
TEDxFuxingPark 2016: CARPE DIEM | TEDx复兴公园春季大会:把握当下

Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 23 Apr 2016 17:30:00 GMT+08
TEDxFuxingPark (TEDx复兴公园)


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    TEDxFuxingPark 2016 Spring: CARPE DIEM


    CARPE DIEM (Seize the Day)
    CARPE DIEM (把握当下)


    It was the movie "Dead Poets Society" that resurrected the obscure Latin phrase carpe diem first used by the ancient Roman poet, Horace (65BC – 8BC). Perhaps because of the popularity of the film the English translation - Seize the Day - has been firmly fixed in our contemporary culture. As a credo it’s an exhortation to live life to the fullest, getting the most out of each individual day. The appeal of carpe diem is that it encourages us to live in the moment.


    Horace used carpe diem in his Odes book I: Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. This translates as: “While we're talking, envious time is fleeing: pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.”  This meaning is similar to that of many English proverbs such as 'strike while the iron is hot' and 'the early bird catches the worm'.


    Carpe Diem has an optimistic outlook towards the way we should look at life but also a warning that time does not wait for us. Making positive use of our time is a passionate prerequisite to the call for action for our dreams, hopes and plans. Carpe Diem implies that we seize the hour of every opportunity. Take our own road of potential and possibilities.


    This April in TEDxFuxingPark, we try to grasp , pluck, and devour the most brilliant chances in our lives. We will discuss love, courage and changes happening in everyone’s life and how we can eventually seize the day. 



    电影《死亡诗社》赋予了CARPE DIEM这个来自于古罗马诗歌的晦涩拉丁词新的生命。正是因为这部电影成为了经典,CARPE DIEM的英文翻译SEIZE THE DAY也得以在当代文化中深深扎根。这个信条告诉我们要把每一天都过得最充实,鼓励我们活在当下。

    古罗马诗人Horace在他的古诗 《Odes 章节一》中写到 :“ 善妒的时间在我们的话语之间溜走,与其盲目指望明天,不如把握当下。”这个含义与许多英文俗语近似,比如“打铁要趁热”,或“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”。

    CARPE DIEM指引我们积极展望生活,也时刻提醒着我们时间不为任何人等待。积极地使用时间是实现梦想、希望或计划的必备条件。CARPE DIEM鼓励我们要抓住每个机会的每一分钟,走上发现自己无限可能的旅程。



    TEDx复兴公园 2016Spring  2016年4月23日
    TEDxFuxingPark 2016,  Date: April 23rd,2015


    Venue:B2 Hall02,Expo Exhibition Hall


    Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 | 2016年4月23日周六

    1:30pm - 5:30pm



    Speaker Highlight



    SESSION 01: CARPE HORAM(Seize the hour)

    第一部分 : CARPE HORAM (时刻在握)




    Inspiration due to an original thought or a uniquely personal experience lies behind our passion and purpose.  The passions that fuel our dreams and drive the purposes of our life only become entwined when we set intentions. Intentions make it easier to prioritize on how to spend our time reaching goals. Intentions also allow us to be prepared to take advantage of opportunities that come our way and are ready to grasp them.


    Session01 主题讲者:

    Opening Performance 表演嘉宾: Cajon - JAZZFRONT 卡洪鼓演出

    杜跃进 Dr. Du Yuejin【阿里巴巴集团安全技术副总裁 VP of Security, Alibaba 】

    Ann 【Urban Aphrodite International,Founder, Urban Aphrodite 剧团创始人】

    刘峰 Ivy Liu【尚贤咨询首席教练 Executive Coach Partner CN Talent Center】

    Marco【Excutive Director, Red Synergy, Writer 】

    Session01 Carpe Diem 竖排New.jpg









    SESSION 02: CARPE VIAM (Take the road)

    第二部分 : CARPE VIAM (择路出发)




    Taking the road is all about a journey that insists we step outside our comfort zone. It’s about pushing ourselves to realize our own potential. Seizing the day is about overcoming the challenge of change by consistently taking decisive action. Take action today by not ignoring tomorrow. Thinking about the future can help us make better decisions today that will set us up for success in the future. The future is ever present. The future is now.


    Session02 主题讲者:

    Performance 表演嘉宾: Barney Rivera 脱口秀 [shanghai comedy club]
    卢刚 Lu gang 【TechNode创始人 Founder, TechNode】

    Graeme Kennedy  【Canadian Photographer, 加拿大摄影师】

    David Picazo 【CEO, Picazo arquitectos 西班牙建筑师,毕加索家族成员】

    孔华威 Kong Huawei 【 张江科投/首席科学家 Chief scientist, Zhangjiang Tech】


    Session02 Carpe Diem 竖排New.jpg




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