10月18日新车间开放夜|18th Oct xinchejian open night
XinCheJian is a volunteer-run non-profit community. There's no boss. You can be one of us if you'd like to help us keep the space running. We have a space manager Freda to help us and our members. If you have any questions, talk to her! Her's phone number is :13817703471 . If you'd like to share your project on our Wednesday open house night, please send your Powerpoint to wednesday@xinchejian.com before Tuesday 19:00.
本周三晚开放夜 7:00 - 9:00,新车间开放夜,免费参加,无需预约!
This Wednesday Open Night from 19:00 to 21:00, free to attend, no need to sign up.
*郭昊乐:当气球遇上科技|Lee:when balloons meet tech
*黄曾新: 物理实验|Teacher Huang:Physical experiment
详情请联系新车间管理员:Freda: 13817703471 | Please contact xinchejian space manager freda:13817703471
More workshop details info please contact with space manager freda: 13817703471
Join us, we need you! 欢迎加入我们!
Direction to XinCheJian HackerSpace
If you would like to be part of XinCheJian !
About Us
新车间是以社区方式运行的非营利创客空间,2011年成立于上海。新车间的使命是支持、创建并推广物理计算、开源硬件和物联网。为了达成这个目标,新车间会积 极举办讲座、研讨、项目、初创推广、工坊、竞赛,同时新车间也会参与国际竞赛。 我们的长期目标是在中国各地传播创客空间的理念以及推广创客的文化;期待你的加入和支持。
请点击 http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Xinchejian_Membership - 新车间会员 获得更多信息。
XinCheJian is a community-run hackerspace located in the heart of Shanghai. Our mission is to support technology projects through talks, discussions, projects, and competitions. We are a non-profit community-based organization, and your support is appreciated!
Find out more about being a Xinchejian member - http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Xinchejian_Membership.