
Bal-Spring 巴尔博亚工作坊(4月5-7日)

Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 07 Apr 2019 23:30:00 GMT+08


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    The instructors have many years of teaching experience, and know well what exactly each group of students needs the most. During each class they evaluate carefully students' technique and dance vocabulary and work on those aspects that could be improved. Each class will be a combination of Pure-Bal and Bal-Swing moves and techniques to help all students to be more versatile in their Balboa. 



    音乐性 学习如何从一个爵士音乐家的角度去理解和表达音乐,而不是仅仅作为一个舞者。 大家将会学到一些有用的技巧和变化,从而使自己的舞蹈更加多变和愉悦!
    MUSICALITY. Learn to express yourself to swing music from not only a dancer, but a real jazz musician! Useful tips and fun variations everyone can add to their dancing to make it more rich and enjoyable.

    BAL-SWING TECHNIQUES. 在本课程中,我们主要教授与架型相关的技巧,多重旋转及其变化。练习如何拉伸和挤压,如何开始旋转并且控制及保持平衡,以及反向旋转。During this class you will learn the frame based technique from the masters, as well as numerous turn moves and variations. They will help you to improve your Bal-Swing technique, work on creating and controlling rotation, better balance and counter-rotation.

    SOLO BALBOA. 这次课的目的是为了启发Balboa舞者并帮助大家掌握如何进行单人的练习,从而在双人搭档时找到更佳的舞感。大师们将会传授实用技巧和练习,让大家可以在不依赖引领/跟随的前提下,拥有更多自我脚步练习和提高的时间,以及提升自我的平衡能力。
    This class is designed to inspire Balboa dancers and help them learn to practice solo to feel great dancing in a couple. You can take the time to improve your own footwork without the distraction of leading/following, work on your own balance, and get useful tips and technical exercises from the masters! 

    花式动作. 每个级别的同学都将从这次集训中学到非常实用的内容。我们将从基础的新动作入手,加上风格变化使其更加酷炫美观。
    FANCY MOVES. Students of every level will find this class extremely practical. After learning a simple new move, we will build it up with variations and styling to make it look really fancy!

    ALL ABOUT RHYTHMS! 主要讲解如何把节奏变化运用到舞蹈中,借助时机的变化、节拍和步伐调节、或是时间的延迟与延展,让整个舞步变得更丰富有趣。
    Add rhythms to your dancing and make the moves you know more interesting by changing the timing or adding extra beats and steps, or delaying and stretching the time.

    SLOW BALBOA. 很多同学认为Balboa只为快速舞曲而生,今天就让我们打破这个理念!慢速Balboa是一个融合了优美舞步、紧密连接、以及身体引领的全新舞蹈世界。这次集训课也将是一个从贯通Balboa和Blues的大师身上学习要领的难得机会。
    Most people think that Balboa is only for fast tempos. Let’s change that! Slow Balboa is a whole world of beautiful moves, close connection and body leading. This is a rare chance to learn it from experts both in Balboa and Blues!

    ↓↓↓ example of Slow Balboa ↓↓


    1997年以来,Anne-Helene和Bernard一直在跳摇摆舞,他们特别关注摇摆&布鲁斯和独舞。 他们以优雅和多才多艺的风格而闻名。

    他们很少参加比赛,但在2005年和2006年的Balboa Rendez-vous声名鹊起,在国际巴尔博亚锦标赛中获得第3名。2007年6月,他们在克利夫兰赢得了美国经典巴尔博亚锦标赛冠军(巴尔博亚舞蹈界中最大的赛事),至今他们仍然是获得这项冠军的唯一非美国籍舞者。 他们在法国图卢兹开办了一所舞蹈学校,并组织许多相关活动,包括Studio Hop夏令营。

    Anne-Helene & Bernard have been dancing swing since 1997, and specialize in swing & blues couple and solo dances. They are known for their unique elegant and versatile style.

    Mostly social dancers, they rarely participate in competitions, but made a name for themselves at Balboa Rendez-vous 2005 and 2006, finishing 3rd in the International Balboa Championship.

    In June 2007, they won the American Classic Balboa Championship in Cleveland, the biggest Balboa competition (considered the world championship), and until today they are still the only non-American holders of this title. They have a dance school in Toulouse, France, and organize many dance events, including the Studio Hop Summer Camp.


    VENUES 场地

    SATURDAY – Z-Lovi自如音乐空间
    Saturday workshops and the party will be held at a brand new venue in Dongdaqiao area called Z Lovi. Address: 北京朝阳区 春平广场西门二层202  


    SUNDAY – the Bricks
    Sunday is a traditional Balboa night at the Bricks jazz bar, and this weekend we welcome everyone from the afternoon to join the workshops and stay for the party! Address: B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Xindong Road, Sanlitun
    北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路首开铂郡北区院内广场 B1层 -007


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