
751国际设计节设计论坛——墨西哥主宾城市论坛 Mirror City Design Forum

Sun, 15 Sep 2019 13:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 15 Sep 2019 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    2019北京国际设计周-751国际设计节 论坛 目录

    9.11 751国际设计节主题论坛——"工业遗产:城市的往昔与未来”

    9.11 751国际设计节设计论坛——为生活提案

    9.12 751国际设计节设计论坛——改变阅读的设计

    9.13 751国际设计节设计论坛——负责任的城市

    9.14 751国际设计节设计论坛——your case, my case

    9.15 751国际设计节设计论坛——墨西哥主宾城市论坛 




    Beijing in Asia, and Mexico City in America are both metropolises with a sense of history, modernity and eternal charm. But, do we really know the city that we live in? We have invited guests from Beijing and Mexico City to share architectural and humanistic perspectives from macro and micro scales to help us understand the character and mood of these two mega cities.



    2019 / 09 / 15




    13:30-14:00  签到

    14:00-14:10  嘉宾致辞

    14:10-15:50  Mirror City 设计论坛上半场(4位演讲嘉宾)

    15:50-16:05  茶歇

    16:05-17:45  Mirror City 设计论坛上半场(4位演讲嘉宾)

    17:45-18:00  嘉宾对谈及观众提问



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    Marcos Mazari



    Marcos Mazari

    Dean of the School of Architecture of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Permanent member of the Commission of Experts of the Council of Sustainable Urban Development, of the SEDUVI of the Mexico City Government, since 2013. Regional Vice President of the Association of Institutions of Teaching of Architecture of the Mexican Republic (ASINEA), from 2014 to 2016. Academic Vice President National of ASINEA for the 2016-2018 term and in May 2018 he was elected President of ASINEA for the 2018-2020 term. Recently, in November 2018, he was appointed president of the Union of Schools and Colleges of Architecture of Latin America (UDEFAL) for the 2018-2020 term. Vice President of the Mexico Region of the Union of Schools and Colleges of Latin America (UDEFAL), from 2015 to 2018. He is also an integral member of the Citizen Governing Council of the Chapultepec Forest, since 2014, and a permanent member of the expert commission of the Sustainable Urban Development Council (Conduse). Member and sponsoring partner of the College of Architects of Mexico (CAM-SAM), since 2015. Member of the Society of Mexican Landscape Architects, since 2009.






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    Alejandra Gonzalez


    她毕业于墨西哥UNAM。自2005年以来,她从事展览设计师和文化经理的工作,协调并举办了100多个不同规模和主题的展览,这些展览已在José Luis Benlliure画廊、MUCA校园内Ciencias y Artes博物馆,UNAM建筑学院的展览空间以及墨西哥城西班牙文化中心的比特空间,还在其他展览馆展出。


    Alejandra Gonzalez

    Head of Cultural Affairs at the School of Architecture, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Architect graduated from UNAM, Mexico. Since 2005 she has focused her work as a exhibit designer and cultural manager, coordinated and produced more than 100 exhibitions on different scales and topics, which have been presented in the José Luis Benlliure Gallery, the Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes (MUCA Campus), and other exhibition spaces of the School of Architecture, UNAM, as well as at the Spanish Cultural Center in Mexico City, amongst others.

    She currently is the Head of Cultural Affairs at the School of Architecture, UNAM and the Technical Secretary of MUCA Advisory Board. At the same time, she has participated in multidisciplinary work teams for the conceptualization and materialization of projects such as the renovation program of the MUCA Campus; the intervention of the Universidad subway station, the 10-year-anniversary program of the Central Campus as UNESCO World Heritage, and the academic program of the Master in Museum Projects Management, amongst others.





    在世界设计之都CDMX 2018项目的框架内,UNAM建筑学院在大学科学与艺术博物馆(MUCA UNAM)举办了“De Todospara todos. Diseño y espacio público en la Ciudad de México”展览。(每个人,每个人。墨西哥城的设计和公共空间)。展览展示了60多件由专业人士、学者和学生与墨西哥市政府以及私营公司和组织共同开发的项目,旨在提高公共空间质量。此外,策展计划也提供了一种城市设计当前组成部分的思路,思考如社会、环境、政治和管理等方面。

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    Francisco Erazo



    Francisco Erazo 

    Architect & Founding partner of Culturans

    Fran Erazo (b. 1987) is an architect based in Mexico City, founding partner of Culturans — a company focused in cultural projects for public spaces, urban interventions and creative education for citizens in both private and public sectors in Mexico City. He received academic formation in architecture and humanities at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), both of which, for over ten years he turned into practice focused in using architecture, art and design as tools for enhancing social interaction and wellbeing in public spaces. He has also worked in developing collaborative educational methods and design thinking processes for young people in different institutions, such as a Public Health Science School of UNAM, Social NGOs, and the Health Promotion Department of the Mexico City Government.

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    Li Jing

    DT Executive Editor of Finance and Economics, Deputy General Manager of First Finance and Economics Data Technology Company, and Editorial Committee of First Finance and Economics. She graduated from the Central University of Finance and Economics with a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in communication from the University of Leeds; worked as a journalist of 21st Century Economic Report, a responsible editor of First Financial Daily and a chief editor of First Financial Network. In 2015, he joined the First Financial Data Technology Company and participated in the establishment of DT Finance and Economics; and currently managed the company’s capacitance line business, concurrently as DT financial executive editor-in-chief.






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    Liu Daizong 

    Director of World Resources Institute Ross Sustainable Urban Center China Zone

    Liu Daizhong has more than 20 years' experience in city planning, urban development strategy, urban transportation policy and planning, future transportation technology and strategy, planning and design of public transport and slow-moving system, street and public space design, and big data and quantitative urban areas. He has served as the expert consultant in State Council's Consultant Office, the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank Sustainable Transportation and Low Carbon Urbanization. His work focuses on planning, operation and management of multi-mode urban transport system, land utilization and traffic model, design of street and public space and road safety, technology and policy research of new traffic modes, traffic carbon emission and health model, and policy and technology of electric traffic system.





    随着我国新型城镇化的不断深入,很多城市面临着如何应对城市更新的挑战。而街道,被公认为将在城市更新阶段发挥举足轻重的作用。完整街道概念的提出,就希望阐述一个观点,即街道改造更新并非仅是景观设计这么简单,它还涉及不同效率下的交通方式配置,街道功能用途的再生,以及利用街道推动城市社会、经济的再发展。就让我们一同回顾全球城市街道的发展史,来探索未来中国实施Street For All的路径。

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    goodone旧物仓×中古厨房创办人  复古生活美学倡导者及实践者


    Yang Hanjing

    Founder of goodon old warehouse* middle ancient kitchen    Advocates and Practitioners of Retro-life Aesthetics

    He is a continuous entrepreneurs who loves Xiamen and cultivates there for a long time. Yang initiated and founded a series of life aesthetics entity projects with innovative influence, such as goodone old warehouse, middle ancient kitchen, time garden and so on, involving nearly 20 kinds of business forms. He insists on using creativity as a driving tool for business innovation and life aesthetics innovation, thus becoming a craze to open ideal life shops, dreamer and destroyer in China. In 2016, with its own experience and resources, he integrated the aesthetic format fostered in the past ten years and promoted the new generation of G1 Life Aesthetics Experimental Workshop, realized the virtuous ecological cycle of life aesthetics in nearly 3000 square meters of space, from space experience to product incubation, then business innovation, then aesthetic classroom, finally the convergence of new media communities. And established the goodon complex aesthetic space in Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places, thus becoming the primary force of life aesthetics benchmark! In the same year, he was nominated for Fast Company's annual list of 100 most creative business people in China. Yang commits to the exploration of the balance between ideal and business in the long term, and created a domestic trend of life of retro aesthetics.






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    Song Zhuangzhuang. 

    She is a designer, the co-founder of DiDuHui. Graduated from Harvard University and Tsinghua University, he worked in the field of architectural design and heritage conservation. Today, Song Zhuangzhuang and his team create illustrations, drawings, maps and distinctive independent research covering all aspects of the city. In the hope of exploring and explaining the city through information design, so that more people can learn and understand the place where they live.







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    ​Abraham Buenrostro Valadez

    建筑师\Mecate Studio创始合伙人

    Abraham Buenrostro Valadez 1989年生于墨西哥城。以优异成绩毕业于墨西哥UNAM建筑学院。他在意大利都灵政治学院学习可持续建筑和建筑修复。他曾以专业人士的身份与墨西哥、意大利和哥伦比亚的民间协会合作,重点关注传统建筑系统的使用。2013年与他人一起创建了Mecate工作室,建筑与整体设计办公室。

    Abraham Buenrostro Valadez

    Architect & Founding partner of Mecate Studio

    braham Buenrostro Valadez was born in Mexico City in 1989. Graduated with honors from the School of Architecture, UNAM, Mexico. He has studies in sustainable architecture and building restoration in Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

    As a professional he has worked with civil associations from Mexico, Italy and Colombia focused on the use of traditional construction systems. In 2013 Co-founded Mecate Studio, office of architecture and integral design. During his management as project manager, different awards have been obtained with Mecate Studio, including people´s choise award 2017, Inedito Design Week Mexico; first prize interior design, Hotel Design DF 2016 and the honorable mention of the Urban Crash 2013 Trimo, Slovenia.





    城市是一个每时每刻都在成长的活物,人类活动也一并发展。 然而城市中总是有从未被触碰,从未被使用的角落。这些不发达的地方被遗忘,甚至被忽略。使得人口密度高的地区出现巨大的空隙,形成居民心中的空虚。我们生活在毫无关联的场所勉强拼凑出的斑驳的城市中。我们的脑海中似乎只能找到个别活动的场所的记忆,但是在这些场所之间记忆又出现空白。作为设计师,我们的微型项目将把城市生活中的空白填满、联系起来,从而恢复我们对城市的感知,巩固心中的记忆。   




    - 文化的

    - 学术的

    - 商业的

    - 机构的





    751 Design Festival is one of the most important projects of Beijing International Design Week, it aims to provide a platform for exhibition, exchange and exchange of creative design subjects at home and abroad, and create a grand international, high level, professional and innovative design event.            

    Since 2011, 751 Design Festival has been held for eight consecutive sessions. Over 50 countries and regions, more than 150 first-line brands, design institutions, colleges and universities and hundreds of designers have participated in the design fesitival. All of them devote themselves in using the design to change our lives.

    MEXICO CAPITAL DESIGN is a cultural platform to showcase and promote Mexican design throughout four main areas:

    - Cultural

    - Academic

    - Commercial

    - Institutional

    It promotes new audiences through the creation, production, and dissemination of design translated into products (tangible or intangible) and services.

    It spreads out the scene of contemporary design in Mexico trying to establish strategic collaborations in the medium and long term.



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