
3D Minecraft Modding: Design Your Own Mods (Age 6-8) - Summer Camp July 2-6

Mon, 02 Jul 2018 09:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:00:00 GMT+08
First Code Academy


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    3D Minecraft Modding:设计你自己的模式

    “我的世界”是有史以来最畅销的视频游戏之一,也是用积木展示你的创造力的最终支柱。 “我的世界”提供了一个3D画布来创建你在游戏中有资源的任何东西,只要点击代码,我们现在就拥有了创造任何我们能想象的东西的额外能力。 “Minecraft”修改课程允许学生完全控制他们的3D游戏世界。

    通过教授学生编程和技术理念背后的视频游戏改装,这个课程赋予他们修改视频游戏的能力。 学生将学习使用Pixlr绘制2D图像,并将其转化为Minecraft中的3D对象; 而这只是他们所能达到的冰山一角。

    通过调整,每个学生发展一个完全独特的世界。 他们将能够与他人分享他们独特的世界,创造一个有趣和教育的经验。


    • 理论/概念:

    - 总结视频游戏改型的概念

    - 了解3D游戏编程的设计基础

    • 技术或软件技能:

    - 操纵和设计对象

    - 将2D设计导入到Minecraft中

    - 了解Minecraft的各个组件

    • 有形和/或投资组合结果

    - 自己设计的3D对象的集合

    - 他们的第一个3D游戏,并在他们的电脑上展示

    - 访问资源以了解有关更改和编程的更多信息

    - 具有3D设计和编程的基本经验


    时间:上午9:00 - 12:00





    • 学生的个人邮箱账号和密码

    • 建议Minecraft执照

    • 一台笔电,Google Chrome与Minecraft下载好

    • 一颗渴望创作的心!

    • 8 : 1 学生老师比例

    • 个性化教学

    • 项目型学习




    推荐你的朋友一同加入课程,报名课后,你们(你与该位朋友)可以直接获得RMB 200优惠。你可以推荐多位朋友和你一起报名课程。


    EARLYBIRD - 在6月4日前报名可获得RMB 250优惠。

    报名两个营队可的RMB 300折扣。(Bundle 优惠是适用于同一位同学或兄弟姐妹。)

    所有推荐优惠,EARLYBIRD 折扣,Bundle 优惠都会在营队报名确认后做退款。请记得联系我们哦!




    关于First Code Academy


    当科技逐渐成为生活的重心,First Code Academy相信程式教育,能让孩子透过做中学,学习运算思维和培养逻辑思考的能力,让科技成为孩子一起闯世界的最佳伙伴。我们将矽谷高中生的教材改编过后带进课堂,4-18岁的孩子都能和我们一起在课堂里,自由地发挥创意和挖掘解决问题的方法,不设限地探索自己的无限可能。






    Minecraft is one of the best selling video games of all time, and the ultimate pillar to showcase your creativity with building blocks. Minecraft provides a 3D canvas to create anything you have the resources for in the game, and just by tapping into the code, we now have the additional power to create anything we can imagine. The Minecraft modding class allows students to have full control over their 3D game world.

    By teaching students programming and technical concepts behind video game modding, this course empower them with the ability to modify video games. Students will learn to draw 2D images using Pixlr and turn them into 3D objects in Minecraft; and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what they could achieve.

    Through modding, each student develops a completely unique world. They will be able to share their unique worlds with others, creating a fun and educational experience.



    • Theoretical / Conceptual:

      • Summarize the concept of video game modding

      • Understand the design fundamentals of 3D game programming

    • Technical or Software skills:

      • Manipulate and design objects

      • Importing 2D designs into Minecraft

      • Understand the various components of Minecraft

    • Tangible and/or Portfolio Outcomes

      • A collection of 3D objects of their own design

      • Their first 3D game and showcase it on their computer

      • Access to resources to learn more about modding and programming

      • Basic experience with 3D design and programming

    • Format: 5 days

    • Class Duration: 3 hours per class

    • Class Size: 4 - 8 students

    • Suitable Age: 6-8

    • Difficulty: Beginner

    • Dates: Mon-Fri, July 2-6, 9:00am - 12:00pm

    • Language of instruction: English

    • What to bring:

      • Students should bring along his / her personal email account with password (required)

      • Recommended to have Minecraft License

      • A laptop (PC/Mac) with Google Chrome and Minecraft installed (with a charger for the laptop)

      • A mindset to create and experiment!

    • 8 : 1 Ratio Guarantee

    • Personalized Learning

    • Hands-on Project Based Learning

    Early Bird Discount

    Get RMB 250 off when you sign up by June 4, 2018.

    Referral Program

    Refer friends and BOTH (you and your friend) get RMB 200 off when they sign up. You can refer as many friends as you wish. (Please have your friend provide your email address to receive the referral discount. We will keep track of the number of credits you have from referrals)

    Note: First Code Academy reserves the right to cancel a ticket if an incorrect email is used for referral.

    Bundle Promotion

    Sign up for 2 camps to get extra RMB 300 off. (Bundle offer only applies to same student or siblings.)

    Please note that referrals, earlybird, bundle discounts, workshop rebates will all be done after the summer camp registrations have been confirmed. Please email us at china@firstcodeacademy.com to get the rebate!

    Shaping Future Creators

    First Code Academy is a leading education institute that teaches kids coding courses and develop curriculum for K-12 students to learn not just coding skills, but computational thinking. Our goal is to empower children and teenagers to become creative leaders in the digital era, for their future career and for driving social change.

    To learn more about us, check out our website: http://firstcodeacademy.sxl.cn/

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    First Code Academy

    我们提供课后课程和假期营队给香港、新加坡和台湾的学生。今年一月我們將和上海的孩子一起用編程,編出獨立思維! 当科技逐渐成为生活的重心,First Code Academy相信程式教育,能让孩子透过做中学,学习运算思维和培养逻辑思考的能力,让科技成为孩子一起闯世界的最佳伙伴。我们将矽谷高中生的教材改编过后带进课堂,4-18岁的孩子都能和我们一起在课堂里,自由地发挥创意和挖掘解决问题的方法,不设限地探索自己的无限可能。 从2013年和香港Google合作工作坊出发至今,已有来自20个顶尖国际、私立和公立学校,超过3,000名的学生参与我们的课程。2015年开始,我们也和香港加拿大国际学校,汉基国际学校,启新书院等等合作课后社团课程,超过95%的学生,在第一堂课中,搭建出自己的手机应用程式。 First Code Academy develops and runs computer programming courses and holiday camps tailored for kids and teens in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan and is now holding its first AppJamming workshop in Shanghai! Our mission is to empower our next generation to be creators using technology. Since established in 2013, we have taught over 2,500 students, 3 of whom were admitted to MIT for the App Inventor Summit, a global app development competition, and one who was invited speaker at a TEDx event about his tech spirit.

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