
Ladies Who Tech STEM Drinks Night Shanghai

Wed, 18 Nov 2020 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 18 Nov 2020 21:30:00 GMT+08


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    Ladies Who Tech上海STEM社交之夜

    Ladies Who Tech Shanghai STEM Drinks Night 

    社群赋能(II) Community Empowerment(II)


    还记得Ladies Who Tech在上海的首个STEM社交之夜吗?当晚气氛热烈,大家的交谈从职场经历、异国生活,到中国电商市场、未来深造计划等等,在科技女性社群里找到坚实的支持和力量。

    Our first Ladies Who Tech Shanghai STEM Drinks Night brought communities together to discuss topics such as career experience, life abroad, Chinese e-commerce, and plans to pursue further studies.  That night also helped some participants find support and power from the community of women and allies.

    你是否已经开始怀念那天感受到的热情、使命感和归属感,亦或者在为没能参加感到遗憾?没关系,11月18日(星期三)Ladies Who Tech上海将在Gin&Juice再次举办STEM社交之夜!

    If you missed last month's event or if you want to find out about other women communities, come join the second Ladies Who Tech STEM Drinks Night at Gin & Juice on Wednesday, November 18!

    我们一直相信社群是珍贵的分享与交流平台,我们能够通过社群结识、成长、贡献价值、共建力量。因此延续上一次活动的主题,11月18日的STEM社交之夜仍会聚焦社群赋能。届时我们将迎来国际职业女性协会(IPWS)和她爱科技(She Loves Tech)这两个优秀女性社群的代表作为合作伙伴参与,分享她们的对于社群建设、赋能方面的故事和见解。

    Communities are important to foster sharing and networking. People can benefit from community through networking, contributing and mutual empowerment. STEM Drinks Night on November 18 will be another night of community empowerment. Representatives from International Professional Women's Society (IPWS) and She Loves Tech will share their stories and vision on community building and empowerment.

    如果你想要一起挖掘STEM女性创业机会,一起讨论女性职场现状、领导力的建设,一起交流创新的想法,找到更多在STEM领域里能够共鸣的小伙伴,那就快来报名参加11月18日Ladies Who Tech上海STEM社交之夜吧!

    Do you want to find out about entrepreneurial opportunities for women in STEM?  Do you want to discuss the status quo for professional women or approaches on building leadership? Do you want to share insights on creativity with partners of the same mind in STEM?  If you do, come on register for the Ladies Who Tech STEM Drinks Night on November 18.

    嘉宾介绍 Guest Speakers


    Olivia Plotnick  

    IPWS 董事会主席、中国营销专家

    IPWS Board of Directors, President, China Marketing Specialist

    Olivia自 2017 年以来一直志愿服务于IPWS ,自 2018 年起担任董事会多个职位。她来自美国俄勒冈州,在中国生活了近 6 年,主要从事市场营销和传播工作。在奥美上海办公室工作后,Olivia成立了自己的精品社交媒体营销公司,并在上海管理着一个团队。她与中小型品牌合作制定并执行社交媒体策略,并为财富500强企业和国际代表团提供有关中国市场的咨询和研讨会。 

    Olivia has been volunteering with IPWS since 2017, serving on the Board of Directors since 2018 in various positions. A native of Oregon, USA, she has been living in China for nearly 6 years, working primarily in Marketing & Communications. After working at Ogilvy’s Shanghai office, Olivia founded her own boutique social media marketing agency and manages a team based in Shanghai. She works with small to medium-size brands to develop and execute a social media strategy, as well as offers consulting and workshops on China marketing to Fortune 500 companies and international delegations.


    Diana Teoh


     Program Lead at She Loves Tech China, Program Lead at Chinaccelerator

    作为世界上最大的女性科技创业竞赛——“她爱科技”中国赛区的项目负责人,Diana 希望利用中国充满活力的初创企业生态系统,寻找到最优秀的企业家和高新科技,以产生变革性的影响。 

    她同时担任了亚洲首家创业加速器-中国加速项目负责人。作为亚洲第一家初创企业加速器,中国加速旨在帮助互联网初创企业实现跨境发展。Diana 不仅长期管理上海的常驻项目,而且致力于帮助初创企业通过现有和全新的资源加快发展步伐,持续不断在全球市场上积极寻找有价值的资源。


    Diana Teoh is the Program Lead at She Loves Tech China - The world's largest startup competition for women and technology. Her purpose as the Program Lead is to source the best entrepreneurs and technology for transformative impact by leveraging the dynamic startup ecosystem in China. 

    She is also the Program Lead at Chinaccelerator, the first startup accelerator to launch in Asia helping internet startups cross-border. Diana runs the residential program and helps startups to accelerate the implementation of their growth through existing and new resources. She is always actively looking out for value-driven resources in the global market. 

    Diana is a strong believer in making the world a better place to be, she adopted the Sustainable Development Goals as one of her career OKR to ensure that her contributions are making an impact on society.

    Ladies Who Tech 上海 STEM 社交之夜 

    ​Ladies Who Tech Shanghai STEM Drinks Night

    主题 Theme: 社群赋能 Community Empowerment

    日期Date: 星期四 Thursday 2020-11-18
    时间Time: 19:00 – 21:30

    地址:上海静安区康定路358号3号楼106室  Gin & Juice

    Address: Gin & Juice 358 Kangding Rd, Bldg 3, Unit 106, Jingan District , Shanghai


    Entry fee: 150 yuan for two drinks plus snack

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    She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.

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