
Ladies Who Tech in Action x Microsoft Suzhou

2020年7月15日 19:00 ~ 2020年7月15日 20:30




    Ladies Who Tech企业行动系列 x 微软苏州

    Ladies Who Tech in Action x Microsoft Suzhou

    揭开Microsoft Teams幕后团队的神秘面纱

    Meet the Team behind Microsoft Teams


    Microsoft.  Everyone who has touched a computer, a laptop or a device, who has followed the tech trend of cloud computing, big data, AI and IOT in this digital era, knows of this name.

    数字化正在让每个人的工作和生活方式发生变化,而疫情更加速了这一进程的发展。在疫情期间,我们都或多或少使用过居家办公软件,帮助我们与同事、朋友和亲人保持联系。Microsoft Teams就是一个全面的办公通信和协作平台,集合了聊天、视频会议、文件存储(包括实时文件协作)和应用程序集成等功能。你知道吗?Microsoft Teams是从公司内部黑客马拉松项目中孵化而成的产品。

    Digital transformation is changing the way everyone works and lives, and the epidemic is accelerating the process. During the pandemic, we have all used one, two or more work-from-home software to help us keep in touch with colleagues, friends, and families. Microsoft Teams is a platform that enables chat, meet, call, and collaborate from anywhere all in one place. Did you know?  Microsoft Teams was created initially from an internal Hackathon project at the company. 

    我们非常高兴地宣布,下一场Ladies Who Tech in Action活动,我们将通过视频连线,带大家到微软苏州,去揭开Microsoft Teams幕后团队的神秘面纱。

    We are very excited to announce that our next Ladies Who Tech in Action will bring everyone (virtually) to Microsoft Suzhou and get to know the masterminds behind Microsoft Teams.


    Microsoft China has a goal - to be the most attractive company brand for women in tech to work for. Join us to meet a company that cares about diversity and inclusion. Find out more on what your creative and innovative minds can do at this company.


    这是一个绝佳的机会,你可以结识Microsoft Teams产品团队的榜样人物,进一步了解在微软工作的体验,以及微软在促进多元化方面所做出的努力。最重要的是,你将有机会跳上招聘快车,获得直接与HR面对面沟通工作的机会!

    This is a great opportunity for you to meet the role models and allies who are building Microsoft Teams, learn more about how it is like working at Microsoft, and what the initiatives are that Microsoft has in promoting diversity and inclusion. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to jump on the recruitment express train and have direct contact to speak to the hiring managers about job opportunities.  


    About our Speakers


    梁戈碧 Gebi Liang

    微软Teams 及 SharePoint中国区总经理

    General Manager of Teams & SharePoint at Microsoft

    梁戈碧女士现任微软Teams及SharePoint中国区总经理,目前正在搭建一支世界级的工程团队,帮助开发全球增长最快的协作平台Teams。此外,梁戈碧女士还为全球最大的SaaS之一SharePoint Online提供增强功能,并负责SharePoint Server业务的相关发展。

    在担任这一职位之前,梁戈碧女士在微软公有云Azure领域深耕多年,主导了一系列Azure服务的落地,实现了真正的“从无到有”。梁戈碧女士还一手创建了中国云计算创新中心(China Cloud Innovation Center, CCIC),面对中国本土客户在拥抱云计算过程中产生的独特需求,CCIC在技术层面发挥了十分关键的作用。   

    一直以来,梁戈碧女士积极倡导多元化和包容性(Diversity & Inclusion,D&I)。在这一领域,她主导了多项工作,致力于推动女性员工人数的增长,并助力她们的后续职业发展,积极帮助推进微软对于员工及职场的D&I承诺。在微软之外,梁戈碧女士还积极参与了一系列的STEM工作,以激励更多女性从事科技领域相关职业。

    在加入微软之前, 梁戈碧女士曾在英特尔任职15年,并先后在英特尔美国和中国公司担任多个技术和领导职位。


    Ms. Gebi Liang is the GM of Teams & SharePoint China. She is currently building a world class engineering organization to help develop one of the world’s fastest growing collaboration platform, Teams. She is also responsible for enhancing SharePoint Online, one of the largest SaaS in the world, in addition to being accountable for SharePoint Server business.  

    During her time in Microsoft before her current role, she worked for many years in Microsoft public cloud Azure area including launching a couple of Azure services starting from an idea.  She established the China Cloud Innovation Center (CCIC), which played a key technical role in addressing the unique needs from China local customers as they embrace the journey of cloud. 

    Ms. Liang has always been a passionate advocate for Diversity & Inclusion. She is leading multiple effort in this space focusing on driving female employee population increase and their career development to advance Microsoft's D&I commitment in the workplace. She is also actively participating in a broad set of STEM effort outside Microsoft inspiring more females pursuing their careers in technology space. 

    Prior to joining Microsoft, Gebi was a 15-year veteran of Intel and held several key technical and leadership roles in the US & China. 

    Gebi holds a master's degree in Computer Science from College of William & Mary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Beijing Normal University. 


    平丹 Dan Ping

    微软Teams 软件工程师

    Software Engineer at Microsoft Teams

    平丹女士在微软Teams部门任职,现负责Teams安卓设备的开发工作。平丹女士2016年研究生毕业后作为校招生加入微软。曾经参与过多个产品的开发,包括微软智能语音助手Cortana,以及其在Outlook手机客户端,Surface Headphones,哈曼卡顿音箱上的应用等等。平丹女士毕业于南京大学计算机系,获得硕士学位。

    Dan comes from Microsoft Teams team, working on the Teams Android devices. She joined MS in 2016 as a campus hire. She used to work on several products, including the Microsoft intelligent voice assistant Cortana, Outlook mobile "Play My Emails", Cortana on Surface Headphones and Harmon Kardon device. Dan graduated from Nanjing University with a masters degree in Computer Technology.


    李倩倩 Qianqian Li

    微软中国互联网工程院 软件工程师

    Software Engineer at Microsoft China

    “我在2018年从南京大学电子科学与工程学院硕士研究生毕业之后加入微软,现在是微软中国互联网工程院Teams团队的一名软件工程师,目前的主要工作是为Teams 产品增加抗击疫情、在家办公需要的新功能。在此之前,我也参与SharePoint前端页面的开发和维护,涉及页面的可访问性和性能优化等。”

    “I got the master’s degree in Electronic Science and Engineering School, Nanjing University in 2018 and joined Microsoft after graduation. I’m a software engineer in the Microsoft Teams team. Our team focuses on developing new features to empower organization and individual to work from home to fight the COVID-19 outbreak. I was also responsible for development and maintenance of SharePoint pages before, especially about accessibility and performance.”


    Ramesh Rajagopal


    Principal Group Engineering Manager at Microsoft

    Ramesh Rajagopal现领导微软苏州体验团队。团队专注于为Android设备上的电话和会议提供良好的用户体验,支持包括网络研讨会在内的大型会议,以及电话的录音与转录。

    此前,Ramesh曾在微软的雷德蒙德和上海办公室工作,也曾在亚马逊的西雅图总部就职。在此期间,Ramesh领导团队交付了一系列产品,包括生产力工具(Visio)、开发人员工具(Visual Studio)和分布式系统(电子商务平台)。在亚马逊,Ramesh积极地为Amazon Selection and Catalog Systems以及亚马逊零售系统部门的关键领域制定了近期与长期战略。他带领团队交付了数个高吞吐量、低延迟和高可用性的大型分布式系统。


    Ramesh Rajagopal leads the Microsoft Teams experiences teams in Suzhou. Areas of focus for the teams include providing a great user experience for calling and meeting in Android devices, enabling large scale meetings such as Webinars, and transcription and recording of calls. 

    Previously Ramesh worked at Microsoft Redmond and Shanghai offices and at Amazon Seattle headquarters. During this time, Ramesh led teams to deliver products ranging from productivity tools (Visio), developer tools (Visual Studio) and distributed systems (eCommerce Platform). At Amazon, Ramesh actively shaped the near and long term strategy for key areas in the Amazon Selection and Catalog Systems, and the Amazon Retail Systems divisions. He led teams to deliver several high throughput, low latency and highly available large scale distributed systems. 

    Ramesh graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina.


    ·   遇见微软TEAMS团队背后的女性工程师和男性盟友

    ·   了解微软的公司文化,工作环境,团队和生活方式

    ·   获知微软苏州团队的各类职位信息及职业发展路径

    ·   活动现场加入微软科技女性招聘直通车

    ​·   活动现场领取免费2020科技女性Ladies Who Tech 免费入场券

    ·   加入Ladies Who Tech 苏州分部来共同打造科技女性在苏州的影响力

    Webinar Highlights:

    ·  Meet the teams behind Teams

    ·  Gain an insight of Microsoft culture, working environment, team and lifestyle

    ·  Get to know the different roles and career pathways available at Microsoft Suzhou

    ·  Join the recruitment express group at the event

    ·  Win free entry passes to Ladies Who Tech convention 2020

    ·  Join Ladies Who Tech Suzhou Chapter and make an impact

    2020年7月15日 (星期三)

    Wednesday 15 July 2020

    19:00 – 20:30

    在线论坛 Online Event


    Don’t miss out. Register NOW for your online spot!




    • kunyi


    • Harmony


    • Jean


    • 小悠悠


    • shzh


    • schrodinger不定饿






    • 田元 | Anna 4年前 0


    • 小悠悠 4年前 0


    • 小悠悠 4年前 0

      并没有收到邮件。。 而且这个报名体验挺差的。。还以为扫码就能看直播了,结果扫来扫去,又要下载app,这样那样的,还是没成功。。

    • 徐可爱 4年前 0


      • SHE REWIRES 4年前




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