5月10日我们说城市: 城市好似一个有繁杂功能构架和庞大用户量的操作系统,唯有不断优化系统,提高配置,才能维护系统的运行,满足用户的普遍性需要。作为一个“操作系统”,城市的主要特点应是更快捷、更安全、更友好。“说城市”板块聚焦城市里的那点事,探讨如何把城市变“聪明”、以及如何建立人与城市有机联结的两大话题。
5月11日我们聊社区: 在拥有60亿人口的地球村中,每个村民都是一座孤岛。我们似乎可以通过现代科技,联系到世界上任何一个人;但时常,我们又感到形单影只,慨叹“微斯人,吾谁与归”。“聊社区”板块着眼城乡社区发展中的种种问题,探寻人与人在社区中的心理联结,以及社区内外的发展话题。还在等什么呢?创变吧!
放映单元:看到世界的问题也许是尝试解决它的第一步,看到别人解决问题的方法,也许是激励人行动起来的第一步。这是一个创变的时代,城市与社区中,有人将人联结在一起用行动实现着改变,同样,也有人在用影像记录并传递着这些创变的力量,让更多人亲眼见证创变的过程,激发创变的种子。这是一次创变客的影像聚会,在社会创新周的放映单元, 更多创变客通过影像与你联结,请你参与,倾听他们的故事,收获自己的思考,开始你的行动。还在等什么呢?创变吧!
in Main Venue
Opening Ceremony:7:30pm, May 9th, 2014
Open Days:May 10th- 11th,2014
Place:Beijing Theater 北京剧院(北四环安慧桥东北角,北辰时代对面,北辰购物中心斜对面)
Theme: Connect For Change
Schedule: (Tentative)
Opening Ceremony
It will be a social innovation show to shock your brain and change your values! Geoff Mulgan, United Kingdom’s “father of social innovation”, and Ashoka, the first social innovation institution to propose the concept of “Changemaker”, will interpret “ Connect For Change” from multiple dimensions and perspectives. Innovation is no longer just a “brain game”; Change is no longer beyond our reach. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
Changemaker Talks
2014 Social Innovation Week (SIW) Changemaker Talks are scheduled to take place over two days. Speakers will come diverse regions and backgrounds; government, corporations, non-profits, and individual Changemakers. Through an 18-minute talk (similar to Ted-Talk model) they will share their own experiences of using technology and art to connect cities and communities, with the goal of inspiring action among the audience to do the same.
Day 1 (May 10th) City Talk
Cities can be viewed as operating systems with massive amounts of users and elaborate architectures. Much like operating systems, they must be continuously upgraded and configured to keep up with evolving user needs. This “operating system” must be faster, safer and friendlier. The “City Talk” module will explore two topics: 1) making cities “smarter” and 2) building organic connections between cities and its people. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
Day 2 (May 11th) Community Talk
In a global “village” of 6 billion, every person isan island. We can communicate with anyone on the planet using modern technology, but often feel alone.
“Community talk” focuses on the by-products of community development, examining the emotional connection between people in communities, as well as transformations in and out of communities.
This is going to be a unique workshop experience since you are not only an audience member, but also a Changemaker! You can embark on your own journey of change during or immediately after your participation in the workshop. There are three series of workshops during the open house period: The Maker Workshop, The Arts Workshop and the Open Workshop. The Maker Workshop connects the public with Changemakers, providing a space for those who are interested in science and technology to solve social problems with his/her own hands. The Arts Workshop helps audience experience the fun of “connecting” and thereby hopes to motivate them to change the world through different artistic forms, from architecture to video to drama, etc. The Open Workshop collects outstanding interactive content from the public. Changing the world begins here. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
Seeing the problems in the world may be the first step to solving them, and seeing how others solved their problems may also be the first step to solving your own. This is an age of great change. Some have joined forces to make change within their cities and communities through action. Similarly, some have captured these changes on video to allow more people to witness the process of the change, so that they can be inspired to make changes of their own. The seeds of change are thus planted. This is a visual extravaganza for Changemakers. In Social Innovation Week’s screenings, you will find more Changemakers to connect with. We invite you to take part, listen to their stories, form your ideas, and start your actions. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
What is a social innovation? Since the birth of this concept, what are the well-known cases? Can you spot social innovation around you? Who are the Changemakers engaged in social innovation in different parts of China? How is technology and social innovation connected? Social Innovation Week Exhibits will be China’s first comprehensive presentation of social innovation, including its history, notable cases, and practitioner stories. We believe you will find your answers here. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
Weaved throughout the event will be operas, dances, traditional performing arts, creativity markets, and many more interactive live activities. So, what are you waiting for? Be the change!
For Social Innovation Week inquiries please call the organizing committee at: 010-56297880
For more infomation, please go to www.cinnovate.org
Please follow Cinnovate Center’s public Wechat account for further details.