
探寻Laihui咖啡工厂 | Urbanites 咖啡文化之旅

Sat, 20 Jan 2024 15:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 20 Jan 2024 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    大家好,Urbanites 现邀请大家一同参与我们精彩的咖啡文化体验活动!这次,我们的目的地是Laihui咖啡工厂,一个充满咖啡香气和趣味的地方。准备好和我们一起踏上这趟充满惊喜的咖啡冒险吧!

    Hello everyone, Urbanites is inviting you to join our exciting coffee  culture experience! This time, our destination is Laihui Coffee Factory,  a place filled with the aroma and charm of coffee. Get ready to embark  on this delightful coffee adventure with us!   

    活动亮点 Activity Highlights




    We will have the opportunity to tour the coffee factory, gaining  insights into the production process and uniqueness of coffee beans.  Discover the magic of coffee from different perspectives as we immerse  ourselves in the rich aroma of coffee!


    Through fun games, we will learn about different roasting levels of  coffee beans, challenge our knowledge of coffee bean roasting, and  acquire some coffee-related knowledge on this journey!

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    Don't forget our engaging Coffee Machine Building Blocks DIY activity!  Build a small coffee machine with your hands and enjoy the fun of DIY!


    We will be fully immersed in an English-speaking environment,  interacting with fellow participants from diverse cultural backgrounds!


    To make this afternoon even more perfect, we have prepared delicious  drinks and exquisite desserts to bring you a taste sensation!


    Join us and explore the wonderful world of coffee! Let's create unforgettable  moments together in this magical afternoon!

    About《Urban Family》和 Urbanites


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    《Urban Family》是一家双语家庭媒体品牌,由HK Focus Media于2010年推出,服务外籍和本地家庭,为其提供中国城市生活中多元文化资讯。“Urbanites”是《Urban Family》推出的多元文化体验营品牌,致力于促进跨文化交流,旨在提供超越国界的沉浸式体验。

    *Urban Family* is a bilingual family media brand launched by HK Focus Media in 2010, serving expatriate and local families by providing multicultural information about urban life in China. "Urbanites" is a multicultural experience camp brand introduced by *Urban Family*, dedicated to promoting cross-cultural communication and offering immersive experiences beyond borders.


    By simulating various daily life scenarios, participants will use authentic English expressions in everyday situations, enhancing their practical English communication skills. Additionally, "Urbanites" will offer more professional experience activities, immersing members in specific professional settings such as hospitals, newsrooms, and courtrooms to experience a variety of English language contexts.

    About Laihui Coffee

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    In 2015, the international coffee trade reached a massive scale, and specialty coffee embarked on a new wave of development. With the idea of integrating specialty coffee into daily life, the founding team started their journey with a small 60-square-meter shop on Tianhe Nan Yi Road in Guangzhou.


    To date, Laihui has expanded to include more than 12 offline stores in  Guangzhou and 3 in Dehong, Yunnan. Laihui's innovative scenes have  always been a topic of discussion. Based on customer surveys and  environmental assessments, they have explored and expanded a diversified  ecosystem with distinctive features. From 15 "one-store-one-style"  coffee shops and a roasting factory to an innovative cuisine restaurant  in the Zhongcun Park, Laihui is constantly enhancing its self-built  coffee ecosystem.

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    The core competitiveness of Laihui lies in its products, and it has been  benchmarking against top international brands. Through long-term  cooperation with Nordic green bean suppliers and roasting consultants,  Laihui selects high-quality Arabica coffee beans from classic regions  such as Africa and Central America, aiming to present the original  flavor of each bean.


    With a world-class boutique coffee bean roasting factory in Panyu,  Guangzhou, and the establishment of a self-owned coffee fresh fruit  processing plant in Dehong, Yunnan in 2023, Laihui is committed to  delivering more stable and higher-quality coffee beans. With the support  of professional customized value-added services, they continue to  strengthen their business in the B-end channel.

    导师信息 Tutor Information



    Henry, Editorial Consultant at "That's" Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in international media group operations, he has successfully led project teams in operating more than thirty media projects or new media brands. Additionally, he has established a cross-cultural public relations business brand within the group. Henry has successfully initiated nearly ten business digital media projects, including the "That's" series of overseas and domestic social media accounts, apps, and other integrated media projects. Proficient in overall project planning and execution, he excels in innovation and adeptly leverages resources from various fields such as foreign affairs, cross-cultural matters, publishing, and media.  

    活动流程 rundown

    15:00-15:30 签到环节






    PM3:00-PM3:30 Check-in Session 

    PM3:30-PM4:00 Family Self-Introduction, Enjoy Afternoon Tea 

    PM4:00-PM4:30 Coffee Culture Sharing, Coffee-themed Games 

    PM4:30-PM5:00 Coffee Bean Identification Challenge with Prizes 

    PM5:00-PM5:30 Visit to the Coffee Factory 

    PM5:30-PM6:00 Group Photo and Commemoration

    活动信息 Event Details





    Location: Laihui Kitchen

    Address: No. 6, Street 4, Panyu District, Guangzhou

    Date and Time: PM3:00-PM6:00,January 20th

    Number of Families: Recruiting 5-10 families


    188元(一组家庭, 一大一小,包含下午茶、咖啡机DIY材料等)



    ¥188 (1 Adult and 1 kid,Includes afternoon tea, coffee machine DIY materials, etc.)

    For extra one adult/child: ¥88

    联系方式:Sharon 13120200728(同微信)



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    Urbanites 是聚焦中国、外国、多元文化背景家庭,为家庭提供交流、研学、互动式的平台。 “Urbanite” 将打造沉浸式的英文交流环境,通过文化体验活动、讲座和互动交流等形式,让参与的家庭成员在轻松愉悦的氛围中使用英文沟通,营造一个全英文交流语境,激发孩子对英文使用和学习的兴趣。通过参与实际场景中的英文交流,成员将更自信地运用英语进行日常交流,甚至应用于工作、商务社交的场合。 “Urbanite”将开放更多职业体验活动,将成员引入医院、新闻编辑室、法庭等具体的职业场景中,学习并应用相关的专业术语,提升他们在特定领域的专业语言能力。“Urbanite”也会为有需求的家庭开放“商务场景”体验,通过实际场景,学员将学到国际商务社交礼仪,培养他们在商务社交中的自信和得体行为。

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