
线上开发者大赛 Virtual Hackathon

Fri, 03 Jul 2020 09:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 05 Jul 2020 19:30:00 GMT+08
Limited 500
(Xian Shang Huo Dong)


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    Shopify是什么?  |  Who is Shopify?

    作为全球领先的全渠道商务平台,Shopify 可助力商家跨多个销售渠道设计、搭建和管理自家的商店。无论是线上的移动端、网络端以及社交媒体,还是线下的卖场、实体店和快闪店,皆可一网打尽。另外,商家还可尽享我们强大的后台支持,在单一业务视图中实现从付款到发货的全程掌控。Shopify 平台具备出色的可靠性和可扩展性,无论你是大型企业,还是中小型企业,我们都能为你提供企业级技术的支持。

    Shopify is the leading omni-channel commerce platform. Merchants use Shopify to design, set up, and manage their stores across multiple sales channels, including mobile, web, social media, marketplaces, brick-and-mortar locations, and pop-up shops. The platform also provides merchants with a powerful back-office and a single view of their business, from payments to shipping. The Shopify platform was engineered for reliability and scale, making enterprise-level technology available to businesses of all sizes.

    为什么Shopify重视技术和研发?这些技术对中国商家/电商有什么贡献和价值?  |  Why does Shopify value technology and R&D? What values do they bring for Chinese merchants/e-commerce?


    Shopify is an open source platform that allows developers from all backgrounds to build apps. themes, integrations that tailor to merchant’s business needs. We have abundant resources on our APIs that provide the right tools to build an app. We value our developer community because what makes Shopify stand out among other e-commerce platforms is our partner ecosystem. Partners don’t see each other as frenemies, but more as allies. We hope through this event, we can build amazing tools to make commerce better for everyone, everywhere.

    往届比赛的精彩回顾  |  Reviews from Past Hackathon

    Shopify开发者大赛,经过30个小时的紧张开发, 我们获得了最佳出海应用奖。赋能中国电商出海,我们会继续加油!Team work makes the dream work!

    —— PandaMobo团队

    After 30 hours of intense R&D, Shopify's first Hackathon in China awarded us the best app for cross-border business. To empower Chinese e-commerce companies to expand globally, we will keep going! Team work makes the dream work!

    —— Team PandaMobo

    Shopify这次给开发者展示的机会令我激动不已。本次比赛在技术支持、活动策划等方面都做得很充分。在将来我们希望把这个app做完并且在Shopify 的应用商店上线。

    —— 酷家乐团队

    Shopify gave us developers a chance to showcase our skills and work through this hackathon and we were excited about this opportunity! The technical support and event planning of this Hackathon were well-thought-out. In the future, we hope to complete this app and add it to the Shopify’s app store.

                            —— Team Coohom 3D Viewer

    Yumiverse团队在Shopify首次的开发者大赛中取得了胜利!本次比赛的难度很大!我们在项目(帮助国际品牌进驻中国市场)中获得了第一名并在48小时内完成了Shopify app 的设计。这是一次非常棒的学习经历,我被本地开发者社群的热情深深打动!


    Team Yumiverse won Shopify’s first hackathon in China! It wasn’t easy! We won 1st place in the category (Helping international brands enter Chinese market), and built a Shopify app within 48 hrs. Amazing learning experience and super inspired by the energy of the local developer community.

    ——Team Yumiverse

    比赛主题  |  About the Virtual Hackathon


    At Shopify, we realized the need for new innovative ways to better assist and support merchants in China to improve their experience and sales post-pandemic.

    全球175个国家的超过100万商家,正在使用Shopify自主搭建以电商为核心的品牌网站,借助DTC (Direct-To-Consumer) 模式,让品牌直达全球消费者。我们的使命是让每个人的业务都能蓬勃发展,这一使命伴随我们的发展历程。

    More than 1 million merchants, in 175 countries around the world, are using Shopify to build their brand website with ecommerce as the core service. With the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) model, brands can reach out to consumers all over the world. Our mission is to make commerce better for everyone. We believe the future of commerce will have more voices, not fewer; so to make commerce better for everyone we are reducing the barriers to business owners. 


    The Shopify app ecosystem is booming. Merchants have more than 4,000 applications available to them in the App Store, which can assist them in meeting their business needs. These include: marketing promotion, sales channels, product supply, order management, logistics warehousing, customer service, operating tools, financial tax, data analysis, and many other tools and systems, just to name a few. 


    More than one million Shopify merchants from 175 countries around the world have created lucrative income streams for developers in the app ecosystem. Countless businesses and agencies have achieved rapid development, in both scale and gross-revenue, by developing Shopify applications.

    去年9月,我们于上海举办了中国首届开发者大赛。来自中国五湖四海的近130位开发者,29支开发团队聚集在上海,经过近36小时的封闭开发,完成了最后的路演,最终4支队伍获胜并陆续在  Shopify 应用商城成功推出相关应用程序。

    Last September, we held the very first Hackathon in Shanghai. Nearly 130 developers from all over the world, a total of 29 development teams, gathered in Shanghai. After nearly 36 hours of closed-door development, the final roadshow was completed. Four teams have won and successfully launched their applications on the Shopify app store.


    This year, more technologies and exciting ideas will be presented at our virtual hackathon.

    此次大赛由AngelHack天使黑客协办。在本次大赛中,参与者将会参与到一场头脑风暴中,思考如何提高 Shopify 商店的转化率、提升用户体验以及如何打造商店品牌相关的解决方案。

    Therefore, we are inviting you to join us at our Shopify Virtual Hackathon, co-hosted by AngelHack, to create and innovate your own Shopify app, with a view to empowering Shopify Merchants throughout China. In this Virtual Hackathon, you will be challenged to present solutions on how you could improve store conversion rates, customer service, and the user experience for Shopify in China, as well as your overall ideas on how to build a better brand.

    比赛挑战  |  Challenges

    提高商店转化率 Increase Online Sales 


    Over a million Merchants on Shopify are actively looking for the best ways in which to improve their sales and keep their customers engaged. Various solutions have been adopted, such as email marketing, banners, store front-wheel pop-ups, chatbots, and many more.

    提升客户服务/信任度 Improve Customer Communication 


    Help businesses build better trust among their customers. Apps that manage customer service, live chat apps, or even social proof/badges apps, etc.

    增强Shopify在中国的用户友好性 User-friendliness for Shopify in China 


    User Experience is crucial for retaining and maintaining customer engagement. Apps that not only identify Merchants' pain points, like web speed, firewall, and language barriers, but also bring forward solutions, help to create better merchant and customer experiences. 

    全渠道打造品牌 Build a Better Brand

    Many merchants are searching for solutions and approaches to strengthen their branding. Creativity is vital in developing apps and tools that are more brand-oriented.


    Each Winning Team will bring home:


    10,000 RMB Cash Prize


    100 USD Shopify App Store Credit Shopify


    Expedited Support for Publishing their App


    Shopify China Wechat Promotion for their App

    比赛日程安排  |  Schedule

    7月3日,星期五 | Friday, July 3rd:

    10:00 11:00 

    Opening Ceremony, Sponsor Welcomes, & Team Building

    11:00 11:30


    Team Formation 

    14:00 15:00

    工作坊 - Meet Social 团队分享如何开发Shopify 应用 / 问答

    Workshop - How to build a Shopify App / Q&A with Meet Social

    15:00 18:00


    Shopify Live Q&A 

    20:00 21:00

    Shopify问答 / 研讨会

    Shopify Live Q&A / Workshop


    代码自查点1 截止日期

    Checkpoint 1 Deadline

    21:00 22:00


    Evening Specials (optional)

    7月4日,星期六 | Saturday, July 4th:

    09:00 09:30


    Morning Stretches (optional)

    10:00 11:00


    Shopify Live Q&A

    15:00 16:00

    工作坊 - Pandamobo 分享Shopify 应用审核过程 / 问答

    Workshop - Shopify App Submission Process / Q&A with Pandamobo

    16:00 18:00


    Shopify Live Q&A

    20:00 21:00


    Pitch Workshop


    代码自查点2 截止日期/ Shopify问答

    Checkpoint 2 Deadline / Shopify Live Q&A

    7月5日,星期日 | Sunday, July 5th:

    09:00 09:30


    Morning Stretches (optional)

    10:00 11:00


    Pitch Practice Session



    Submission Deadline

    13:00 16:00


    Round 1 Judging Deliberation

    17:00 19:00 


    Livestream Top teams

    19:00 20:00


    Judge Deliberation

    20:00 20:30


    Closing Ceremony & Awards

    评审成员 | Judges

    Arun Verma

    APAC Regional Manager

     Advanced issue found

    Arun 是 Shopify 亚太地区团队的区域经理,负责带领亚太地区各市场的商务和产品开发。他已经在 Shopify 工作了近三年,并在北美和亚洲的科技创业领域拥有丰富的经验。

    Arun is the regional manager for Shopify’s APAC team, overseeing business and product development across APAC region. He’s been with Shopify for almost three years and is very active in the startup/tech space in both North America and Asia.

    Echo Chen

    Shopify 商家成长负责人

    Head of Shopify Merchant Growth

     Advanced issues found

    Echo 是中国 Shopify Plus 团队的负责人,致力于推广中国品牌。她在跨境行业拥有 8 年的经验,她合作过的世界领先 DTC 品牌包括 Aukey、Snapmaker 等。

    Echo leads our Shopify Plus team in China and is very passionate about Chinese brands. She has 8 years of experience in the cross-border industry and works with some of the most exciting DTC brands in the world such as Aukey, Snapmaker just to name a few.

    Aditi Kulkarni


    APAC UX Manager

     Advanced issue found

    Aditi Kulkarni 是一位经验丰富的设计负责人,曾在 Postman、ReferralCandy、Indeed 和 Shopify 负责产品开发和团队建设。她是协作型产品设计忠实拥护者,强调定性和定量用户数据的平衡。

    Aditi Kulkarni is a seasoned design leader, having built products and teams at Postman, ReferralCandy, Indeed, and now Shopify. She’s a fan of collaborative product design that balances both qualitative and quantitative user data.

    Daniel Lim


    APAC Product Manager

    Daniel 是 Shopify 亚太地区产品团队的负责人,曾参与过多个在新加坡科技领域最具影响力的项目。已经在 Shopify 供职两年的 Daniel 本人也经营过几家在线商店,因此他对电子商务领域非常了解。

    Daniel leads the product team at Shopify in APAC and has been working with some of the most exciting projects in the tech space in Singapore. He’s been with Shopify for two years now and has had a lot of exposure to e-commerce, as he’s run a couple of online businesses himself. 

    Winston Teo


    APAC Engineering Lead

    Winston 是 Shopify 亚太地区的总工程师。他在新加坡成立了一个名为 Jolly Good Code 的组织,专注于培养工程师和初创企业。他拥有超过 15 年的技术经验,并且是 Ruby on Rails 的专家。

    Winston is leading our engineers at Shopify in APAC and founded an organization in Singapore called Jolly Good Code that helps develop engineers and startups. He has over 15 years of experience in tech and is an expert in Ruby on Rails.

    技术  |  Technologies

    关于 Shopify 应用商店 |  More about Shopify’s APP store, here.

    关于Shopify and GraphHQL  |  More about Shopify and GraphHQL, here.

    资源  |  Resources

    Shopify开发简介  |  Introduction to Developing on Shopify, here.

    Shopify开设商店的方法  |  Ways to build on Shopify, here.

    关于Shopify的API  |  About Shopify’s API, here.

    关于Shopify上信任和安全性的指导原则  |  Guiding principles on trust and security on Shopify, here.

    Shopify API的所有相关文档  |  All related docs for Shopify APIs, here.

    Shopify应用程序和主题教程  |  Shopify app and theme tutorial, here.

    开发者工具  |  Developer Tools, here.

    应用程序审核流程  |  Getting your APP approved on Shopify, here.

    评判标准  |  Judging Criteria

    可融资性: 项目是否有可持续的商业模式,是否有机会引起融资机构的兴趣?

    Fundability: How fundable is this idea? Is there potential for a sustainable business model?

    Execution: How well was the project executed and explained? Did it work?

    UI/UX: Beyond design, was the end-to-end user experience for the solution considered?

    Originality: How original, creative or unique is the idea?

    Scalability: How scalable is the solution? Will it make an impact?

    规则  |  Rules

    每队最多允许5人参与。 所有团队成员都必须签署参与协议才能参加比赛。

    Teams of up to 5 participants are allowed. All team members must have completed the participation agreement to compete.


    Upon successful registration, participants understand that they must fully participate in the virtual hackathon. Failure to meet this requirement will result in disqualification and blacklisting of participants.


    Participants who are under 18 must undergo a verification process, please email jasmine@angelhack.com. 


    Winning teams will be subjected to a code-review either at the time of winning or at some point following the event.

    Once you have registered on HDX, please scan the following QR code to join our Participants WeChat group. If you are experiencing any problems, please do not hesitate to reach out to our colleague - Skyler by adding her WeChat ID: S1908723 at any time


    7:1 Shopify Groupchat.png


    Please be reminded that every participant that is joining our Participants WeChat group must register for on the HDX page in advance, and all registered participants must join our Participants WeChat group.

    常见问题  |  FAQ


    答:是的,Shopify 开发者大赛面向所有性别的程序员、设计师和创业者。

    Q:  Is this Virtual Hackathon open to all genders?

    A: Yes, Shopify Virtual Hackathon is encouraging developers, designers, entrepreneurs of all genders to attend.


    答:Shopify 线上开发者大赛将在Zoom上进行。请提前下载Zoom

    Q: Where is the Virtual Hackathon going to take place?

    A: Shopify Virtual Hackathon will be taking place on Zoom. Please download Zoom software on your devices before attending this webinar.


    答:Shopify操作Liquid,并在Ruby Rails上运行。如果您想了解有关Shopify开发人员的更多信息,请单击此处

    Q: What language does Shopify operate in?

    A: Shopify operates Liquid, and runs on Ruby Rails. If you’d like to learn more about Shopify Developers, please click here.



    Q: Who can attend? 

    A: Only legal residents of China can participate. If you are under 18 and would like to participate, please email jasmine@angelhack.com.



    Q: How are teams formed? 

    A: Teams will be composed of between 1 to 5 individuals and can be created in advance using the Shopify Virtual Hackathon WeChat group, or onsite. 



    Q: How is the Virtual Hackathon Judged? 

    Judging will have one or two rounds, depending on the number of projects, each with a live presentation format without slides or pitch decks.



    - 知识产权:完全所有权或拒绝的优先权

    - 团队人数:1-5名成员




    Q: Is there a participation agreement that participants should sign?

    A: Yes, all hackathon participants are required to sign a participation agreement, which includes the following rules and is available pre-event via the hackathon website:  

    Intellectual Property: Full Ownership or First Right of Refusal

    Team Size: 1 - 5 members

    Code Review: Within

    Code of Conduct: Mandatory

    ​Media Release: Within



    Q: Do I need to pay to register?

    A: No registration fees are required to participate in this Virtual Hackathon. However, if a participant fails to show up for the event after registration and/or leaves their team during the hackathon, this will result in them being blacklisted and disqualified from attending future events.

    问: 除了在活动行上注册外,我还需要在Shopify合作伙伴帐户上注册吗?

    答: 是的,您必须注册HDX和Shopify合作伙伴帐户, here.

    Q: Other than registering on HDX, do I need to register on Shopify Partner Account?

    A: Yes, you must register on HDX and Shopify Partner Account, here.


    答:您必须使用Shopify API。

    Q: What API should I use?

    A: You must use Shopify API.

    扫描二维码报名 REGISTER HERE

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