

2019年9月8日 9:00 ~ 2019年9月8日 21:00




    Nelida Karr Ensemble(赤道几内亚)

    9月8号 14:00-14:45   

    Nelida Karr出生于马拉博,被认为是赤道几内亚的当代音乐启蒙,并成为最有国际影响力的新一代赤道几内亚音乐家代言人。这位深情的歌手、词曲作者、制作人和多乐器演奏家以及众多奖项的获得者,凭借其无可否认的才华征服并丰富了世界音乐的舞台。秉持着音乐传统,同时遨游于世界音乐之间,Nelida的音乐灵感来源于她在非洲西班牙语国家赤道几内亚的成长经历,她将自己的音乐归类为结合了Bubi族群音乐和赤道几内亚节奏非洲融合。她曾获得2014非洲报道杂志中非Polyglot奖一等奖。同年,西班牙El Mundo杂志将其命名为赤道几内亚新声2016年,她被提名为非洲最有前途的女性艺术家Kora奖,同年获得赤道几内亚最佳全国女艺术家Jon Cham媒体奖。2018年成为WOMAX特邀嘉宾。 Neida Pix13.jpg

    Born and raised in the capital of Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, Nelida Karr is considered the "contemporary revelation of the Equatorial Guinean music" and has become the voice of the new generation of Equatorial Guinean musicians that creates a great cultural and international impact in the current music Equatorial Guinean. This soulful singer, songwriter, producer and multi- instrumentalist and winner of numerous awards, he has conquered and enriched the stage of world music with his undeniable talent and exciting eclectic musical tune between its traditional roots and world music. She has produced a unique sound which has mixed of the music of the Bubi ethnic group and Equatorial Guinean rhythms such as Katya, Kotto, bonko, mokom and antonobe, as well as jazz, blues, Spanish and Latin music. In 2016, he has been nominated as the most promising female artist in Africa of the Kora Awards, as well as the 2016 winner of the best national female artist in Equatorial Guinea Jon Cham Media Awards.



    The Huu Bac Quintet(加拿大/越南)

    9月8号 15:15-16:00   

    The  Huu Bac Quintet友北五重奏)成立于2013年,由乐队领队及作曲家郭友北、钢琴演奏家Guillaume Martineau、小提琴手Vanessa Marcoux低音提琴演奏家Jean-Félix Mailloux和鼓手Etienne Mason组成。乐队灵魂人物郭友北是越南最著名的独弦琴大师范德成的弟子,更是一位乐器全才,除了独弦琴还精通二胡、吉他和秘鲁竹箫。他们将越南和中国的传统音乐巧妙地结合于北美爵士乐中。乐队在美国、加拿大、韩国和中国巡演以来,获得众多奖项:“2014年魁北克演艺博览会奖”、“2015-16年魁北克新艺术家奖”、“Stingray新星奖2015”,在2016年多文化音乐大会(the Intercultural Music Conference 2016)上乐队还获得了“观众选择奖”, 且入围“2017年获得蒙特利尔国际爵士音乐节奖”。_26C9832.jpg

    The Huu Bac Quintet-Group photo 11

     Arrived in Quebec from Vietnam at the age of two, Huu Bac absorbs with great enthusiasm life in his new homeland. His musical journey starts in Montreal (McGill University) with a sound foundation in jazz guitar. In 2002, he discovers the beauty of the vietnamese monochord, the Dan Bau, under the guidance of master Pham Duc Thanh. He works on traditional repertoire all the while integrating western pieces. His curiosity for ancient string instruments leads him to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music where he learns the chinese fidlle, the Erhu. He has awarded many awards including Publics Choice Award at Vitrine des Musiques Locales Métissées de Montréal 2016, Stingray Rising Stars Award at the RIDEAU 2015 conference, Entrées en Scène Loto-Québec and the RIDEAU/ROSEQ Award, at the ROSEQ 2014 conference.

    Yossi Fine&Ben Aylon(以色列)

    98 16:30-17:15


    Yossi Fine是一贝斯大师,曾获格莱美奖提名,在全球范围内制作了超过40张专辑,其中20张是金片和白金片。他与众多世界闻名的音乐家合作过,包括 David BowieLou Reed等等。Ben Aylon被称为擅于打破边界的打击乐演奏家,以他的新非洲风格鼓点和多种风格绝妙混合技法而闻名。他们称自己的音乐来自蓝色沙漠(Blue Desert)”,意在创造如沙漠般包罗万象、不受制于边界的音乐。被誉为中东新音乐先锋的他们,将来自以色列和巴勒斯坦的Dabke音乐混以格纳瓦迷幻节拍,用不断循环的节奏和旋律制造出令人神魂颠倒的乐曲,让不民族的听众跨越音乐边界,一同起舞。2017-2018年间乐队在世界范围内的各大音乐节、音乐俱乐部举办了超过150场现场炸裂的演出。Yossi Fine & Ben Aylon PHOTO2 (Credit - Noam Chojnowsky).jpg

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    Yossi Fine, Bass master producer, is one of the most well-known musicians and producers in the world today. Having produced over 40 albums worldwide, he has been nominated for a Grammy Award, and have 20 gold and multi-platinum-selling albums to his name. Fine has produced, recorded, and played with David Bowie, Lou Reed, Gil Evans Orchestra, Vieux Farka Toure, and many more. He plays bass and a special guitar he built himself, and plays traditional songs and hits from the “Blue Desert”.

    Ben Aylon is defined as a border-breaking drummer and percussionist, best known for his unique ‘neo-African drumming’ style and cutting-edge hybrid drumming techniques. Inspired by deep Senegalese Wolof drumming, Aylon creates explosive, burning rhythms through the sound of an entire tribe of drummers, using African and modern drums. Aylon has recorded and played with Bombino, Doudou Ndiaye Rose, Awadi, Khaira Arby, and many more. From 2017 to 2018, the band performed abroad and in Israel, delivering more than 150 performances at festivals and clubs.


    9月8号 17:30-18:15

    GROOVE PAPA律动打击乐团是新生国际范儿的专业打击乐团队,成员是一群来自中国及世界各地、热爱节奏律动、并富有创造力的年轻鼓手,创建快乐节奏联盟是他们共同的音乐符号。乐团的表演以Batucada 巴西、拉丁、非洲等世界风格打击乐为主。热情奔放的鼓点,激情四射的表演以及赋予感召力的现场互动,使他们所到之处,都为观众带来了活力,并为都市注入了鲜活持久的能量。微信图片_20190801131532.png



    GROOVE PAPA the Rhythm Percussion Orchestra is a professional percussion team in the world. The team is composed of a group of young drummers from China and around the world, who love rhythm and creativity. Creating a happy rhythm alliance is their common musical symbol. The orchestra's performances are based on Batucada's world-class percussion in Brazil, Latin, and Africa. Their performance is appealing to the audience owing to the enthusiasm of the drums, the passionate performances and the on-the-spot interactions, which has brought the vitality to the audience and injected new and lasting energy into the city.




    • Kai


    • ???? 七













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