

Sat, 10 Feb 2018 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 10 Feb 2018 16:00:00 GMT+08


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    时间:2018210 14:00——16:00














    近期展览包括:广延Vanguard 画廊,零时艺术中心,上海,中国(2018,个展);上海星空,余德耀美术馆,上海,中国(2017);今日之往昔——1届安仁双年展,华侨城,成都,中国(2017);球场,中央美术学院美术馆,北京,中国(2017);例外状态:中国境况与艺术考察 2017”,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国(2017);平坦,上海玻璃博物馆,上海,中国(2016,个展);何不再问:正辩,反辩,故事”——11届上海双年展,上海(2016);赤道Vanguard 画廊,上海,中国(2016,个展)等。


    林昱,评论人,《ArtReview Asia》创始人和主编,现工作与生活于上海。

    2013年加入英国老牌艺术杂志《ArtReview》后,她创立了其姐妹杂志《ArtReview Asia》,一本发行于全亚洲、致力于该地区的当代艺术批评、创作实践、以及国际、亚际亚洲话语生产的评论杂志。此前她是《艺术界》杂志的创始编辑(20092012年)。最近的策展项目包括尉洪磊2013年)、铁木尔·斯琴:生物基因岩2015年)、风入松2016年)。除了《ArtReview Asia》的编辑工作,她还创立并策划上海西岸艺术博览会特别项目“ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng”2016年秋天,她入选英国《APOLLO》杂志评选的“40 Under 40 ASIA PASIFIC”


    Time: 14:00——16:00, Feb.10th, 2018

    Venue: 3F Glass Atrium

    Guests: Liao Fei, Aimee Lin

    Language: Mandarin

    Charge: Free admission

    Number of Participants: Up to 50


    About the Activity

    Every time Earth boy Liao Fei saw a globe, a map or images of the earth of digital era, he would easily get fallen into fasciation. The earth has two poles- north and south poles-which symbolize the two absolute ends of the world, and the imaginary line designed by man – the equator- which segregates the earth into two parts, implying humankind’s understanding of dichotomy. Therefore, having been an artist who is keen on “dual epistemology” established by modern science, he eventually built two commemorative statues for the equator.

    Based on the perfect earth, he went to his home and workplace, and with one set of eyes that has been trained in a reasonable world he came up with, he looked for the beauty of the most powerful system effectiveness which is unwittingly attained when one strives to achieve some concrete objectives in the real world. This kind of beauty has been photographed by him as an act, becoming one of his main job since 2011.

    From 2017, Liao Fei has created a new method of working; reviewing the original dichotomy as well as changes in definition of matter. He transformed previous physical means into Bias Plane and geometric desk work. On this Saturday, Yuz Museum is inviting artist Liao Fei and art critic Lin Yu, who will observe the evolution and mutation of the revisionist’s dichotomy and discuss on the proposition in continuity and depth.


    About the Guests

    Liao Fei was born in 1981, in Jiangxi Province and graduated from Shanghai Normal University in 2006. Now he is based in Shanghai. 

    Recent Exhibition including: “RES EXTENSA”, Vanguard Gallery, O Art Center, Shanghai, China(2018, Solo Exhibition); “Shanghai Galax II”, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China(2017); “Anren Biennale”, OCT, Anren, China(2017); “Any Ball”, CAFA Museum, Beijing, China(2017); “The New Normal: Art and China in 2017”, UCCA, Beijing, China(2017); “Plain”, Shanghai Museum of Glass, Shanghai, China(2016, Solo Exhibition); “Why Not Ask Again: 11th Shanghai Biennale” , PSA, Shanghai, China(2016); “The Equator”, Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai, China(2016, Solo Exhibition), etc. 

    Aimee Lin

    Art critic, co-founder & editor of ArtReview Asia

    Since she started to work with the British art magazine ArtReview in 2013, Lin has founded its sister magazine ArtReview Asia, a critical magazine distributed in pan-Asia area and dedicating to critical and artistic practice in this region and Asian discourses in international and in inter-Asia contexts. Prior to this position, she was the founding editor of LEAP (2009-2012). Her recent curatorial projects include ‘Yu Honglei’(2013), ‘Timur Si-Qin: Biogenic Mineral’ (2015) and ‘Wind in the Pines’(2016). Apart from the editorial work of ArtReview Asia, Lin initiated and curated ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng. She was featured by APOLLO magazine in “40 Under 40 Asia Pacific” in 2016. Lin is currently based in Shanghai.

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    余德耀美术馆坐落于“西岸文化走廊”,东临滨江的龙腾大道,北依丰谷路,由原龙华机场的大 机库改建而成。总面积9000多平米的建筑中,老机库改建的主展厅就占了3000多平米,其特有的 巨大空间与张扬的结构感,与余先生以装置为主的藏品相得益彰。

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