

2018年6月30日 14:00 ~ 2018年6月30日 16:00




    活动介绍 | Event Brief

    继阿德纳·弗赖德曼女士(Adena Friedman)2017年成为美国三大交易所之一纳斯达克交易所的首位女性集团CEO后,今年五月史黛西·坎宁安女士(Stacey Cunningham)被正式任命为纽约证券交易所第67任总裁,成为纽交所226年历史上第一位女性总裁。她们不仅重新定义了女性迈入的新领域,同时也在引领着行业的革新和现代化。正如华尔街知名的“无畏女孩”(Fearless Girl)雕塑警示世界一般,“了解女性的领导才能,便知她正在改变世界”。

    哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京将于6月30举办“2018哥大中国之夏”——金融行业的女性领导力论坛第二期。继上一期论坛后,我们再次邀请了三位毕业于哥伦比亚大学并拥有丰富职场经验的精英女性,中国银行投行资管部刘语臻 (TC '13)、华泰联合证券董事长特别助理和战略运营部副总裁乔菲 (SIPA '12) 以及北京菱悦科技有限公司联合创始人和Advanced Fintech Institute首席科学家杨入云 (Math '13),分享她们在金融行业监管机构、研究领域和市场部门的从业经历以及逐步迈进管理者角色的心路历程。在比特币、区块链、金融科技等关键词不断冲击我们大脑的时代,一起来听听她们对于自身专业领域、热点话题和女性在金融行业职业发展中的思考。论坛主持人将由目前就职于金融监管机构、同时也是哥伦比亚大学校友的梁牧笛(TC '15)担任。

    哥大女性领导力论坛系列由哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京于2017年发起。该系列活动旨在为哥伦比亚大学女性校友搭建一个分享、沟通与学习的社交网络,助力女性职业发展,拓展女性领导力。哥大女性领导力论坛致力于支持勇敢、自信的女性行动力,并与嘉宾一同探索在人生计划、理财、工作-生活平衡与女性力量等方面的可能性。

    On June 30, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing will host its Fifth Women Leadership Panel with three Columbia alumnae who are also experienced professionals in the financial industry to share their stories and provide insights in this sector. The panelists are Yuzhen Liu (TC '13), Economist  in Bank of China asset management department; Fei Qiao (SIPA '12), Special Assistant to Chairman and Vice President for Corporate Development at Huatai United Securities; Ruyun (Winnie) Yang (Math '13), Co-founder of πch Co., Chief Scientist of Advanced Fintech Institute. Join us for an engaging panel discussion with female leaders in the financial industry. We welcome young professionals and anyone who is interested in pursuing careers in the industry to come to engage and network with the panelists. The panel will be moderated by Mudi Liang (TC '15), a researcher in China Securities Regulation Committee.

    研讨嘉宾 | Panelists

    刘语臻 (TC'13, CFA)

    Yuzhen Liu, CFA


    Ms. Yuzhen Liu holds a master degree from Columbia University. She is Economist in Bank of China asset management department. Her research focuses on Macro and FICC. Ms. Liu has won several awards for macro economy and financial market forecasting from Foreign Exchange Administration and Capital Week. 

    乔菲 (SIPA '12) 

    Fei Qiao


    Ms. Fei Qiao is now the Special Assistant to Chairman and Vice President for Corporate Development at Huatai United Securities. She participates in the construction and implementation of international strategies for the group, overseas M&A deals and integration, as well as new business development with a primary focus in the United States. Prior to joining Huatai United in 2014, she worked for the China Institute of Finance and Capital Markets under CSRC as a research associate. She graduated from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs with a Master Degree in Public Administration.

    杨入云 (Math '13), Ph.D. 

    Ruyun (Winnie) Yang

    杨入云女士,北京菱悦科技有限公司联合创始人,Advanced Fintech Institute首席科学家,毕业于哥伦比亚大学数学博士专业。曾先后任职博恩资产管理有限公司风控部副总监、基金经理,中证资本市场运行统计监测中心风险监测部经理。

    Ms. Ruyun Yang, Co-founder of πch Co., Chief Scientist of Advanced Fintech Institute, PhD in Mathematics from Columbia University, was Vice President of Risk Controlling Department and Fund Manager at Born Asset Management Co., manager of Risk Monitoring Department at Capital Market Statistics & Monitoring Center which belongs to China Security Regulatory Commission.

    主持人 | Moderator

    梁牧笛(TC '15)

    Mudi Liang


    Ms. Mudi Liang graduated from Columbia University with a master degree in Economics and Education, with full scholarship from China Scholarship Committee, and formerly worked for World Bank and Colorado State Government. She now conducts researches in China Securities Regulation Committee, with frontier regulation experience in Shanghai Stock Exchange. Ms. Liang advises big data projects in Reg-tech platforms, covering user profiling and US-China financial regulation policy comparative study. Her policy recommendations has been directly reported to senior officials in central government.

    活动须知 | Special Notice

    • 本场活动语言为中文;

    • 报名需审核,收到确认二维码即表明报名成功(请在签到时出示二维码);

    • 请于活动要求的签到时间到场,早于签到时间、或迟于签到时间20分钟,将无法协助您签到入场;

    • 若无法如期参加活动,烦请您提前告知,我们将开放名额予其他观众;

    • 如有任何疑问,请在我们的微信公众平台留言或邮件至beijing.cgc@columbia.edu

    • The event will be conducted in Chinese.

    • Due to limited seats, registration will be verified through the QR code of confirmation. Please present the QR code at the entrance. 

    • Please plan to arrive no earlier than the registration time and no later than 20 minutes after the end of registration period.

    • If you are unable to attend the event, please inform us in advance. 

    • If you have any questions, please leave us a message below or email to beijing.cgc@columbia.edu.


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