

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 13:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 03 Nov 2016 15:30:00 GMT+08


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    时间:11月3日 13:30-15:30







    11月3日,布鲁金斯学会资深研究员、前国际货币基金组织中国区主管埃斯瓦尔·普拉萨德将讲述对于人民币前景的看法。在他的新书Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi中,普拉萨德探讨了中国经济发展的影响与人民币的崛起。






    【13:30-13:35 开场介绍】

    关馨,  央视国际新闻频道财经新闻主播


    【13:35-14:10 演讲】

    Eswar Prasad,  布鲁金斯学会资深研究员,康奈尔大学教授,前IMF中国区主管


    【14:10-14:50 专题讨论】


    关馨,  央视国际新闻频道财经新闻主播



    贲圣林, 浙江大学管理学院教授,浙大互联网金融研究院创始院长,中国人民大学国际货币研究所创始人、执行所长

    Marshall W Meyer,  宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院Tsai Wan-Tsai讲席教授,名誉教授

    Eswar Prasad,  布鲁金斯学会资深研究员,康奈尔大学教授,前IMF中国区主管

    向松祚, 中国人民大学国际货币研究所副所长

    【14:50-15:25 Q&A】


    【15:25-15:30 结束语】

    关馨,  央视国际新闻频道财经新闻主播



    Eswar PRASAD








    Marshall W MEYER

    Marshall Meyer.jpg


    宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院Tsai Wan-Tsai讲席教授,
















    Guan Xin.jpg






    Event | Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi


    Time: November 3, 13:30-15:30

    Venue: Penn-Wharton China Center

    About the Event:

    The anticipation of Renminbi has always been a hot topic. On October 1, 2016, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) officially anointed the RMB as a major global reserve currency by including it in the basket of currencies that make up the Fund’s international reserve assets, known as special drawing rights (SDRs). But is hype of the RMB’s rise overblown? Could it ever supplant the U.S. dollar as the dominant global reserve currency? Can an ascendant RMB withstand the risks of a slowdown or hard landing in China?


    Now you hear insights on the ascendance of Renminbi from the former head of the IMF's China Division. In his recently published book “Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi,” Brookings senior fellow Eswar Prasad reveals the interconnections linking China's growing economic might, its expanding international influence, and the rise of its currency.

    This event is co-hosted by the Brookings-Tsinghua Center, the Penn-Wharton China Center and the International Monetary Institute. Working language will be English with simultaneous translation. We warmly welcome friends and experts from related fields to attend.



    13:30-13:35     Opening remarks


    Guan Xin, business news anchor & reporter for CCTV NEWS


    13:35-14:10     Presentation


    Eswar Prasad,senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Tolani Senior Professor at Cornell University


    14:10-14:50     Panel discussion



    Guan Xin, business news anchor & reporter for CCTV NEWS


    Ben Shenglin,professor of Banking & Finance, dean at Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University, executive director at the International Monetary Institute, Renmin University of China


    Marshall W Meyer, Tsai Wan-Tsai Professor Emeritus, Emeritus Professor of Management at Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania


    Eswar Prasad,senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Tolani Senior Professor at Cornell University


    Xiang Songzuo,deputy director at the International Monetary Institute, Renmin University of China


    14:50- 15:25 Q& A


    15:25-15:30 Closing Remarks

    Guan Xin, business news anchor & reporter for CCTV NEWS


    Eswar PRASAD


    Eswar Prasad is the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy and Professor of Economics at Cornell University. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he holds the New Century Chair in International Economics, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is a former head of the IMF’s China Division.


    Prasad’s new book, Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi, will be published by Oxford University Press in October 2016. He is also the author of The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened Its Grip on Global Finance (Princeton University Press, 2014) and Emerging Markets: Resilience and Growth Amid Global Turmoil (with M. Ayhan Kose; Brookings Institution Press, 2010). His extensive publication record includes articles in numerous collected volumes as well as top academic journals such as the American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, The Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics. He has co-authored and edited numerous books and monographs, including on financial regulation and on China and India. His current research interests include the macroeconomics of financial globalization; financial regulation, monetary policy frameworks, and exchange rate policies in emerging markets; and the Chinese and Indian economies.


    XIANG Songzuo


    Dr.Xiang Songzuo is Professor of Economics at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Editor-in-Chief at Global Finance & Business; and Chief Economist at ABC and the Institute of Global Finance & Business. Xiang has served as Independent Director at Forbes since November 2008 and is on the Board of China Digital TV. Xiang’s career includes terms as Chairman and Chief Executive of Hurray Solutions; Executive Deputy Chief of the Fund Planning Department at the People’s Bank of China; and Real Estate Market Analyst and Manager of the Strategic Investment and Planning Department at Shenzhen Resources & Property Development. From May 1999 to July 2000, he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University and at Cambridge University from October 1998 to May 1999. He has published numerous academic papers and is editor and Chinese translator of ‘Selected Works on Economics’ by Robert A. Mundell. He is editor of two book series with Renmin University Publishing House. Xiang hold a BSc in Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology; an MA in International Affairs from Columbia University; as well as a second MA in Management Science and a PhD in Economics from Renmin University in China.


    BEN Shenglin


    Before joining Zhejiang University as a full-time professor in May 2014, Dr. Ben was a veteran banker with ABN AMRO, HSBC and lastly JP Morgan Chase as CEO, JP Morgan Chase Bank (China) Co Ltd.

    Some of Dr. Ben’s various other positions with external organizations include:  National Executive Committee member of All China Federation of Industry & Commerce; Joint Chairman of Zhejiang Association of Internet Finance; Member of Global Strategic Advisory Board of School of Management, Purdue University; Executive Director, International Monetary Institute, Renmin University of China, and a Board Member of Sino-German Center of Finance & Economics in Gothe University Frankfurt; Counselor to Zhejiang Provincial Government and a consultant to the central government in China as well as non-executive director of leading companies including China International Capital Corporation, Tsingtao Brewery and Bank of Ningbo.


    Dr. Ben has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Tsinghua University, a Master’s degree in management from Renmin University of China and Ph.D. degree in Economics from Purdue University, USA.


    His research areas include: Financial Reform and China's Banking Industry, Management of Financial Institutions, Internet Financial Services (FinTech), Entrepreneurial Finance, International Business and the Globalization of Chinese Enterprises, International Financial System and RMB Internationalization.


    Marshall W Meyer

    Professor Meyer’s research interest include management in China, measurement of organizational performance, organizational change and organizational design. His recent consulting includes strategies for Chinese firms; design and evaluation of performance measurement systems. His professional leadership include Senior Editor, Management and Organization Review; Advisory Editor, Harvard Business Review—China; Board of Scholars, Chief Executive Leadership Institute, Yale University. Professor Meyer received a Bachelor’s degree from Columbia University, a Master’s degree and a PhD from University of Chicago.


    GUAN Xin


    Guan Xin started her career as a field reporter for CCTVNEWS, covering a wide range of political and economic events in China and abroad, including G20 leaders' summit in St. Petersburg, China's NPC & CPPCC sessions, and 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China.


    She has also conducted one-on-one interviews with a lot of global business leaders, renowned economists and political figures, including Jean-Claude Trichet, former president of the ECB, Carlos Gutierrez, former US Commerce Secretary, Edmund Phelps, Nobel Prize-winning Economist.


    Guan Xin holds a BA in Journalism from Tsinghua Unversity and a MA in Finance from Peking University.

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