
[Sold out 总名额已满] Women in Business Forum 第六届杰出商业女性论坛

2017年3月31日 13:30 ~ 2017年3月31日 17:30




    2017 WIB Flyer.jpg

    Women in Business Forum


    A new era of change in which numerous new types of professions have emerged has led to the birth of an outstanding group of business women. These women think outside the traditional framework and have proved themselves, to have the courage to innovate and be one step ahead. They are keen to put their ideas into practice and show others their unique maker’s spirit.

    For this year’s Women in Business Forum, we have invited four women who are forerunners in different industries. They will share their perspectives and stories about how they use new technology and overturned existing traditional concepts to combat daily life and social problems. Through this forum, we hope to establish a platform for women to exchange and inspire each other, allowing them to find their true character and place in life. Take the first step towards realising your dreams and you will discover there is still more you can do.



    Speaker Lineup 嘉宾介绍

    Chao Wu 吴超

    Artist 艺术家

    Chao Wu was born in 1977. She received her master’s degree from the National School of Art of Nancy in France, in 2007. Chao Wu sat on the jury of the 2015 Holland Animation Festival and the 2017 Annecy Animation Festival. She has also given lectures at the Rockbund Art Museum, OCAT, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Academy of Art and Chinese Forum of Disorder of Consciousness.

    吴超,1977年出生, 2007年硕士毕业于法国南锡国家高等艺术学院。广东外语外贸大学讲师,2015年荷兰动画节终评委,2017年法国安纳西动画节终评委。曾在全国意识障碍高峰论坛、香港中文大学、中央美术学院、中国美术学院、上海外滩美术馆等讲座。


    Kelly England Prehn

    British Fashion Ambassador


    Kelly England Prehn started off as a British Top Model at the tender age of 17, when discovered by Models One whilst on a school trip to the theatre. Whilst modeling in fashion capitals around the world, Kelly was chosen by famous Japanese make-up artist Shu Uemura as his muse, thus launching her into high demand in Asian markets such as Japan, China and Korea. In the 2000’s, Kelly became the first Top British Model to work for Chinese brands in the booming market, commanding fees never seen before and transforming the East Meets West fashion industry. At the age of 24, she began combining her modeling career with becoming a business woman. She now owns various, exciting businesses in the publishing industry and partners with both international media and famous brands, including Wedgwood, Dolce & Gabbana and Benefit Cosmetics. Kelly is also the Creative Director of the China Wine and Spirits Awards (CWSA), the largest and most prestigious wine and spirits competition in China. Made up of 100 Judges from across China and selling 90 million bottles per year, the CWSA has now become the most influential wine competition in the world. Renowned for her integrity, this inspirational and exceptional woman who is often featured in the media, is also British Fashion Ambassador, successfully increasing trade and creating excellent relations between the UK and China.

    Kelly England 在17岁便展开了她本人的模特职业生涯,在一次学校旅行途中被模特公司Models One发现并从此开始走上英国顶尖模特的职业生涯。多年来Kelly 穿梭于世界各地时尚之都,累积了丰富的模特秀场经验。随后很快Kelly被国际知名化妆品牌大师Shu Uemura选中,作为品牌代言人并迅速走红于亚洲如日本、中国、韩国等各地。在2000年,Kelly成为第一个为中国品牌工作的英国顶尖模特,至此奠定了西方模特在东方时尚领域的地位。随着模特职业生涯的逐渐成熟,Kelly在她24岁的时候开始逐步涉猎商业领域,通过与各种国际知名媒体及品牌的多方位合作,包括Wedgwood,Dolce&Gabbana和Benefit等,迈向商业女性的道路。Kelly目前担任中国环球葡萄酒及烈酒大奖赛的创意总监,中国环球葡萄酒及烈酒大奖赛作为当下世界上最具影响力的酒类比赛,凭借着该品牌良好的声誉,每年吸引到了100多名来自世界各地的裁判参与到该大赛。作为一名富有激情的杰出英国时尚大使,Kelly在促进了中英双边文化交流领域上做出了杰出的贡献,一直以来受到中外媒体们的关注。

    Violet Su 苏海燕

    Community Manager

    Chaihuo Maker Space

    柴火创客空间 社区经理

    Violet Su is Community Manager of Chaihuo Maker Space and also a core member of Maker Faire Shenzhen. Since 2012, Violet has been actively involved in advancing maker culture and boosting communication & collaboration between makers from China and overseas. Prior to joining the Maker community, she volunteered as a Chinese teacher for the Confucius Institute in Thailand for 2 wonderful years. Violet has a passion for education, culture, social innovation and crossover cooperation. 

    苏海燕,对教育、文化、社会创新与跨界合作充满热情与兴趣。曾作为孔子学院外派的汉语教师志愿者在泰国支教2年。自2012年回国之后致力于推动创客文化的传播以及国内外创客的交流与协作,现就职于柴火创客空间,任社区经理,也是Maker Faire Shenzhen的核心成员。在此之前她曾就职于矽递科技,任公关经理与总经理助理。

    Special Guest 特邀嘉宾

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    Ma Ke 马可

    Wuyong Studio 

    Founder of Wuyong, Designer



    Photo by Guo Yun 摄影郭允

    Ma Ke, designer and founder of Wuyong. She was invited to present her work “Wuyong / the Earth” in Paris Fashion Week in 2007. That year, the film Wuyong, featuring Ma Ke and her Paris presentation, was awarded Best Documentary Prize in the 64th Venice Film Festival. In 2008, Ma Ke became the first Chinese designer to be invited to participate in the Paris Haute Couture Week, subsequently presenting Wuyong / Luxurious Qing Pin. And she was awarded Outstanding Chinese Designer by Hong Kong Design Center on year later. She went on to receive the 2010 World Youth Leaders title in 2010. In 2014, Ma Ke was invited by Cloud Gate Dance Theater of Taiwan to make costumes for the production White Water and DustIn 2015, she was ranked among the top 30 most influential designers in China by Forbes.







    • 陈小米


    • Iris


    • EricaH


    • 谭木


    • Miss.萧????


    • 大白英子






    • 7年前 0




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