
Ladies Who Tech Founders Series Shanghai: Beauty Tech

2020年10月21日 18:30 ~ 2020年10月21日 21:00






    2020 上海Ladies Who Tech创始人系列活动:美丽科技

    Ladies Who Tech Founders Series Shanghai 2020: Beauty Tech


    Ladies Who Tech创始人系列活动将于2020年10月21日回归!创始人系列意在创建一个独特的以技术为主题的中心,在这里,女性技术创始人、科技自由职业者、潜在联合创始人、人才和潜在客户之间的联系可以互相链接,以便实现他们的技术上的商业目标,例如通过多元化来提高产品质量。本月我们聊聊美丽科技。

    Ladies Who Tech Shanghai team plans to keep up the momentum with the upcoming Founders Series happening on October 21! This event will create an exclusive tech-hub where connections among tech founders, tech-freelancers, potential co-founders, talent and potential clients can cross-pollinate in a meaningful way to achieve shared tech business objectives like improving product quality. In this month's edition, we focus on Beauty Tech.


    去年1月,强生集团旗下品牌 Neutrogena(露得清)发布首款微型3D打印面膜 Mask Id,这款面膜能为脸部的各个部位定制护肤成分。去年7月,日本美妆巨头资生堂集团正式推出会员制个性化定制护肤品牌 Optune,用专用APP搭配专用机器 Optune  Machine ,根据每天的环境和皮肤状态为用户配制护肤品。今年初,法国欧莱雅集团推出了智能美妆设备Perso,基于AI 系统,可以让用户在家中定制自己专属的护肤产品。 

    In January 2019, J&J's Neutrogena brand unveiled its first miniature 3D-printed Mask ID.  This mask customizes skin care ingredients for all parts of the face.  In July last year, Shiseido Group, a Japanese beauty giant, officially launched Optune, a membership-based personalized skin care brand, which uses a special APP and a special Machine called Optune Machine to prepare skin care products for users according to their daily environment and skin conditions.  Earlier 2020, France's L’Oreal launched Perso, an AI system that allows users to customize their own skin care products at home.



    In the global trend of beauty and skin care personalization, customization and intelligent technology, these "black technologies" analyze users' skin status data, environmental data (temperature, humidity, etc.), and sleep data with the help of original algorithms, aiming to help users have healthier skin. 



    The upcoming event will bring an exciting and a hot topic – Beauty Tech, into discussion.  But what is “beauty tech” and how is it changing the cosmetics industry?  We will introduce local startups in the beauty tech environment.  We hope you will enjoy the active interaction and participation.

    活动主旨  Here is what's planned:

    ·         分享在多变的STEM领域内“美丽科技”面临的机遇和挑战

    ·         Share Beauty Tech Products challenges and opportunities in various STEM sectors

    ·         如何在STEM交互商业领域发展“美丽科技” 

    ·         Look at what it takes to develop Beauty Tech Products across STEM businesses

    ·         大咖将分享如何从商业上完善“美丽科技”

    ·         Have CEOs and Founders share why Beauty Tech matters to their business and what problems they are solving 

    ·         您将有机会成为科技团队合伙人  

    ·         Have a CEO and Founder pitching for a tech team 

    ·         通过一对一讨论及导师指导进一步完善提高您的“美丽科技”指数

    ·         Develop ideas to improve your Beauty Tech Index during peer-to-peer discussions and the mentor networking session

    嘉宾介绍 Speakers


    Farah Lopez Del Aguila(Left 左)and Carina Schaefer(Right 右)

    NUDE BY KOREA联合创始人  Co-Founders of NUDE BY KOREA

    Farah Lopez Del Aguila 接受过商业拓展专业人士的教育,但内心深处却是一名企业家和生态学家。她在亚马逊的野生环境中长大,在那里,草药和古代知识是最好的药物。她辞去了欧洲的高级职位,开始环游世界,最终定居上海。在这里,她开始追求自己的梦想:回报童年时大自然母亲无私奉献的一切。作为护肤狂热者,她关心湿疹、痤疮、敏感性和异位性皮肤的自然治疗。她在韩国找到的知识、技术和创新,帮助她生产天然护肤治疗和产品,作为深加工为基础的护肤品行业的替代品。

    Farah Lopez Del Aguila is Peruvian-Spanish. Business-development professional by education, entrepreneur, and ecologist by heart. 

    Grew up in the Amazonian wild nature where herbs and ancient knowledge were the best medicine. Free spirit, dream-driven, and curious. Left a senior role in Europe to pack her bags and travel the world end to end. She finally settled in Shanghai and pursued her dream: to give back to Mother Nature what she was selfless given back home in childhood. 

    A skin care fanatic who cares about the natural treatments to eczemas, acne, sensitive, and atopic skin. In Korea, she found the knowledge, technology, and innovation that would help her to produce natural skin treatments and products as an alternative to the highly processed based skincare industry.

    Carina Schaefer 在科技行业已经深耕8年有余,她想要生活在这样一个世界里:会议时间很短,人们仍然手写信件,并彼此友好相处。作为韩国Nude的联合创始人,她一直在践行自己的梦想,为一个更好的地球做出积极地贡献,开发无污染、零废物的产品,使每一项美容程序简单而完整。当她不在改变世界的时候,你会发现她在看Netflix、读传记、诗歌或人类行为方面的书籍,而且总是被她所爱的人围绕着。除了性格有趣之外,她也真诚地通过个人辅导帮助他人实现个人发展。

    Carina Schaefer wants to live in a world where meetings are short, people still write handwritten letters and are kind to one another. Everybody’s first choice for digital product Management and Adventurer by Heart, she’s been working in the tech industry for more than 8 years. As the co-founder of Nude by Korea, she has been living out her dream of contributing actively to a better planet by developing products that are non-toxic, zero-waste, and make every beauty routine easy and complete. When she’s not trying to change the world, you can find her reading biographies, poetry, or books on human behavior, binging Netflix (no shame), and always surrounded by her loved ones. Besides having a fun personality, she is also sincerely dedicated to helping others with their personal development through individual coaching.


    周涛声  Carol Zhou


    Senior Vice President of Shiseido China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office


    As head of China Business Innovation & Investment office for Shiseido, Carol is helping to shape the next phase of transformation for the company. By leveraging the dynamic ecosystem and entrepreneurial talents in China, Carol will help to accelerate the implementations of innovations and new business models, to create new beauty business as the next growth driver of the Shiseido group on a global level. Previously, she has held a number of management positions at multinational firms such as Unilever, Burberry, L'Oreal, and Marriott where she has led global strategy & innovation functions across regions and categories. Carol received her undergraduate degree from New York University's Stern Business School and her MBA from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


    刘世琪 Suzie Liu


    Head of Domestic Sales Business Unit, Lee Shin Bio-tech cosmetics (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.

    刘世琪女士在2015年毕业于哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院,并获得了经济学学士学位。她毕业后服务于纽约市政府商业部门,在一年半的时间内,作为唯一一个华人负责协助当地大中小型企业与政府进行沟通。2017年初,她回到上海,开始协助家族企业(太和集团)。最初她主要协助公司外销业务。负责开拓欧美市场;后她于2019年初协助公司建立首个电商部门(同时也是公司首个可定制化妆品模式的业务部门),并助攻开拓东南亚与印度市场。同年年中,她加入内销业务部专注于业务拓展与模式转型,主要客户包括小奥汀 、花知晓等知名品牌。

    In 2015, She Graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University of New York with a degree in Economics. After graduation, she worked for the Business Department of New York City Government as the only director’s assistant to assist all small and medium-sized enterprises in New York State to communicate and negotiate with the local government. In early 2017, She moved back to Shanghai to start assisting the family’s business (Family business name: THAI HO Group). At the beginning, she joined the company’s foreign sales department and she was responsible for developing all The North American/European markets’ customers.

    In early 2019,  she assisted the company in opening its first e-commerce department (foreign trade e-commerce) and participated throughout the operation progress. This division was the company's "new business unit" that aimed to develop new potential beauty markets such as ones in Southeast Asia and India.

    In mid-2019, she officially entered the company's domestic sales business unit and was responsible for the company's largest sales account. Some of the hottest products she has developed in 2020 are Little Ondine’s 3D Cheese blush and Flower Knows’ 3D angel’s highlighter.


    Gabby YC Chen

    Founder & CEO, Mood Editing Cosmetics

    Gabby 对时尚嗅觉敏感,极有天赋的她加入连卡佛集团,在内地成功推广了许多国际设计师品牌。多重文化背景中成长起来的 Gabby 一直想做一个适合亚裔面孔的欧美风格彩妆品牌。在亚太地区累计超过 15 年的奢侈品行业经验之后,她终于有机会把这个梦想变成了现实。她在 L.A 创立了美妆品牌 Mood Editing Cosmetics。中文意为“情绪编辑”,缩写为 ME,诠释了“以色彩宣扬情绪,以色彩表达真我”的品牌理念——即利用化妆来“调节你的情绪和生活”,鼓励人们积极表达自我,宣泄情绪。除了ME,Gabby 还热衷于投资和创建有价值的餐饮品牌,如Janes&Hooch。她还是 Alesca Life,一家农业技术公司的天使投资人。

    With over 15 years of experience in Asia Pacific, Gabby brings a wealth of knowledge of consumer insights by building successful brands. Gabby’s greatest strengths are her passion towards cosmetics, fashion, and being creative with positive energy. She is also a great connector with solid business acumen, and able to identify and seize different collaboration opportunities.

    At a young age, Gabby appreciated the boldness of color selections found in the international brands. She was obsessed with beauty and makeup, but as a result of her Asian complexion, she found it challenging to match her skin tone. This made her feel uncomfortable in her own skin at times and without a sense of belonging. Never did she imagine that years later she would create Mood Editing Cosmetics to fill this void in other young girls' lives while providing them with the tools needed to bridge the gaps between her two worlds, when east meets west. (Western brand with Eastern aesthetics.)

    Mood Editing Cosmetics is all about encouraging self-confidence with the simple act of playing with makeup. To edit your mood with makeup is to take control of the image you want to present to others while empowering yourself to direct your own feelings and emotions, and therefore your life as a whole. Aside from her professional career, Gabby is passionate in investing and creating valuable F&B brands. She has collaborated with Warren Pang to open Janes & Hooch [World Top 50 Bar] - an internationally acclaimed modern speakeasy bar in Beijing, China and is a part of the investment team in the Mercedes ME Beijing F&B management project. She is also an angel investor of Alesca Life Technologies, (2019 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer), an agricultural technology company that builds indoor, vertical farms and farm management software to make food production.


    Sydney Kuo  

    Front Cover品牌创立者 Brand Owner, Front Cover


    Beauty junkie since birth, Sydney grew up in a family working in the cosmetic business, and experimented with makeup formulas in the lab since young. A certified make-up artist, She gained hands on beauty experience in NYC with M.A.C, Tarte, Too Cool for School and Sephora,  and decided to pursue her passion in beauty.


    Vela Song

     评价达人的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Co-Founder and COO of PJdaren

    Vela Song是国内首个关键意见消费者(KOC)激活平台评价达人的联合创始人兼首席执行官。评价达人帮助品牌通过端到端解决方案来吸引理想的消费者并建立信任,收集消费者洞察信息并推动销售。在她的领导下,评价达人已成长为一个数据驱动、高效的营销和研究平台,并拥有着独特的市场地位。她来自韩国首尔,但在上海成长。Vela在复旦大学获得了新闻学学士学位和新闻学硕士学位,专注于现代中国文化。之后又获得了韩国发展研究院(KDI)的市场研究硕士学位。在此之前,Vela曾担任中央M&B旗下的CECI杂志的主编,并在韩国和中国的几家公司担任研究员。在评价达人工作外,她也是一名企业家精神和女性影响力的推动者。

    Vela Song is Co-Founder and COO of PJdaren, China’s first Key Opinion Consumers (KOC) activation platform that help brands to engage their ideal consumers with end-to-end solutions to build trust, collect insights and drive sales.Originally from Seoul, South Korea and raised in Shanghai, China. Vela received her a B.A.  and a M.S. in Journalism with a specialization Modern Chinese Culture from Fudan University, before going on to receive a M.S. in Market Research from the Korea Development Institute (KDI). Prior to PJdaren, Vela worked as Chief editor at CECI Magazine and as Researcher for several companies in South Korea and China. In addition to her work with PJdaren, Vela is a vivid promoter of entrepreneurship and women empowerment.


    朱飞霖  ANITA ZHU  

     BOBORE 品牌创始人 & Lifestyle KOL  Co-Founder of BOBORE & Lifestyle KOL

    朱飞霖女士2012年毕业于英国萨里大学,获得管理学学士学位。她进入奢侈品媒体集团从事新媒体业务,之后加入一家投资基金公司,负责市场营销和非金融业务。在2015年,她成立了咨询公司CZ studio,帮助美容客户提升品牌。不久之后,她创立了生活方式品牌BOBORE。

    Anita Zhu Graduated from the University of Surrey with a bachelor degree in management in 2012. She entered the luxury media group to engage in new media business before joining an investment fund company to be responsible for marketing & non-financial business. In 2015, she founded the consulting company CZ studio to help cosmettics customers upgrade their brand. Shortly after, she created the lifestyle brand, BOBORE.


    Chloe Wang  

    丝芙兰资深全渠道创新经理  Senior Omni-Channel Innovation Manager,Sephora


    Chloe is currently running Omni-Channel Innovation team at Sephora in China, where she leverages the latest technology to solve pain-points and create delight in consumer journey across all omni touch points. Prior to this role, she worked in Product Marketing at fast growing internet companies such as Twitter and Grab, building product positioning and leading product launches across Asia. She started her career officially as a TV news reporter at Singapore’s national TV station – Channel News Asia, covering financial news. Before that, she’s had a short stint in Italy working for a high-end fashion company. She holds a Bachelor degree from the National University of Singapore in Economics.

    主题 TOPIC: 美丽科技 BEAUTY TECH

    日期Date:  2020-10-21 18:30-21:00 

    ​地点Venue: 上海市徐汇区天钥桥路3335楼奕桥

    Bridge+ 5/F Ascendas Plaza, 333 Tianyaoqiao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai


    Tickets include drinks and deeper peer-to-peer learning.




    • Miss Drumbeat☔


    • Angela玲瑶


    • Pam Llaury 美辣


    • Ines应乐思


    • 洋娃娃


    • Faith | 小慧 🇺🇸










    She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.


