
2019上海骄傲节 彩虹骑行 / ShanghaiPRIDE Rainbow Bike Ride

Sat, 18 May 2019 09:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 18 May 2019 12:00:00 GMT+08
上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE


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    彩虹骑行 Rainbow Bike Ride | 道路千万条,骄傲第一条 Highway to PRIDE




    Fifth Annual Rainbow Bike Ride is Coming!

    上海骄傲节年度彩虹骑行开始报名啦! 为了纪念5月17日国际不再恐同日,2019年的彩虹骑行将于5月18日周六举行。 每个报名名额的最低支持金额为120元。

    Registration for ShanghaiPRIDE’s annual Rainbow Bike Ride is now open! The Bike Ride will take place on Saturday Morning 18-May to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). The minimum donation for each ticket is RMB120.

    代表彩虹旗六色的六支骑行队伍将从上海各角落出发,最终汇聚在新华路的棉花酒吧(我们的最爱之一)。 六条线路的长度介于5至17公里不等。 参与名额非常有限。但即使你没有机会参与骑行,我们也邀请你当日中午12:00在棉花酒吧一同参与“同享彩虹”庆祝活动。

    Six teams of cyclists will represent the six colors of the Rainbow Flag, starting from every corner of Shanghai to meet at Cotton’s—a favorite of ours located on Xinhua Road. The routes range between 5 km to 17 km.  Spots are limited, but everyone is invited to “Share the Pride” at 12:00 at Cotton’s.

    彩虹骑行的活动所得将全部用于组织第十一届上海骄傲节。2019年上海骄傲节的主题是“Share the Pride – 同享彩虹”。你准备好了在5月18日与我们一起在上海 “同享彩虹”了吗?

    Proceeds of the Rainbow Bike Ride will go to organizing Pride11. This year’s theme is “Share the Pride”—are you ready to “Share the Pride” with us across Shanghai on 18-May?

    Starting Point and Duration for the Six Teams


    1 红色车队 (陆家嘴起点)  | 17 公里


    Red Team (Lujiazui)  | 17 km

    Lujiazui-Pudong Riverside Greenway-South Pier Ferry-Waima Rd.-South Zhongshan Rd.-Kaixuan Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton’s

    2 橘色车队(金虹桥国际中心起点)| 5 公里


    Orange Team (Arch Shanghai)  | 5 km

    Arch Shanghai-Gubei Rd.-Hongqiao Rd.-Panyu Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton's

    3 黄色车队  (虹口足球场起点)| 12 公里


    Yellow Team (Hongkou Football Stadium) |12 km

    Hongkou Football Stadium-North Zhongshan Yi Rd.-North Zhongshan Rd.-West Zhongshan Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton’s

    4 绿色车队  (锦江乐园起点)| 8 公里


    Green Team (Jinjiang Park) | 8 km

    Jinjiang Park-Humin Rd.-Guilin Rd.-Fanyu Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton’s

    5 蓝色车队  (曹杨路地铁站起点)| 5 公里


    Blue Team (Caoyang Rd. metro station)  | 5 km

    Caoyang Rd. metro station -Caoyang Rd.-North Jiangsu Rd.-Jiangsu Rd.-Huashan Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton’s

    6 紫色车队  (七宝起点) | 10 公里


    Purple Team (Qibao metro station)  | 10 km

    Qibao metro station-Caobao Rd.-Xinzhen Rd.-Wuzhong Rd.-East Wuzhong Rd.-Fanyu Rd.-Xinhua Rd.-Cotton’s

    感谢以下赞助商对本次活动的支持: Old Navy、Cotton’s 酒吧餐厅(新华路)

    We would like to thank our sponsors: Old Navy, Cotton’s Xinhua Road

    彩虹骑行Rainbow Bike Ride

    日期 Date:2019-05-18

    时间 Time:09:00-12:00

    终点站 Venue:Cotton’s 酒吧餐厅(新华路)/ Cotton’s Xinhua Road

    地址 Address:长宁区新华路294 号(近香花桥路)/ 294 Xinhua Road (near Xianghuaqiao Road), Changning District

    报名费 Donation:120元(最低金额)RMB120 (minimum donation) 

    报名截止时间 RSVP by:2019-05–09 18:00

    Cotton's 精心准备特色菜品,全场同享彩虹优惠价

    Check out Cotton's special menu for the day


    1. 本活动所得资金将用于上海骄傲节运营,不进行任何理由的退款,请见谅!

    2. 请通过本网站尽快完成报名支付,活动当天不接受现场报名。

    3. 收到确认付费邮件才算完成报名注册。邮件中包含本次活动的微信群二维码,请扫描加入便于我们取得联系。

    4. 您注册的邮箱将于活动开始前一周收到您选择的路线地图、集合地点、集合时间及其它相关信息。

    5. 请参加的骑手自行准备单车和车锁,或在出发点租借共享单车。

    6. 为了安全原因,所有参与者必须带头盔等安全防护装置。上海骄傲节和赞助商不对参与者的伤亡事件承担责任。

    7. 骑行过程中请照顾好您的随身物品,上海骄傲节和赞助商不对任何物品丢失承担责任。


    Important Notice:

    1. This activity is a fundraising event for ShanghaiPRIDE;  there will be no refunds.

    2. Please register and donate through the registration website. We will not accept registration on the day of the event.

    3. Your registration is successful when you have received a confirmation email, which includes the QR code for the event group chat. Please include your email and phone number so we can contact you.

    4. An additional email will be sent one week before the event, which will consist of the route map, gathering point, meeting time, and other information about your chosen route.

    5. Please note that you are responsible for bringing your bicycle and bicycle lock. If you would like to join us but do not have a bike, you can use bike-sharing systems.

    6. For safety reasons, all participants must wear protective gear including helmets.  ShanghaiPRIDE and its affiliates are not responsible for any injuries or deaths of participants.

    7. During the event, please look after your belongings. ShanghaiPRIDE and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss or damage of personal belongings.

    同享彩虹 | Share the Pride

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    上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE

    上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE

    上海骄傲节ShanghaiPRIDE是一年一度庆祝多元的庆典,其创办自2009年。活动完全由志愿者运营,获得本地企业赞助、个人资助以及外国领事馆的支持。骄傲节旨在通过丰富多彩的体育、文化、社交活动为LGBTQ等提升自我认同,社会能见度与包容度。6/17~6/26 ~生为平常 I Am Me~

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