
Space Disco (太空迪厅)圣诞夜

2019年12月24日 21:00 ~ 2019年12月24日 23:30


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    Space Disco  太空迪厅圣诞夜

       日期 DATE   

    December 24 Tuesday

    2019年11月2日 周

       地点 VENUE   

    DADA, 115 Xingfu Lu, Shanghai 


       门票 TICKET   

    免费入场| Free Entry 

    DJs:  Blueman  / Mien命 / Cai 彩 / YiHung aka dj @pple

    12月24日 Space Disco (太空迪厅)将在dada 欢度耶诞夜,我们将以更多不同类型创建音乐维度, 从Future House Funk Disco Synth-wave Tech-House 以及精选独家私酿的圣诞舞曲, 喜欢音乐喜欢跳舞的你绝对不要错过由dj Cai彩 / Mien命 /Blueman蓝 / YiHung aka dj @pple紘 特别调制的圣诞氛围!Merry X'mas。

    Renaissance 文艺复兴派对品牌是来自宝岛台湾的亚洲DJ界中的好手 Blueman及YiHung aka dj @pple,联袂为舞池织就一场前卫复古的浪漫梦境。将那些埋藏进灵魂深处的旋律,通过高超的DJ技巧,轻拢慢捻中勾起身体上的记忆。作为长期深耕电音舞曲文化的重要推手同时身兼品牌主理人、独立音乐经纪人、派对组织者、电音文化推手与dj,两人早期深受 Tresor、Global Underground、Bedrock、Defected、Motow等音乐厂牌的影响以及对于经典英国老牌唱片厂牌致敬而成立的Renaissance (文艺复兴)派对厂牌,于2019年推出Space Disco主题派对,他们深厚的音乐经验将融和放克灵魂乐、新派迪士高、独立电子、摩登浩室、蒸气波、科技舞曲及现代电音等……重新构建对于电子乐的认知,塑造弥漫著前卫复古的氛围,带你穿越电音的前世今生,又怎么能错过呢?



    Cai来自台湾移居上海的 Cai(彩)是敏锐而细腻的派对现场渲染高手,擅長用紧扣人心的 French House / Deep House / Chillout & Hiphop Trap...将迷离的氛圍笼罩现场,进而将輕鬆动感的旋律挑起舞客飞扬的情绪,宛如在如梦似幻的流转星河,肆意变换,任其失重,无论任何派对场上她就是那最闪耀的星。      



    曾任台北电子核乐团担任Vocal 在乐团进入休团后,转型为 DJ/ Synthesizer/ Producer,随即开始以个人名义Mien命d 积极创作与发表个人作品,身为从创作乐团形态转型的Producer/DJ, Mien命dj 喜欢大胆尝试各种新式曲风以及融合式曲风,并且常在DJ SET中加入自己的创作元素让演出表现更多丰富的个人风格。

    YiHung aka dj @pple

    Yi Hung aka djapple.jpg

    出生于台湾台北城的易紘 YiHung,大家都称呼它的小名为 dj @pple,从小就对音乐有著无比的热情与创意,于”97年初露头角于台北最国际的Discotheque @live Taipei即获当时众百大dj如 Carl Cox / Josh Wink / Laurent Garnier /Jeff Mills / Derrick May / Sven Väth etc…同台演出献艺。

    演出以来都是台湾的高人气dj之一,00年后更把足迹遍布亚洲各重要城市 东京 曼谷 北京 广州 香港 上海,当时也是众多来台演出的国际dj同台竞技演出最佳 dj之一。

    YiHung 的音乐是多变的, 而且有它独特个性化的品味,以House Techno为主调,以acid afro deep funky classic & Electronic Style 都是他拿手的类型。


    2014后希望让更多人了解认识华人dj,现更名为 YiHung aka dj @pple

    请收听他荔枝电台 FM1496332 


    1994年崛起于台北的DJ Blueman,2000年开始举办各类型派对,并且累积了10年以上国际艺人booking及音乐节策划、宣传、舞台总监等经验,目前任职于滚石唱片旗下电音厂牌 ⟪ROKON滚石电音⟫中国区艺人统筹,于此同时也担任内地几家酒吧、餐厅的音乐顾问。

    发行过3张混音专辑的Blueman精通于混音技巧,不论是Nu Disco, House, Tech house, Progressive, Trance等音乐类型,都能勾引每个人的灵魂。曾在上海Le Baron, Vue Bar, Arkham, Celia, The Cut Rooftop, Club 3 1/3, URVC等DJ或举办派对,近期更与好友YiHung aka DJ @pple创立了对英国经典唱片厂牌Renaissance文艺复兴致敬的同名派对品牌以及Space Disco派对品牌,在江浙沪地区掀起热潮。Blueman也经常被时尚品牌邀请合作,如Diesel, Gucci, MAC, Estee Lauder, DKNY, Marc Jacobs, Audi, Dunhill, Johnnie Walker…等。

    TICKET: Free Enter

    EVENT: Space Disco X'mas

    DATE: Tuesday,  24th Dec .2019

    VENUE: DADA, 115 Xingfu Lu, Shanghai

    DJs:  Cai 彩 / Blueman / Mien命 / YiHung aka dj @pple

    On December 24th, Space Disco will celebrate Christmas Eve in dada. We will create musical dimensions in more different genres, from Future House Funk Disco Synth-wave Tech-House and select exclusive private brewed Christmas Dance music, love music and dance, you must not miss the Christmas atmosphere specially modulated by dj Cai 彩 / Mien 命 / Blueman 蓝 / YiHung aka dj @pple 纮! Merry X'mas

    Space Disco by Renaissance is a modern and retro night with funk, soul, nu disco, synth pop, classic hits sounds by Blueman and YiHung aka DJ @pple and already been to cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Wuhan, Taipei…etc.

    Influenced by labels such as Tresor, Global Underground, Bedrock, Defected, Motown…etc, they established “Renaissance”, a tribute to the England legend label in 2018, and they are also label manager, agent, promoter in electronic music scene for decades.


    She come from Taiwan and now live in Shanghai, She is a keen and delicate party rendering expert, good to play the  French House / Deep House / Chillout & Hiphop Trap...


    After the entry of Vocal in the orchestra, the Taipei electronic nuclear Orchestra transformed into DJ/Synthesizer/Producer, and then began to create and publish personal works in the name of the individual [MIEN]. As a Producer/DJ MIEN from the form of the orchestra, the Producer/DJ, MIEN likes to try all kinds of new style wind and fusion style, and often in DJ SET. Add their own creative elements to make the performance more rich personal style.

    YiHung aka dj @pple

    With 20 years of experience and still counting, DJ @pple continues to fervently dedicate his life and his music to the entire global community. Originally from Taiwan, DJ @pple is very well known for his superior ability at remixing and revving up the crowd. 

    DJ @pple also has much experience performing with other world renowned DJ’s such as Carl Cox, Wink Adam Freeland and many more. British Techno master, Carl Cox praised DJ @pple as being the most skilled DJ in Asia. 

    DJ @pple is a zealous supporter of outdoor parties, as well. Throughout the entirety of Taiwan, he has left a considerable mark>. 


    Meanwhile, he is also a DJ with 3 of his own mixed compilations, along more than 20 years of performing and hosting electronic music festival/party experiences, he has made great strides with the electronic music culture. Whether is it Nu Disco, House, Tech House, he can always seem to find a way to connect with peoples soul. Blueman DJ or hosted parties at the venues such as Le Baron, Vue Bar, Celia, The Cut Rooftop, Club 3 1/3, URVC in Shanghai, recently he established his own Renaissance party label with another DJ friend YiHung aka @pple and hosted parties in Shanghai, Ningbo & Suzhou. He is also a frequent guest DJ with named brands such as Diesel, Gucci, MAC, Estee Lauder, DKNY, Marc Jacobs, Audi, Dunhill, Johnnie Walker…etc.

    ------DADA SHANGHAI-------

    [DADA BAR] 上海独立文化、地下音乐活动场地。

    每周一休息, 21点开门, 22点后DJ上台。 

    地址: 上海长宁区幸福路115号 (近法华镇路)



    Instagram: dadashanghai




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    Dada Shanghai

    Dada Shanghai

    上海最著名的地下电子音乐酒吧之一,办过很多国际与国内DJ活动,以独立文化 / 电子音乐 / DJ派对为特色的前卫小酒吧,如果你想要了解这个城市的 clubbing 文化,那么你一定会爱上Dada!



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