
Ladies Who Tech Founders Series June 19 at WeWork Taohuixintian

2019年6月19日 18:30 ~ 2019年6月19日 21:00






    在中国,要实现可持续发展的企业需要什么?是产品质量卓越,还是仅仅是高质量的销售?一旦你最可行的产品被测试,它现在准备好去你的目标市场赚钱了吗?根据CB Insights的创始人研究,初创企业失败的首要原因是缺乏对其产品的市场需求。

    What does it take to deliver a sustainable business in China - is it all about great product quality or just great quality sales? Once your most viable product has been tested, is it ready to make a profit? According to CB Insights’ Founders research, the number-one reason for Startups failing, is the lack of a market need for their product.

    下周三一起加入Ladies Who Tech在WeWork王府井的创始人系列活动并一起来讨论这些疑问。

    Join us on Wednesday June 19 at WeWork Wangfujing, to discuss the answers to these questions.



    From manual design thinking approaches to automated machine learning QA testing in manufacturing, the way we view product quality is changing now more than ever. Client expectations are much higher today because of exposure to technolgy and information - so having a limited product development budget is not enough reason to comprimise your customer’s experience and consumer satisfaction.

    根据Aquire IO首席执行官Laduram Vishnoi的说法,在投资产品和销售策略之间做出选择不应该是一个选项问题。暗示这两个问题的答案都是必要的——有意建立产品驱动型公司,并将重点放在为客户创造价值上。

    According to Aquire IO’s CEO Laduram Vishnoi, choosing between investing in your product or your sales strategy should not be an option issue. Hinting that the answer is both are needed - Intentionally product-driven companies are being built and focus on value for the customer. 


    准备好加入我们下一个Ladies Who Tech 北京创始人系列活动关于产品质量业务影响的对话。这一活动将创建一个独家的技术中心,女性技术创始人、技术自由职业者、潜在的联合创始人、人才和潜在客户之间的联系可以以一种有意义的方式相互融合,以实现共同的技术业务目标,如提高产品质量。
    Get ready to join the product quality business impact conversation in our next Beijing Ladies Who Tech Founders Series. This event will create an exclusive tech-hub where connections between female tech founders, tech-freelancers, potential co-founders, talent and potential clients can cross-pollinate in a meaningful way to achieve shared tech business objectives like improving product quality.



    杨苗   星空财经创始人兼CEO

    Jenny Yang   Founder and CEO, BlockGlobe


    曾就职于中央电视台新闻中心,参与直播和报道了中国两会、APEC峰会、G20峰会等国际国内大型活动。后就职于腾讯财经、搜狐财经,参与报道了2016年博鳌亚洲论坛、2016年天津夏季达沃斯论坛等大型会议,采访对象包括诺贝尔经济学奖得主、法国前总理拉法兰(Jean-Pierre Raffarin)、李维斯(Levi Strauss Co.)全球总裁及首席执行官Chip Bergh等重磅外国嘉宾。


    Ms.Yang's career in journalism started in China's state media CCTV as an editor and assistant producer, then transitioned to a business-focused reporter in two leading digital media in China---Tencent Finance and Sohu Finance.In the past few years, Ms.Yang has covered a range of domestic/international events such as China's annual NPC & CPPCC, APEC, G20 Summit, Boao Forum for Asia, the Summer Davos in Tianjin, etc., and have interviewed plenty of honorable guests such as Noble Prize winner Edmund Phelps, former French Prenier Jean-Pierre Raffarin, etc. 

    Ms.Yang has advised many companies on digital transformation and has offered overseas marketing&PR strategy services to a couple of companies as well. Before starting BlockGlobe, she was the Editor-in-Chief and Founding Partner of Sanyan Blockchain, a leading Chinese digital media and information services company. Currently, Ms.Yang is also the partner of a leading Chinese video production & video strategy company--Guigu(鬼谷影视).


    杜彩林 Du Cailin


    Head of Beijing Changyou Underwater Science and Technology Co., Ltd


    Du Cailin, Head of Beijing Changyou Underwater Science and Technology Co., Ltd., has a master's degree in economics, Since 2016, he has devoted himself to the design, construction and product promotion of Sino-Russian sightseeing submarine, and devoted himself to the construction of the whole industry chain of the underwater travel agency. He is a member of the All-China Association of Young Entrepreneurs, a member of the High Seas Federation and a member of the China People's Political Consultative Conference of Shunyi District.


    Meet the mentors

    李幸呈 Adam Li

    3F Learning 工作室创始人

    Founder of 3F Learning


    作为12位演讲嘉宾中唯一的中国人,受美国布朗大学Liza Cariaga-Lo教授邀请,于2019年1月赴美国加州参加Cultivating Talent and Innovating Solutions to the Future of Work 国际会议,发表主题为“Facilitate Learning with Fun for the Future”的全英文演讲,分享内容包括原创的文化融合类课程“中国古代建筑与编程”、学科融合类课程“营养金字塔与编程”

    Adam has developed a curriculum system for kids’ coding through playing with his daughter since she started Chinese kindergarten experience 4 years ago. The curriculum has such unique modules as ‘Picture Book Reading and Coding’, ‘Physical Games and Coding’ and ‘Daily Living and Coding’.
    Adam was invited by Liza Cariaga-Lo, a Brown University Professor, to deliver a speech about his best practice of Facilitate Learning with Fun for the Future in California January, 2019. Sample cases of Chinese Ancient Architecture and Coding and Nutrition Pyramid and Coding were included. He was the only Chinese among all the 12 speakers in this international conference of Cultivating Talent and Innovating Solutions to the Future of Work.

    Olasyuk Alena

    艺术家,CHI项目创始人& anySCALE 市场经理

    Artist, Founder of CHI Project & marketing manager of anyScale

    Olasyuk Alena,艺术家,Chi项目创始人和anySCALE营销经理. 她从事艺术行业6年并在此期间她分别在中国、乌克兰各地展出并在巴西的中国当代艺术展览上参加了2017年库里提巴双年展“振动”展览。CHI项目不仅仅展示是她的艺术才华和营并也完美的结合了她目前市场经理的工作。


    Olasyuk Alena, Artists, founder of CHI project, and marketing manager at anySCALE. 
 She've been practicing art for the 6 years, and during that time she exhibited around China, Ukraine and attended Curitiba biennale ’ 2017 «Vibration» Exhibition of Chinese contemporary art in Brazil. CHI project is a combination of her art practice and her work as marketing manager.

    As CHI combines questions about the new development of the art market, marketing, and artistic expression in relationship with various of brands and companies. 
 Alena believes that Art can open up more opportunities for artists and a new path for companies development.


    Startup Pitch


    有关Africave的更多信息,请访问:www.africave.org . 目前创始人希望找到一位女性科技联合创始人一起通过提供就业机会来把中非更紧密的连接起来。

    Africave is a unique program that provides young Africans with access to mentorship and technical training, and upon completion connects these talented individuals with organisations in China for jobs and other career-enriching opportunities. Africave hopes to develop an online platform to facilitate these connections between African talent and Chinese organisations.

    Find out more information about Africave here: www.africave.org. The founder is currently looking for a female tech cofounder to join the startup and build the platform together.




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