
社会企业中的女性领导力峰会Women in Social Enterprise Conference

Sat, 29 Mar 2014 08:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:00:00 GMT+08
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    - 通过聆听中国社会企业及公益组织中的精英女性的故事,获得丰沛灵感。
    - 与处在各个职业阶段的女性同胞面对面,交流思想,提升自信心。
    - 汲取前辈经验教训,学会如何创新。
    - 拓展人脉,找到未来的创业、合作伙伴。



    WISE,a part of FYSE's Spark:Her program, aims to become theforemost platform for women interested and engaged in social and environmental initiatives. Rather than going for a large-scale event, we keep our events small, intimate and participant-driven - forget long and winding speeches, but expect  sufficient time for Q&As and time and space to sit with a small handful of people to talk. Our team aims to provide attendees with a best-in-class networking opportunity and an unrivaled platform to start their entrepreneurial journey.

    Why should you attend?
    - Inspiration from some of China’s leading women driven social and environmental impact
    - Learn how to make a difference from speakers who have been there and done it
    - Boost your confidence by meeting other women in various stages in their own professional lives (including working from home offices in ratty sweats)
    - Make new connections that could lead to co-founders, partnerships and other important contacts

    Conference has 2 simultanious tracks: one in English and one in Chinese.

    Come to our new session "Marketplace" and learn what support for starting and running a social enterprise or NGO is available to you when leading capacity-builders and incubators introduce their programs and services to you. 

    For more information about Marketplace, please visit http://tinyurl.com/WISEMarketplace. WISE Participants get full access to the Marketplace during the conference. (Aspiring) Social Entrepreneurs not attending the WISE conference can purchase tickets to access the Marketplace only.

    想进一步了解FYSE和我们的Spark:Her项目,请访问我们的官方网站(FYSE offical website)www.fyse.org 

    关于“社会企业中的女性领导力峰会(WISE)”更多信息,请访问会议网站(WISE website):wiseconference.weebly.com


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    • FYSE芳新 10年前

      根据你们对去年会议的反馈,我们对今年会议的议程做出了改进,并增加了几个新的环节: • 社会创新大展堂 | 社会创新领域的领导者们将在5分钟内通过10张精华图片(每张图片30秒)来边展示边介绍她们的理念、组织及其正在应对的社会问题。 • 对话专题 | 通过主持人与社会企业家或业内资深人士一对一的谈话更深入地了解社会创业的相关问题。 • 集市 | 将会有多家机构参加集市这个环节,展示他们针对NGO和社会企业的能力建设和孵化项目,并与参会者互动交流。

    • FYSE芳新 10年前

      今年,我们仍旧请到了十分优秀的演讲嘉宾,他们有: • 吴青 - 北京农家女文化发展中心 • 王奕鸥 - 瓷娃娃罕见病关爱中心 • 张宇 - 特奥爱心农庄 • 郑洪 - 蒲公英中学 • Mina Guli - 渴望宣言 ...更多出色的社会企业专家将加入我们的嘉宾队伍,介时请注意这里发布的公告!

    • FYSE芳新 10年前

      今年,我们仍旧请到了十分优秀的演讲嘉宾,他们有: • 吴青 - 北京农家女文化发展中心 • 王奕鸥 - 瓷娃娃罕见病关爱中心 • 张宇 - 特奥爱心农庄 • 郑洪 - 蒲公英中学 • Mina Guli - 渴望宣言 ...更多出色的社会企业专家将加入我们的嘉宾队伍,介时请注意这里发布的公告!





    FYSE 是一个帮助社会企业家实现最大限度的影响力的平台。我们关注社会需求,帮助社会企业家在拓展业务、创造更多工作机会的同时,探索有效解决最紧迫的社会与环境问题的创新方案。我们拥有包括公司、政府、非营利组织和大学等多样化的合作伙伴,并通过与他们的合作开展了各类女性与青年项目。 FYSE enables social entrepreneurs to achieve their utmost impact. We identify needs and develop innovative solutions that enable social entrepreneurs to effectively tackle society’s most pressing social and environmental challenges while expanding their businesses and creating jobs. www.fyse.org

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