
The Dark Side of Startups: Co-founder conflicts 创业的黑暗面

2014年11月28日 6:30 ~ 2014年11月28日 21:00




    哈佛商学院的教授Noam Wasserman在其书《创始人困境》中,通过研究近1万个创始人发现65%非常具有潜力的创业公司失败于创始人之间的冲突。 洛杉矶投资人Mark Suster说“事实就是联合创始人之间花了太多时间在争吵中,但是还没有人坦白说过这点” 

    65% of high-potential startups fail as a result of conflict among co-founders, according to Noam Wasserman, a professor at Harvard Business School who studied 10,000 founders for his book "The Founder's Dilemma.” "The fact of the matter is that co-founders spend most of their time fighting," says Los Angeles venture capitalist Mark Suster. "But no one talks about it." 

    当你把两个或两个以上雄心勃勃来自不同背景的人聚在一起, 并且让他们在非常少的薪水和失败如影随形的压力下近距离生活和工作——冲突是一定会发生的。最常见的冲突类型是什么?如何避免? 俗话说“有备无患”, Chris Terry,来自美国高锐律所的合伙人;Cherry Zheng, 来自松源资本的创始人,可能是最有资格的人选,指导创业者和那些打算加入创业公司的人如何成功解决这些问题。 

    When you throw together two or more ambitious people from different backgrounds and have them live and work in close quarters under the pressure of having little money and the constant fear of their startup failing – conflicts are bound to happen. What are the most common types of conflicts and how can they be avoided? Forewarned is forearmed and Chris Terry, Partner at Gunderson Dettmer, Cherry Zheng , founding partner at Songyuan Capital, are probably one of the most qualified person to arm entrepreneurs and those planning on joining a startup to successfully confront these problems.  

    The event organized by the American chamber of commerce and Tech Hive, participants are not only include entrepreneurs, there also will be many members of the American chamber of commerce. Means we can meet some key person from top fortune 500 companies, let's see what kind of answer to this question they will have 。 

    嘉宾介绍Guest speakers: 

    Chris Terry 美国高锐律所合伙人Partner at Gunderson Dettmer  
    Chris是一个拥有很高声誉的法律顾问,他的服务过的客户包含全球500强的公司和数以百计的创业企业、顶尖创投、私募基金。他行业经验丰富,从移动互联网、医疗、数字媒体和线上游戏到清洁能源、半导体技术和教育领域都有涉及。 同时,在中国多年的他,对于中国新兴的创业企业和投资基金都了解,对于出来联合创始人和潜在股东纠纷问题上,不仅有多实际案例的处理经验,同时也有很多个人的见解。 A trusted legal advisor to Fortune 500 companies, startups and top-tier venture funds on hundreds of venture capital and private equity investments, cross-border acquisitions and joint venture transactions. Industry experience ranging from mobile internet, medical devices, digital advertising and online gaming to clean-tech, semi-conductors, medical devices and education.  

    郑杏果(Cherry Zheng) 松源资本创始合伙人& 总裁 Founding partner/CEO,Songyuan Capital  
    With more than 10 years’ experience of Venture capital/Private Equity/Asset Management, Media and Internet, Mrs. Zheng worked as Vice President and chief observer of Zero2IPO Group, managing director of UCF Group and NCF Group, editor & reporter of China InfoWorld. Songyuan Capital (‘SY Capital’for short) is an angel investment institution focus on TMT and cultural creative enterprises, initiated by the passionate professionals in venture capital and financial sector in 2014. SY Capital is interested in companies with characteristics such as Intelligent Life, Cultural Creativity, Big Data and Consumption, the single investment amount is usually in the range of 0.5-10 million RMB, investment decision-making mechanism is simple and efficient. 

    Andy Mok , MC 主持人, founder of Red Pagoda Resources公司创始人 
    RPR公司为在华最具勇气和前瞻性的创业公司提供专业服务。RPR is a professional services firm that helps entrepreneurs go from idea to investment and beyond. 
    Prior to founding Red Pagoda Resources, he worked in private equity where he conducted operational and financial due diligence on acquisition candidates in health care, media and real estate for a prominent Hong Kong family. He also spent two years at the RAND Corp where he conducted research on the impact of technology on China's financial system and helped publish "The United States and a Rising China: Strategic and Military Implications". Andy holds an MBA from the Wharton School and an MA in China Studies from the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies where he was awarded the Loe Fellowship for Excellence in China Studies. He is also a CPA and has an undergraduate degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland.  

    请在这里注册,并且现场付费,Please register here and pay at the door.  
    美国商会会员Amcham Member(100元): 
    北京创业巢校友Tech Hive Alumni(100元):  
    活动提供酒水和餐饮 Drinks and Food Provided.  

    美国商会Amcham:Shi Yao yshi@amchamchina.org  
    北京创业巢Tech Hive : Vivian Lin vivian@rpresources.net   




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