
SUSECON Shenzhen 2023

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 09:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:00:00 GMT+08
SUSE 开源先锋


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    The vibrant trend of generative AI is steering a new surge of technological revolution, unleashing infinite possibilities for digital innovation of enterprises. On the other hand, digital trust is emerging as the gold standard, fortifying digital innovation through stringent cybersecurity practices and robust data protection measures. 

    As a global leader in innovative, reliable, secure enterprise-grade open source solutions SUSE is committed to helping customers build a more secure IT infrastructure and accelerate their digital transformation and innovation. SUSECON is an annual digital innovation summit hosted by SUSE for global customers, partners, and industry leaders. On September 22, SUSECON China will be held in Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen. 

    With the theme of “Leading Digital Innovation & Safeguarding Digital Security”, SUSECON Shenzhen will discuss cutting-edge technological trends and business insights with experts. It will also share innovative business practices and insights with customers from various fields including manufacturing, retail, finance, logistics and global expansion. Moreover, this summit will collaborate with senior elites in the industry to explore how to build diverse and secure digital innovation solutions via open source and open enterprise-grade Linux, container management, edge and security products, delving into the infinite possibilities of the future. 

    SUSECON Shenzhen 2023 will unveil new horizons for you and fully unleash your innovation potential. 

    英文议程长图 08.28.jpeg

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    SUSE 开源先锋

    SUSE 开源先锋

    SUSE 是全球范围内创新且可靠的企业级开源解决方案领导者。SUSE 专注于企业级 Linux、Kubernetes 管理平台和边缘解决方案,通过与合作伙伴和社区合作,帮助客户随时随地在任意场景进行创新——无论是在数据中心、云端还是边缘环境。SUSE 让“开源”重新“开放”,使客户能够灵活地应对当今的创新挑战,并能够自由地在未来发展其 IT 战略和解决方案。 2020 年 12 月,SUSE 完成收购 RancherLabs,Rancher 成为了 SUSE “创新无处不在(Innovate Everywhere)”企业愿景的关键组成部分。SUSE 和 Rancher 共同为客户提供了无与伦比的自由和所向披靡的创新能力,通过混合云 IT 基础架构、云原生转型和 IT 运维解决方案,简化、现代化并加速企业数字化转型,推动创新无处不在。

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