
投资西班牙,如何获得黄金签证? New investment options in Spain that allow you to obtain Golden Visa

2018年5月23日 14:00 ~ 2018年5月23日 18:30





    New investment options in Spain that allow you to obtain Golden Visa


    We invite you to our event aiming of attracting Chinese investors who want to invest in Spanish start-ups. Our speakers will share on "Invest in Spain. Golden Visa beyond Real Estate" and "Invest in Spanish start-up, steps to follow and recommendations". Followed by start-up presentations.

    【语言/Language】英文 / English

    【日程安排  Schedule】


    介绍 Presentation 

    XNode & AGM Abogados & possible institutions (ICEX unconfirmed)



    Keynote "Invest in Spain. Golden Visa beyond Real Estate"

    •  Mª Eugenia Blasco Rodellar, China Desk Director and International Mobility Area of AGM Abogados



    Keynote "Invest in a Spanish start-up, steps to follow and recommendations" 

    • Francisco Lacasa Lobera, Partner Area M&A of AGM Abogados

    • Àlex Plana Paluzie, Lawyer Area M&A of AGM Abogados.


    路演环节 Startup Pitches 


    Networking 自由交流

    演讲嘉宾 Speakers

    Mª Eugenia Blasco Rodellar

    China Desk Director and International Mobility Area of AGM Abogados

    Francisco Lacasa Lobera

    Partner Area M&A of AGM Abogados

    Àlex Plana Paluzie

    Lawyer Area M&A of AGM Abogados

    路演团队 Pitch Teams



    SoniQ is a Netflix alike streaming video platform, offering unlimited fitness live trainings and VOD, so the end customers (sporties) can enjoy those sessions any time, from anywhere and with whoever they'd like, using phone, tablet, laptop or SmartTV. SoniQ deploys its IoT camera network into the best sport centers, generating a new revenue channel and new ways of interaction for the fitness industry.

    Time Coin


    An innovating geo-social network that empowers people’s vocation and real skills by making possible a neo-exchange economy through monetizing time into TimeCoins.

    Pocket Piano


    The PocketPiano is a modular piano with its pedals, with the capacity to differentiate touch sensitivity as well as the intensity of the beats, once folded fits into your backpack. The wireless piano is connected via bluetooth to smartphones which work as a speakers and software controllers.

    Reanimación rcpb

    REANIMACION RCPB是一家制造,销售医疗用品的贸易公司。我们的使命是面向全世界分享我们的创新:多重套管面罩ISO 22MM,包括20多项功能改善,用于挽救呼吸心搏停止,其余部分可用于CPR心肺复苏,根据世界卫生组织这是(除了癌症,烟草和流行病)导致死亡的主要原因。我们的愿景和使命是拯救生命。正因为这个目标,我们致力于在全世界范围内发行我们的急救面罩,根据国际法,在两个主要渠道:专业和民用发行。任何人在未经训练的情况下即可使用。根据国际法,各个公共部门都需配备该医疗急救用品,尤其是有大量人员聚集地(车站,机场,港口,火车,各类车辆,购物中心,健身房,剧院,电影院,马拉松等公共活动... ETC等)。

    Reanimacion rcpb is a company about manufacturing, trading and sales of sanitary material. Our mission is to create and distribute all over the world a total innovation: the multi cannula mask ISO 22mm, which improves in more than 20 benefits the rest of devices for CPR maneuver in cases of arrest cardiorespiratory, leading cause of death in the world according to the world organization of the health (more than cancer, tobacco and epidemies). Our vision and mission is saving lives, all over the world. Because this objective, our reanimation masks must be present in all sites, everywhere, according to international laws, in two main channels: professional and civil use. One person alone can use it, without previous knowledge. Pursuant to international laws the installation of this sanitary material is required, at all sites, especially where there is massive affluence of persons (stations, airports, ports, trains, all type of vehicle, shopping centers, gym, theaters, cinemas, maratons, everywhere... Etc etc).

    Mas Vinyoles Hub

    Mas Vinyoles Hub是一个绿色自然的创新和创业的空间。已推出了一家专门从事清洁技术和智能技术的创业大厦(公司),和一个“Nature Coworking”空间,可并提供适合公司和个人的活动空间。利用高效可再生能源装置(光伏和生物能源),露天空间和芳香植物的有机栽培创造一个可持续发展的环境。

    Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory是一家专门从事清洁技术和智能科技领域新业务项目的工厂。 “创业建筑”是一个相对较新的概念,在美国,欧洲,印度及南非已经有了一定的基础。这种新型创业模式由一个富有经验的团队创造,并在此基础上,在制定商业计划的同时融入了一支企业家及财务管理团队,为初始阶段的发展提供资金。

    Mas Vinyoles Hub is a space for innovation and promotion of entrepreneurship located in a rural setting. It has launched a Venture Factory (or factory of companies) specialized in Clean Tech and Smart Tech, also has a "Nature Coworking" and offers spaces adapted for the celebration of events for companies and individuals. A sustainable environment has been created with efficient and renewable energy installations (photovoltaic and biomass), open air spaces and organic cultivation of aromatic plants.

    Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory is a factory of new business projects specialized in the cleantech and smart tech sectors. "Venture Building" is a relatively new concept that is rooted with some force in the United States, but also in Europe, India or South Africa. This entrepreneurial model is based on a very experienced team that generates the initial ideas of business, the head, in the elaboration of a Business Plan, incorporates a team of entrepreneurs, finances the initial phase and sets them up.

    Dinbeat PRO

    Dinbeat是一家开发与科技有关的宠物的创新产品的StartUp公司。 由Dinbeat开发的第一款产品被称为DinbeatPRO,这是一款专门用于追踪宠物健康的可穿戴设备,主要用于兽医用途。 该设备可以对狗的健康状况进行无线监测,并在检测到宠物存在问题时向医生发送警报。 我们估算,这种类型的设备可以节省高达80%的医疗跟踪成本,并且还可以随时监控宠物,改善宠物的服务和生活。 DinbeatPRO将在2018年底发售,引起了宠物市场的很大兴趣,我们已有兽医和经销商的来信表示兴趣。 预计我们的潜在市场是240.00个体,这意味着约5亿欧元。

    Dinbeat is a StartUp Company which develops innovative products for pets related with tech. The first product developed by Dinbeat is called DinbeatPRO, a wearable device to track pets health professionally, mainly for veterinary use. The device allows the dog health to be monitor wirelessly, sending  alerts to vets when it detects that there is a problem with the patient. We estimate that a device of this type can save vets up to 80% in health tracking costs, and also allows patients to be monitored at all times, improving the service and the life of the patient. DinbeatPRO, which will be on sale at the end of 2018 has evoked a lot of interest in the veterinary market, in fact we have interest letters from veterinarians and distributors. We estimated that our potential market is 240.00 units, which means about 500 million euros.

    Color Sensing

    在ColorSensing,我们的目标是成为下一个食品质量标准,帮助食品包装制造商和零售商减少食品损耗成本。 我们提供一种自动的,定量的和具有成本效益的食品新鲜度监测解决方案。 得益于巴塞罗那大学开发并获得专利的全新软件技术,智能手机通过读取特别设计的智能标签,捕获包装内的数据,从而实现食品供应链任何点的可追溯性和流程优化。 制造商支付标签费用,制造商和零售商都支付标签读数和定期汇总数据报告,以辅助他们做出更明智的业务决策。 ColorSensing是巴塞罗那大学的分支机构,由三名全职成员组成的多学科团队(1名管理+2名工程师),一名顶尖研究CSO,以及一家有经验的数字公司和食品技术中心的支持。

    At ColorSensing we aim to be the next food quality standard helping packaged food manufacturers and retailers cut down food waste cost. We provide them with an automatic, quantitative and cost-effective food-freshness monitoring solution. Thanks to a new software based technology, developed and patented by the University of Barcelona, a specially designed intelligent label read by an usual smartphone captures data from inside the package that allow traceability and process optimization at any point of the food supply chain. Manufacturers pay for the labels, and both manufacturers and retailers pay for the label readings and periodical reports of aggregate data that help them make smarter decisions about their business. ColorSensing is a spin-off from University of Barcelona with a multidisciplinary team of three full-time members (1 business + 2 engineers), a top-notch researcher as CSO, and the support of a digital experienced company and a food technology center.


    BCN3D设计,制造和销售桌面3D打印机,帮助创新者和创意改变世界。 BCN3D诞生于CIM-UPC,这是一家专业从事增材制造的技术中心,拥有超过30年的经验。 如今,Sigma和Sigmax这两种主要产品正在全球销售,为工程,汽车,医疗保健和教育研究等不同行业提供解决方案。 BCN3D在品牌知名度和销售渠道方面在市场上占据有利地位,并且是扩大业务规模的大好机会。

    BCN3D designs, builds and sells desktop 3D printers that help innovators and creatives to change the world. BCN3D was born into the CIM-UPC, a technological centre specialised in additive manufacturing with more than 30 years of experience. Nowadays, Sigma and Sigmax, the two main products, are being sold around the globe providing solutions to different industries ranging from engineering or automotive to healthcare and universities. BCN3D has a strong position in the market in terms of brand awareness and sales channel and a big opportunity to scale up its business.

    主办方 Organizers

    “定制化的高质量人性化咨询” 。我们的责任是成为一个值得信赖的提供全方位服务的事务所,不仅着眼国内也参与 国际事务,这保证着我们客户的每一个成功。

    AT AGM ABOGADOS WE SUPPORT OUR CLIENTS Talent, experience and results are present in our 30 years of experience.


    XNode | 创业加速器与创业空间:我们致力于孵化创意并帮助创业者与企业家加速发展;我们在上海拥有可以激发灵感的工作空间,并且举办精彩纷呈的创业活动;我们帮助企业与创业公司紧密对接,让他们保持创新活力。

    XNode | Startup Accelerator & Coworking Space:At XNode, we accelerate ideas and businesses by offering inspiring workspaces in Shanghai and fueling them with meaningful events. We help corporates engage with startups and embrace the entrepreneurial mindset.

    [CN] - www.thexnode.cn

    [EN] - www.thexnode.com




    • Sofia ZHOU


    • 饭黛儿 Adele


    • Sev Meles


    • 13607665***


    • Hiruy


    • Alfonso Comino









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