Anomaly OPEN 分享会 -- Smile to Drink! BYJOY诠释快乐饮酒
Anomaly OPEN是新模式营销公司Anomaly创建的分享活动,以不同的主题邀请各行各业内的“非常之人”来分享有关设计、艺术、建筑、文化、音乐、展览、数字营销、品牌建设、创业经历等内容,构建自由分享与讨论的氛围,推动深度思考与探讨。
Anomaly OPEN is a cultural event platform, created by Anomaly Shanghai as a way to better connect, inspire and inform the creative community. Aside from exhibition and events, we also host regular talks in our OPEN space and Common Cafe, about various topics likedesign, art, architecture, culture, music, exhibition, digital, entreprenuership etc.
从2018年至今,Anomaly OPEN 已经主办了60余场线上线下的分享会活动:
Since 2018, Anomaly OPEN has hosted over 60 online/offline sharing events including following:
本周五2024年8月16日,Anomaly OPEN邀请白酒高级品酒师,高端中国酒融合产品品牌BYJOY 的创始人Cason,分享中国酒文化美学和中国传统酒的产品创新与体验创新。
This Friday August 16th, 2024, Anomaly OPEN invited Cason, founder of BYJOY, a high-end Chinese fusion liquor brand to share Chinese liquor culture aesthetics, product and experience innovation of Chinese traditional liquor culture.
Smile to Drink!
Liquor, 原来还有一种称呼
主讲人 Cason
BYJOY 百汣 品牌创始人
作为高级品酒师,Cason 还会分享一些有趣的酒知识,并在现场带领大家学习,如何品鉴好酒!
Born in Baijiu Family|From Kweichow MaoTai
Chinese Baijiu Senior Taster
Founder of BYJOY
BYJOY is oriented in the high-end Chinese fusion liquor brand and advocated healthy light drinking lifestyle, expectingto spread Chinese liquor culture aesthetics while leading Chinese traditional liquor culture with products innovation and experience innovation and improving Chinese liquor life experience.
BYJOY believes that aroma is the ornament of gender, emotion, memory, culture and scene, and spiritual ballast. At present, BYJOY products are based on high-end Maotai-flavor liquor with the integration of natural herbs. The taste adapts to more drinking clients all over the world and pursues to achieve the drinking status Half Drunk, Half Awake, Just Right drinking. For now, BYJOY is launching the "BYJOY Not Drunk " social parties in first-tier cities to attract more young generation.
主讲人:Cason, BYJOY 创始人
Anomaly成立于2004年,是一家难以简单定义的“新模式”营销公司,在全球开设了七家办公室。Anomaly的客户包括:百威、可口可乐、谷歌、好时、宜家、MINI、耐克和Sonos等,同时拥有多个自己的IP项目,包括内容创作平台The Unreasonable、Mighty Jaxx等。