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How To Hack Your Path To Achieve Whatever You Want
“When you change what you believe
is possible, you change
what becomes possible.”
If you could meet anyone influential who would it be?
If you could meet anyone successful, what would you ask them?
Defined as “the achievement of something that you planned to do or attempted to do” SUCCESS is a word you hear and become familiar with from a young age, but what defines authentic success? And, what are the secrets to achieving business and life success in today’s competitive environment?
将“你计划做或想要做的事情的成就”定义为成功是你从小就听到并熟悉的一个词,但是什么定义了真正的成功? 而且,在当今竞争激烈的环境中实现商业和生活成功的秘诀是什么?
Startup Grind Beijing is excited to host the only nationally bestselling business author under 30 in the United States Alex Banayan, author of The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World’s Most Successful People Launched Their Careers.
北京创业磨坊非常高兴能够邀请到美国全球最畅销的30岁以下商业作家Alex Banayan,他是“第三道门:探索世界上最成功人士如何开展职业生涯的狂野探索”一书的作者。
Named by Apple as the voice of entrepreneurship, Banayan is a college dropout, business author and one of the youngest VC’s ever. At the age of 18, Alex set off on a wild quest to uncover how the world’s most successful people launched their careers, achieved success and accomplished their dreams.
Banayan是一名大学辍学者,商业作家,也是有史以来最年轻的VC之一, 被Apple称为创业之声。 在18岁时,亚历克斯开始疯狂地探索世界上最成功的人如何开展他们的事业,取得成功并实现他们的梦想。
Over the course of his unprecedented seven-year journey, Banayan hosted one-on-one interviews with the most innovative leaders of the past half-century including Qi Lu (former COO of Baidu and current CEO of Y Combinator China), Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, and many more.
在他前所未有的七年历程中,Banayan与过去半个世纪最具创新精神的领导人进行了一对一的访谈,其中包括陆奇(百度前首席运营官和YC中国现任首席执行官),比尔·盖茨,马娅·安杰卢,斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,拉里·金,杰西卡·阿尔巴,皮普,Tim Ferriss。
Alex discovered that, while every successful leader was completely different on the outside, at their core they all approached business, life and success with the exact same mindset. On the journey to success, there are always three ways in, and they all took The Third Door.
亚历克斯发现,虽然每个成功的领导者在外部完全不同,但他们的核心都是以完全相同的心态接近商业,生活和成功。 在通向成功的道路上,总有三种方式,他们都走向了第三道门.
Join us on Friday, July 12th 6.30 PM at WeWork Joy City to learn more about The Third Door Framework as we discuss:
7月12日星期五下午6:30在WeWork Joy City加入我们,了解更多有关第三道门的信息,我们将讨论:
- Why truly successful people don’t wait their turn
- How to treat your failures as your greatest gifts
- How to pass from chasing to achieving a dream
- How to reach out to busy people
- Why mentors are important
- 为什么真正成功人士不等待机会?
- 如何将失败作为你最好的礼物?
- 如何从追梦到实现梦想?
- 如何联系忙碌的人?
- 为什么导师很重要?
18:30 Registration and Food & Beverages 签到、食物和饮料
19:00 Introduction Startup Grind 介绍创业磨坊
19:10 Personal Introduction by Alex Banayan
个人介绍:Alex Banayan
20:00 Q&A Session
20:30 Networking 社交
21:30 End of event 活动结束
Date: July 12th (Friday)
日期: 7月12日(星期五)
Time: 18:30 - 21:30
Venue: WeWork Joy City
101 Chao Yang Bei Lu Chaoyang Qu
Language: The event is held in English and live translation to Chinese will be provided. ( Make sure to bring your own earphones)
活动语言: 活动将以英语进行,并提供中文现场翻译。 (确保带上自己的耳机)
Press the QR-Code to get directions to the venue
Alex is the author of the national bestseller The Third Door, which chronicles his five-year quest to track down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Warren Buffett, Maya Angelou, Steven Spielberg, and dozens more of the world’s most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers.
Banayan has been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, Business Insider’s Most Powerful People Under 30, and been featured in major media including Fortune, Forbes, Businessweek, Billboard, Bloomberg TV, CNBC, Fox News, MSNBC, and CBS News.
An acclaimed keynote speaker, Banayan has presented the Third Door framework to business conferences and corporate leadership teams around the world, including Apple, Google, Nike, IBM, Snapchat, Salesforce, Disney, Harvard, and countless others.
亚历克斯是全国畅销书第三道门的作者,记录了他追踪比尔盖茨,嘎嘎小姐,沃伦巴菲特,玛雅安吉洛,斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格以及数十位世界上最成功人士的五年追求。 突破并开始了他们的职业生涯。
The Third Door takes readers on an unprecedented adventure—from hacking Warren Buffett’s shareholders meeting to chasing Larry King through a grocery store to celebrating in a nightclub with Lady Gaga—as Alex Banayan travels from icon to icon, decoding their success.
After remarkable one-on-one interviews with Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, Quincy Jones, and many more, Alex discovered the one key they have in common: they all took the Third Door.
第三道门让读者进行了前所未有的冒险 - 从黑客沃伦巴菲特的股东大会到追逐拉里金通过一家杂货店到嘎嘎小姐的夜总会庆祝 - 亚历克斯巴纳扬从图标到图标旅行,解码他们的成功。
经过与比尔盖茨,玛雅安吉洛,史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克,珍古道尔,拉里金,杰西卡阿尔巴,比特犬,蒂姆费里斯,昆西琼斯等人的一对一采访,亚历克斯发现了他们共同的一把钥匙:他们 所有人都走上了第三道门.
About the Host
Andrés Rodríguez
Andrés is Startup Grind Beijing's Co-Director. In his daily job, he handles the marketing and sales strategies for Bespoke Travel Co., a Beijing-based boutique travel company curating creative, customized tours and events in China for individual travelers and corporates alike.
Andrés is passionate about entrepreneurship, traveling to develop cultural understanding, and the startup ecosystems in China and Latin America, which is also what brought him to Startup Grind.
Andrés has spent nearly 7 years in Beijing and lived in 4 different continents during the last decade. Andrés is also a full-time dad of a 3rd culture kid, and a big fan of triathlon.
安德烈是创业磨坊北京分部的联合负责人。 在他的日常工作中,他负责Bespoke Travel Co.的营销和销售策略,Bespoke Travel Co.是一家位于北京的精品旅游公司,为个人旅行者和企业提供在中国的创意,定制旅游和活动策划。
安德烈在北京度过了近7年,并在过去十年中生活在四大洲。 安德烈是一名全职父亲,也是铁人三项的忠实粉丝。
About Startup Grind
Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 1,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 400 cities in 120 countries. We nurture startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.
创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球120个国家、超过400个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。
The cornerstone of our community are the monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2010, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and hires, pursue funding, and reach new users.
每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。
We are very proud to receive global support from Google For Startups. We are also very thankful to all our local media partners, venue sponsors, F&B partners to support us in organizing our events. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us!
对于来自Google for Entrepreneurs的全球性支持我们感到很自豪和骄傲,我们也很感谢我们所有在本土的媒体合作伙伴、场地支持伙伴、食品饮品支持伙伴对我们一直以来的支持和帮助。如果你对成为我们的支持伙伴有兴趣,请联系我们!
Our Team
Our events are powered by a team of volunteers, each with a day job, and with the passion to create a stronger entrepreneurship community in Beijing. Please don't hesitate to reach out to anyone if you have any questions!
Our Media Partner
Startup Digest provides an email newsletter featuring the top tech and startup events in your area. All events are handpicked by a local member of the startup community. Startup Digest is available in more than 300 cities around the world. We also offer weekly reading lists based on topics of interest.
We promise that every newsletter you receive from us will be useful and actionable. We hope that you will use it to get more involved in your local startup community, meet new people, and improve your skills.
Our Sponsor
Ponte, and Annie's Italian Restaurant are professional chain specialized in Italian food with 8 branches in Beijing. It provides a swift, free delivery, Deli areas with imported charcuterie and cheese, and a quality catering service. In 2018, the Company created the new brand Ponte: vintage atmosphere and a higher take on Italian food focused on tradition.
Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。