TEDxNingbo2017 年度大会「CITY LIVE」城市现场
City, the complex of lives,
is home to interwoven stories,
they’re intricate or plain
with flow of glows,
like the ever-changing kaleidoscope
or the perpetual motion machine,
evolving without ends.
2017/12/10 Sun.
Nature Stage
(No.233-1, Yonggang South Rd., Yinzhou Dist., Ningbo)
活 动 日 程
09:20-10:00 签到 Registration
09:45-10:00 TED Talk
10:01-11:00 Session1 打造 Create
11:01-12:00 Session2 发展 Develop
12:00-13:30 午餐 & Adventure
13:30-14:45 Session3 巩固 Reinforce
14:45-15:10 茶歇 Tea Break
15:10-17:00 Session4 持续 Sustain
讲 者 信 息
购 票 信 息
Ticket Infomation
·学生票:¥ 280
·乙票:¥ 380 (双人套票:¥ 699)
·甲票:¥ 580 (双人套票:¥ 999)
·VIP 票:¥ 666
· Student Ticket:¥ 280
· A Ticket:¥ 380 (Tickets for 2:¥ 699)
· B Ticket:¥ 580 (Tickets for 2:¥ 999)
· VIP Ticket:¥ 666
购 票 须 知
1. 参会者于活动当天,在活动现场凭电子票二维码换取纸质票,纸质票为入场唯一凭证;
2. 学生票购票者,请在换取纸质票同时出示有效学生证件;
3. 如购票后未及时收到电子票,请查阅邮箱垃圾邮件,若仍有疑问,请联系 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴;
4. 门票一经出售,恕不退票,可将门票转让;
5. 若您已将门票转让,请发送「门票转让:转让人和受让人各自的姓名、联系电话和邮箱」的内容给 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴。
1. On the event day, electronic tickets should be exchanged for paper tickets, which are the only proof of entrance.
2. If you buy a student ticket, please show a valid student ID card when exchanging for a paper ticket.
3. If you haven’t received electronic tickets after the purchase, please check your spam mails. If you have further questions, please contact TEDxNingbo (WeChat ID: TEDxNB).
4. Tickets are not refundable, but you are allowed to transfer.
5. If you have already transferred the tickets, please send a message (including the names, phone numbers and email addresses of both) to TEDxNingbo wechat platform (WeChat ID: TEDxNB).
※ 活动现场设有同传设备(中英互译),可按需租赁,15元/副。
※ TEDxNingbo 小伙伴的联系方式为(WeChat ID):TEDxNB。
※ 如有购票疑问,以及团购门票(50 张以上),请联系 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴。
※ TEDxNingbo 是经 TED 官方授权的宁波地区独立 TEDx 活动主办方,是当前中国大陆最具影响力和高质量的 TEDx 活动主办方之一,由本土社群独立组织,致力于传播有价值的创想理念。
※ 感谢各位讲者对 TEDx 的规则理解,支持无偿分享观点。
※ 所有门票收入将全部用于大会准备工作,包括演讲者交通食宿、活动运营、设备与物料以及场地与宣传等费用。
※ Simultaneous interpreting receivers are available for rent.
※ TEDxNingbo contact information(WeChat ID):TEDxNB.
※ You’re encouraged to contact TEDxNingbo for questions on ticketsor group purchase (over 50).
※ TEDxNingbo is a TED-authorized Ningbo-based organizer of independent TEDx events. As one of the most influential and high-quality TEDx event organizers in Mainland China, it is organized by the local community and dedicated to spreading valuable ideas.
※ Thank all the speakers for your understanding of TEDx's rules and support for free sharing of ideas.
※ All the ticket incomes will be used for the preparation of the event, including the speakers’ accommodation, activity operation, equipment, materials, venue renting and marketing.