
【周六】烦恼与头发总是成反比~ | Image Enhancement workshop, make you a fashion icon in the...

2021年3月6日 15:00 ~ 2021年3月6日 17:00




    Introduction / 内容介绍
    There's a new buzzword, "appearance anxiety." The meaning is that a person is not confident in his/her own image, which leads to a series of depressive feelings such as anxiety and distress, and even affects his/her career development and personal life.
    If you also have appearance anxiety about your “Up-to-Date” image, this workshop is specially designed for you. We have believed image works, and  individual’s persona is based on “Charisma” beyond skin deep beauty.
    Guided by our expert Image Educator who have travelled the world as Hair & makeup artist and Stylist working with film stars, television celebrities, web influencers and top-end fashion designers, you will be introduced to the many facets of image artistry with easy steps.
    Designed for individuals to get a kickstart in their career graph as well as for busy professionals to get a boost in climbing the corporate ladder.
    Session #1 第一节
    Bring your lipsticks and neckties to find your DNA COLOR
    Four matching systems of colors and their application Analysis and application of body colors Color psychology and its application
    四季色彩系统及其应用 颜究色彩分析与应用 色彩心理学及其应用
    Session #2 第二节
    Reveal the significance of your rising sign shapes your personal taste
    1秒俘荻TA的好感 打开自己的魅力开关 职场情场两不误的开运穿搭秘笈! 前一秒还在伏案加班埋头苦干 后一秒要改头换面出去见客户 这时候,“职场·情场皆可用”的 款型配色及穿搭就显得尤其重要 你在异性眼里,有哪些吸引力? 揭秘你与对手的上升星座与金星
    Find out where’s your ascendant sign, Venus sign and analysis process Reveal the “ face” of personality shapes your styles Analysis and application of “New form” image from the Stars
    找出你的上升星座,金星和穿搭分析 揭露星座密语的"面孔"如何塑造你的⻛格 星座物语带给你的"新⻛格"解析与应用
    Session #3 第三节
    It’s all abt your HAIR!
    Face shape analysis and application. Hair color Systems and Analysis Process Understanding different form and texture hair styling and practicing the analysis process
    脸型分析和应用。 染发色彩系统与分析过程 了解不同的脸型发型与造型,并练习分析过程
    Session #4 第四节
    Basic Elements of Style for ladies and gentlemen
    Lines and weight. Body type, body proportion analysis and evaluation. How to dress to showcase strengths and hide weaknesses based on body type.
    线条与量感 体型比例分析与搭配要点 不同体型如何扬⻓避短
    These courses sharpen each participant’s ability to succeed in a rapidly changing world. They prepare you to pursue a career or become a domain expert in a specific field.
    Starting at the beginning session one course you will learn the quick-n-easy skills, techniques and knowledge that will prove invaluable as you progress as a modern day individual.
    From the all-important basics of analysing skin types and face n’ body shapes, selecting appropriate tools and products, helping to design a Image Enhancement plan from professional.
    Educator 导师

    Speaker / 主讲人
    RYAN WANG / Image and style director
    A beauty innovator, hair genius and image creator from Hollywood with achievement honor from Mr. Vidal Sassoon and Hollywood’s hip most haute celebrities.
    Ryan Wang whose unique signature on style isn’t imposed, it comes from revealing a client's own. What else can you expect from the man who insists, “Life isn't perfect but your image and style can be".
    His namesake Salons in the world’s most chic cities – from Beverly Hills to China and his international A-list experiences have committed with a top class and high quality of Image Enhancement workshop at PostEnglishTime.

    Attention / 注意事项

    People in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.
    Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30
    The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number
    If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.
    Event / 活动信息
    Time / 时间
    2021/03/06 Sat 15:00 - 17:00
    2021/03/06 周六 15:00点 - 17:00点
    Number / 人数
    30 people around
    Fee / 费用
    169¥, Early Ticket
    169元, 早票
    199¥, Normal Ticket
    199元, 普通票
    Address / 地址
    REN Bar, 1F, Zhaolong Hotel, 2 North Workers Stadium Road, Chaoyang
    朝阳区工人体育场北路2号兆龙饭店1层 REN Bar
    Contact / 联系主办方
    Past Events / 往期活动

    说好外语,你不可不知的语言学知识与西方思维习惯 | III 如何学习第二、第三乃至更多的外语

    Unconscious Marketing |【发现与改变】潜意识工作坊III 文化、决策、博弈与潜意识营销

    真魅表达三部曲 | 双语演讲工作坊vol2 总结 @7.1

    PET Workshop / 工作坊
    The PET Workshop mainly concerns knowledge sharing and hands-on experience learning. Each two-hour session we will invite one experienced expert from certain field to share his or her theme stories such as scuba diving, baking workshop, image enhancement and western linguistics, etc. By combining knowledge input with practical experience, each participant not only can acquire rich ideas, but also gain positive experience in practicing knowledge and collecting feedback.
    PET工作坊 是一个注重价值分享与动手体验的主题分享活动,每次我们会邀请一位在某一领域的资深专家进行2小时的主题分享,如潜水,烘焙,形象管理,西方语言学等,强调把知识输入与动手实践相结合,让每一位参与者不仅学习到知识,而且获得使用知识并收集反馈的正向体验。
    PostEnglishTime, Speak English and Make Friends
    PostEnglishTime is a high-quality network of English-speaking Chinese professionals in Beijing. We organize various social activities and provide various community services. Our mission is to build a high-quality network of locals and foreigners who are seriously interested in engaging with culture exchange, learning different societies and humanities.




    • 月.兮


    • 雪钰卿昀


    • 帆帆Yvonne🐟 + 🦒










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