
Ladies Who Tech Founders’ Series 2019 launches in Beijing

Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 29 Mar 2019 21:00:00 GMT+08


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    ​Ladies Who Tech Founders’Series 2019 launches in Beijing

    Ladies Who Tech 2019年创始人系列北京成立

    “People want to have the conversation on women in tech so badly they’ll show up in a snow storm.” -Trisa Thompson, Former Senior Vice President and Chief Responsibility Officer Dell Technologies

    "人们对于参与关于技术领域女性的讨论的渴望,就算暴风雪他们也会前来参与。- Trisa Thompson 前戴尔高级副总裁和首席责任官

    How will the gender gap in tech be solved in 2019?

    As China progresses to be the number one centre for innovation with 5G and A.I. tech advancements, it is the people behind the tech that are responsible for making real impact in the 4th Industrial Revolution.


    Research proves your Business’ innovation and profitability is advanced by diverse teams that include women. A Chinese proverb states that women hold half the sky, and despite representing half the world’s population there is still more to be done to have women present in the tech workplace. 

    According to Mckinsey & Company, “$12 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2025 by advancing women’s equality”. So what can we do? 

    根据麦肯锡公司,“到2025年,通过女性平等的不断提高可以增加全球GDP 12万亿美元。” 那么我们能做些什么呢?

    Ladies Who Tech Founder Series 2019 is called “China 20:25 Vision" and it practically gives China’s thriving Start-up, Enterprise, and Academic communities the opportunity to engage with a clear 20:25 vision that addresses the gender gap in Tech .

    Ladies Who Tech 2019年创始人系列称为‘中国20:25愿景’,它将为中国蓬勃发展的创业公司、企业和学术界提供一个机会,拥有明确的20:25愿景来解决技术领域的性别差距。

    Ladies Who Tech Founder Series 2019 is called “China 20:25 Vision"
    Ladies Who Tech 2019年创始人系列称为‘中国20:25愿景’

    ‘Made in China 2025 is China's strategy to close the gap and become a Global Leader in technology and innovation. They have specified 10 key sectors where the country should take the lead and also acknowledge the benefits of opening up to foreign innovation as they build value add products and services on this roadmap. They are:


    1. Robotics  机器人

    2. New generation information technology  新一代信息技术产业

    3. Aviation and aerospace equipment  航空航天装备

    4. Maritime equipment and hi-tech ships  海洋工程装备及高技术船舶

    5. Railway transport 轨道交通装备

    6. New energy and Energy-saving vehicles  新能源与节能汽车

    7. Energy equipment  电力装备

    8. Agricultural equipment  农机装备

    9. New materials 新材料

    10. Biopharma and hi-tech medical devices  生物医药及高性能医

    Ladies Who Tech (LWT) will leverage this wave of innovation in China ensuring that there is the right environment for Women Technopreneurs to play their vital role in China's Technological climb to the top.
    Ladies Who Tech (LTW) 将利用中国的这一创新浪潮,确保女性科技企业家能够有适宜的环境在中国的技术进步中扮演重要的角色。

    'Made in China 2025 'focuses on these 10 areas for technological innovation and this series will encompass Experts, Mentors, and Leaders in these fields to provide their valuable support to the LWT community.

    The results of ‘Made in China 2025’ will be evaluated by 12 indicators in the 4 areas which our series will also address in our four events: 

    1. INNOVATION – Friday March 29 at We WeWork Sanlitun 

        创新 -  3月29日星期五于三里屯WeWork

    Launching with "Innovating the Industrial 4th Revolution" (II4R) on March 29th, LWT invites 5 Experts working in one of Made in China 2025's 10 Key sectors to share their experience and their plans to deliver innovation this year. 


    Following open talks, 5 intimate break-out sessions will give attendees unique insights to inspire and an opportunity to share their own contributions to this dynamic revolution of A.I, Robotics and other cyber-physical systems. 

    This "Design & Critical Thinking" workshop selects successful and failed products for a deep-dive case study analysis. China's top Scholars in Tech and Business Innovation will lead this session. Starting with an introduction to IDEO's Design Thinking and ending with attendees “Pitching” real products to potential Business Partners and Investors. 

    3. DIGITALISATION - Friday September 27 at We WeWork Sanlitun 

        数字化 -  9月27日星期五于三里屯WeWork

    "Decoding Digital Transformation" is an interactive session where Entrepreneurs creating disruptive innovation in areas like China's Sharing Economies, Fintech and New Retail will share their secrets for delivering sustainable businesses, that are effectively catering to the changing Chinese consumer.


    There will be an opportunity for these Experts to then pitch for Female Co-Founders to further enable their success in 2019 and beyond.

    4. GREEN PRODUCTION – Friday December 13 at We WeWork Sanlitun 
    绿色生产 -  12月13日星期五于三里屯WeWork

    "Green Tech4Good" will spotlight China's successful Green Tech initiatives and products in a panel discussion that includes Social Entrepreneurs, Designers, and Social Impact Investors. 

    “Green Tech4Good”是一次以中国成功的绿色科技计划和产品为主题的小组讨论互动。本次活动将有社会企业家,设计师和社会影响投资者前来参与。

    This fruitful session concludes with a speed Mentor and Mentee networking session. The night will end the series with a LWT Founders Series Closing Ceremony & Party. Sound good? Save the dates and follow us to keep up to date on how to get your golden tickets for this impactful series. 

    There is so much work to be done and this series is not to be missed by anyone who wants to see real tech advancements made in China. 

    Join the vision and contact us for ways you can participate as a Speakers, Mentors, Sponsors and Supporters at -  ladieswhotech@outlook.com


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