
2017上海酷儿影展SHQFF 开幕式 D1 OPENNING

Sat, 16 Sep 2017 17:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 16 Sep 2017 22:30:00 GMT+08


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    开幕夜Opening Night:追踪酷儿群体中的亚洲面孔 Seeking Asian 


    由加拿大驻上海总领事馆特别支持Supported by Consulate General of Canada




    活动场地:上海温哥华电影学院SHVFS放映厅(闸北区延长路149 上海温哥华电影学院1号教学楼放映厅406

    Shanghai Vancouver Film School Screening Room 406 (Teaching Building No. 1, 149 Yanchang Road)






    开幕电影放映加拿大导演Richard Fung 执导的两部时隔三十年拍摄的聚焦亚裔LGBTQ的纪录片。

    第一部《取向)聚焦拥有不同亚洲背景的同志男女。他们幽默地坦率畅言,且常颇为辛辣地讨论着他们作为少数群体中的少数群体的生活。旨在回应同性恋即是白人的主流印象,为同志们正名。 在第二部中,七位泛亚裔加拿大酷儿回顾了他们1986年参演的纪录片,影片带着观众对他们的生活与想法进行了一次有趣的观察。他们发生了怎样的变化?他们周围的世界又是如何演进和改变的?


    电影结束后更有导演Richard Fung本人与观众进行映后谈。


    On the opening day, SHQFF is awarding the winners of 2017 SHQFF short film competition, Best Film of the year will be screened. 


    Opening films are two films by Canadian director Richard Fung—Orientations: Lesbians and Gay Asians&Re: OrientationsFocusing on Asian lesbians and gays in Canada, the first film is shot in 1986 and the sequel in 2016, after 30 years.

    In response to the dominant impression that gay people are white people, Orientationsaims to set the record straight on homosexual identity. Men and women of different Asian backgrounds speak frankly, humorously, and often poignantly about their lives as members of a minority within a minority.

    Re:Orientations revisits seven of the original participants , the audience has afascinating look into the lives and thoughts of seven queer pan-Asian Canadians as they look back on a 1986 documentary in which they featured. How have they changed? And how has the world around them evolved and changed?


    Director Richard Fung will be attending the event for an Q&A session after the screening.







    开幕影片Opening Films:


    《取向:亚裔同志们》Orientations: Lesbians and Gay Asians

    Richard Fung, 1986, 58min, 加拿大Canada


    &《再谈取向》Re: Orientations

    Richard Fung, 2016, 68min, 加拿大Canada


    影片语言Film Language:英文English


    字幕语言Sub Language:中文 英文Chinese/English







    Richard Fung,生于特立尼达拉岛,目前生活在多伦多;他是一位荣获许多奖项,集电影人/录像艺术家/作家多重身份于一身的加拿大现代艺术家。他的作品关注并展现了个人家族历史,加拿大的种族与性向社会议题,加勒比地区的印度移民问题与巴以冲突等;并在国际上被广泛关注,播放与收藏。1980年,Richard Fung与伙伴一同成立了Gay Asians Toronto, 是加拿大第一家亚洲”LGBT小组;并于1990年,启动了亚洲同志人群AIDS 项目。Richard Fung目前在安大略艺术设计学院艺术系担任教授。


    Richard Fung is an award-winning filmmaker/video artist and writer, born in Trinidad and based in Toronto. His works on his own family history, on sexuality and race in Canada, the Indian diaspora in the Caribbean, and Israel/Palestine, have been widely exhibited and collected internationally. His writing includes the book 13: Conversations on Art and Cultural Race Politics as well as numerous journal and magazine articles. In 1980, Richard co-founded Gay Asians Toronto, the first ethnic-specific LGBT group in Canada and in 1990, the Gay Asian AIDS Project. Richard is a professor in the Faculty of Art at OCAD University.

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    • 君君 7年前


    • jario 7年前

      你好 请问有没有不免费的票啊 由于非常想参加这个活动 票已经抢光了 可以自费来





    上海酷儿影展是一个全新的酷儿电影平台, 通过放映世界各地优秀的酷儿影像, 探讨多元化的爱和酷儿文化。 第一届上海酷儿影展SHQFF将在2017年9月16-24日举办,活动包括电影展映,讲座讨论,工作坊,派对。

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