New Year's Eve and the Little Year's Banquet.


    In fact, for a long time we have had fun but friends out of our community have no idea about that. The main reason is that we consider some friends may need privacy, and do not like their photos or videos be pubic disclosed. So most of our interesting or touching videos are shared just inside our community .


    不过之后,我们也会把视频号开起来,一些优质的双语内容,我们都会往这里放,而且你可能会看到我们优秀的小伙们哦,所以大伙要密切关注我们的公众号~ 同时,我们也欢迎不同国家愿意分享好内容的小伙伴与我们联系,无论是线上分享还是线下活动,我们都可以在2021年有合作的可能喔。

    However, we will also open up our video channel soon, good and interesting bilingual content will be sent here, and you may also see our excellent community members inside, so please follow our we chat public account to keep an eye :) At the same time, we also welcome talented friends or friends who are willing to share good or interesting things , we may have some cooperation in 2021 ,online or offline.



    最后,非常重要的一点,不要忘了我们2月26日元宵节的疯狂游戏之夜(除了猜灯谜,还有有趣有料的好玩游戏哈),享受美食,享受欢乐时光,带走你的奖品,期待你来!~  一年一度的元宵节不要错过喽~

    At last, the most important point, don't forget our activity on February 26th, Lantern Games Night(we have lantern riddles guessing game as well as other funny games), and we have prizes. That will be a lot of fun. Seats are limited . Welcome to sign up early and join us. Enjoy food and happy time!Looking forward to seeing you then ~One time in a year , the lantern festival happy night,  don't miss it :)



    Celebrating busling lantern day, lighting up all the luck for you! Happy Lantern Festival!

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