
Beyond Business as Usual April Forum: Scaling Sustainability through Tech

Tue, 26 Apr 2016 18:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Tue, 26 Apr 2016 21:30:00 GMT+08


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    Feel the urge to make the world a better place? And wonder whether tech is the key? Come and join us at this upcoming event, and talk to entrepreneurs and tech experts!

    While the world debates what the impact of a 4 (perhaps 6) degree change to the climate will mean, who is ultimately responsible for acting, and what carbon price is needed, an opportunity to break away from the conversation and bring scalable solutions to the problems faced exists.

    The challenges that our urban systems will face environmentally, socially, and economically will require scalable solutions as we move forward to 7+ billion urban inhabitants in 2050. To highlight this opportunity, through this Beyond Business As Usual Forum, we are bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, and corporate innovators who will talk about the technologies that they have been building, funding, and implementing, and providing their vision for how they see tech as a medium for bringing balance to the systems that will support growth and prosperity going forward.

    Event Details:

    Date: 2016 April 26th, 6:30pm-9:30pm

    Venue: XNode JingAn Space, 9F Overseas Chinese Mansion, 129 West Yan’an Road

    Registration Fee: RMB 100 (Including one drink and light snack) in advance, RMB 150 onsite


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    Other speakers will be announced shortly!

    Event Agenda:

    • 18.30 - 19.00: Registration 

    • 19:00 - 20:10  Speaker Presentations  &  Q&A session

    • 20.10 - 21:30:  Drinks and Networking

    Special thanks to our sponsor, XNode, your support for our April Beyond Business as Usual Forum is very much appreciated.

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