【英文活动】动点科技深度对话YC:创业出海 - 硅谷加速中国创新
深度对话YC:创业出海 - 硅谷加速中国创新
Chinese innovation, American acceleration and everything in between
In a world of increasingly multinational startups, how should Chinese startups best launch overseas, bringing their innovations to new markets? How should Chinese entrepreneurs decide which foreign accelerators, incubators, and other organizations to work with? How do investors view Chinese startups going overseas and what trends do they observe in terms of going international? These are all questions worth considering for Chinese startups and their supporters.
7月29日,前任风投基金Village Capital副总裁和动点科技资深作者Daniel Hsu将对话YC合伙人兼中国区负责人埃里克·米奇克维斯基(Eric Migicovsky)和IDG资本董事总经理楼军,从两位著名风投基金的角度,深度探讨中国初创企业如何更好的进入海外市场。
On July 29, former VP at Village Capital and expert contributor for TechNode Daniel Hsu will explore these questions with Eric Migicovsky, Partner at Y Combinator (YC) and its China representative. Their discussion will uncover insights to help Chinese startups better leverage foreign resources and enter international markets.
This TechNode event will be in English and live-streamed in both English and Chinese.
Eric Migicovsky
Y Combinator 合伙人、Pebble 创始人。Eric拥有加拿大滑铁卢大学系统设计工程学士学位。毕业后成立消费类电子设备公司Pebble,如今成为Y Combinator合伙人。Eric技术出身,且擅长于创业、电子商务等相关话题
Partner of Y Combinator and founder of Pebble, Eric holds a degree in Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada. He founded Pebble Technology, the company behind the Pebble, Pebble Steel, Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel smartwatches for iPhone and Android. He currently works on finding, funding and helping great founders for YC with a special focus in Greater China.
Moderated by
Daniel Hsu
动点科技供稿人,跨国公司创新独立顾问,Chinaccelerator导师Daniel在多家不同的公司任高管一职,包括跨国公司(沃尔玛)、初创公司(D.light)以及创投基金和加速器(Village Capital)。在Village Capital工作期间,他致力于扩大企业合作,当时新客户包括微软、UBS、大都会人寿、Autodesk等各行业的大型公司。目前,作为独立顾问,Daniel致力于帮助跨国公司探讨创新空间,从而形成共赢合作。
Daniel Hsu helps multinational companies navigate the innovation space to engage startups for mutual benefit. His diverse background includes corporate (Walmart), startup (D.light), and venture investing (Village Capital) experiences. At Village Capital, he oversaw corporate partnerships, bringing in new clients such as Microsoft, UBS, MetLife, Autodesk, and many other corporates from various industries. He is a mentor for Chinaccelerator and a contributor to TechNode.
6: 30 - 7:00PM 注册,小食
7: 00 - 8:00PM 深度对话
8: 00 - 8:30 PM 交流
科技寺联合办公空间三里屯滚石店 Tech Temple Sanlitun Lounge
时间: 18:30 - 20:30, 7月29日,周日
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