

Sat, 26 May 2018 13:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 26 May 2018 17:00:00 GMT+08


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    About the Exhibition

    Random International has been launched at Yuz Museum: “Everything & Nothing” exhibition must have set us deep consideration about modern time, nature, human and society. This coming activity is an extension of “Rain Room”,which will reveal an amazing journey of paper marbling and subvert your perception of rain where creativity will be aroused from your own sensory memories. Not only will it blow your mind with imagination, but also it will let your memory be remembered forever.


    About activity

    To make marbling, first, we use a container filled with water. Add colorings to the water to make best color combination and marbling will float freely and form patterns or particular veins as to the creator’s idea and water marbling’s requirement. You may use paperboard, cotton clothes and etcs, and spread lightly onto the water surface to make the best use of the absorbability of the materials for creation.

    From the minutest cellular world to the most magnificent nebula in universe

    From the flowing glittering stars to fast-surging river and sea,

    water surface fluctuating in panorama, sketching everything in the world and the end of the eternal,

    like the cycle of life, like the transformation of seasons

    May the flowing world of colorful brilliance and caprice unfold in your hands.

    Come to Yuz Museum to encouter the dream of paper marbling.

    From Moment to Eternity

    Water changes constantly and at that fleeting moment before your brush touches the water, your idea may turn around. Infinitely changing possibilities of drops on the paper will become a freeze-frame, and after air-drying, it can be preserved permanently.

    What is eternity? What is moment? The creation process of paper marbling offers the creator limitless possibilities. Water, colors, and brushes are the perceived objects, of which seems to be everything that can last longer yet everything going into nothing in a moment. A moment of the infinite varieties can be freeze-framed permanently, as such, the border between moment and eternity becomes blurred that eternity is moment and vice versa. This might be the kind of inspiration and cogitation which art leaves behind in the hustling-bustling modern society.


    Memory--Writing and Preservation

    ​Advance of industrialization enables memories to be written and preserved in various forms; not only do they dwell in our brains, but also the traces of reality can be “written into” the silver salts of photographic films as well as be painted on the papers by paper marbling.

    So, how could the process of creating paper marbling not be the journey to discover, write and preserve memories? While The beautiful scars of the memories are delineated and imprinted, re-creating dimensions, memories will be awaken by the time torn down and the floating objects. The virtue of simultaneously digging up for memories writes the newest possibilities of memories, and last but not least, these will be preserved in a paper form to become refreshing and wonderful memories left in people's minds.   

    The End

    Welcome to Yuz Museum, create paper marbling to take a new look at motion, time and eternal proposition of memory.

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