
Explorer's AppJamming: Make Your Own App! Summer Camp|July 02-July 06 1-4pm

Mon, 02 Jul 2018 13:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 06 Jul 2018 16:00:00 GMT+08
First Code Academy


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    This course aims to empower students through teaching them problem-solving using technology. From introducing fundamental computer science concepts, applying Design Thinking process to utilizing AppInventor as a language, we guide students to apply problem-solving skills to their daily lives. Adapting a curriculum used in Silicon Valley, we cover user­-centric design and mobile app development. Students receive personal guidance from our professionally trained instructors in thinking through algorithms, decomposing problem and formulating multiple solutions.



    • Introduction to computer programming, algorithms and basic logic controls

    • Creating their first app and familiarizing with App Inventor

    • Concepts to manipulate data: variables, operators, data types

    • Introduction of data storage: database

    • Individual meetings with instructor to plan out their app and project timeline


    • Format: 5 classes in a week, from Monday to Friday

    • Class Duration: 180 minutes per class, 13:00 - 16:00

    • Class Size: 4 - 8 students

    • Camp Dates: 02 July to 06 July

    • Suitable Age: 9 -11


    • 8 : 1 Ratio Guarantee

    • Personalized Learning

    • Hands-on Project Based Learning

    • Follow on Curriculum for Immersed Learning


    Apply the below discount codes at checkout to received discounts for your ticket! 

    Referral Program

    If you refer a friend, we'll cash back $200RMB each! You can refer as many friends as you wish.


    Early Bird Discount - Save RMB250 when you sign up before March 31, 2018.


    Bundle Up - Sign up for 2 camps to get extra RMB$300 off, 3 camps for TW$600 off, and 4 camps for TW$1000 off. If you are doing 5+ camps this holiday, contact us.

    Note: First Code Academy reserves the right to cancel a ticket if an incorrect promo code is used.

    Shaping Future Creators

    First Code Academy is a leading education institute that teaches kids coding courses and develop curriculum for K-12 students to learn not just coding skills, but computational thinking. Our goal is to empower children and teenagers to become creative leaders in the digital era, for their future career and for driving social change.

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    First Code Academy

    First Code Academy

    我们提供课后课程和假期营队给香港、新加坡和台湾的学生。今年一月我們將和上海的孩子一起用編程,編出獨立思維! 当科技逐渐成为生活的重心,First Code Academy相信程式教育,能让孩子透过做中学,学习运算思维和培养逻辑思考的能力,让科技成为孩子一起闯世界的最佳伙伴。我们将矽谷高中生的教材改编过后带进课堂,4-18岁的孩子都能和我们一起在课堂里,自由地发挥创意和挖掘解决问题的方法,不设限地探索自己的无限可能。 从2013年和香港Google合作工作坊出发至今,已有来自20个顶尖国际、私立和公立学校,超过3,000名的学生参与我们的课程。2015年开始,我们也和香港加拿大国际学校,汉基国际学校,启新书院等等合作课后社团课程,超过95%的学生,在第一堂课中,搭建出自己的手机应用程式。 First Code Academy develops and runs computer programming courses and holiday camps tailored for kids and teens in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan and is now holding its first AppJamming workshop in Shanghai! Our mission is to empower our next generation to be creators using technology. Since established in 2013, we have taught over 2,500 students, 3 of whom were admitted to MIT for the App Inventor Summit, a global app development competition, and one who was invited speaker at a TEDx event about his tech spirit.

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